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Fishing 24/7

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Posts posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. That last pic looks awfully familiar :whistling::thumbsup_anim:

    Was this creature caught from the abyss?? I don't know man... is it even legal to catch :blink::rofl2:B) kidding :lol:


    Great report Kev B) Keep'em coming dude :thumbsup_anim:

    Next on the menu is walleye and rainbows B)



    didnt catch a walleye or a rainbow this year.


    can you please make salties for me... its the secret weapon of the gods and only a master like you have the perfect technique to make such a creation!

  2. Whats up Gouls And freaks,



    Been MAD fishing lately.... and came across some sweet fish, :blahblah1:





    Sly with a fatty!




    Got Snotgun? :rofl2:




    I love my jumbos . sometimes i eat them raw! :w00t:




    Talk about smile from ear to ear!




    Bye bye Baby@!






    Pure fat. i called the pike doctor he said that 90 % of all pike in this lake are overweight and should fallow a steddy diet of minnow and cabage! :rofl2:




    Cowboy with a pike that will feed the hole gang! :good:




    Is it a snake ? is it an eel ? is it a bowfish?




    Keep your eyes open for more QC updates!

  3. is cooks bay part of a river or lake.


    if river go shallow 4-5 ' of water hook a sweet :asshat: sucker over size the darn thing like WHAT!


    hook it quick strike style and every 15-20 minutes lift the bait 1 ' to stir the smell of the daed bait.


    if in a lake.


    find a drop or hump with weeds.


    go from shallow to 30 FOW again over size the minnow and move it around .


    run and gun the bay like a BAWSS! dont stay in the same erea for 99 houre.


    sometimes when you run and gun your drop the minnow right in there face and it will take you 2-3 minutes and youl have a BRUTE on your line!

  4. Ring a Ding DING! :ninja:



    Kevin: Hella?


    souzy Q : Kev you never bring me ice fihsing and i see all your pictures on facebook!!!!!!!!


    Kevin : well pack your warmest suite dry up your boots and stop get you liscence SISTA!!!!!!!!!!


    Souzy Q : AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    RING A DING DONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Kevin ; Its your nickel!


    Mike: DUDE i didnt ice fihs this year!


    kevin; Get you lazy :asshat: out of the bed and come join me!


    mike: DO IT!!!!




    Note: fishing with me is just a phone call away! :worthy::worthy:



    At the lake.



    We had a deal the first line that goes off is my sisters first fish on the ice EVER! :clapping:


    Naturaly it goes down after 15 minutes of setting up!







    She lands a Keeper!


    Man was she ever happy.


    As im getting the hook out of this snakes mouth. BOOM! fish on!




    Made for a sweet double header.


    The next great thing about this day was this FAT Small Mouth Bass!




    Legal in quebec so get off my :asshat:




    Bronze mouth statue!




    Mikes first bass on ice!


    Then as the storm rolled in i coudnt see pass my noze!


    all im hearing is DUDE the head dosent fit in the hole.


    i run toward my rod and reel set up.


    WELL..... mike is trying to horse a 10+ pike threw the hole . WHOAAAAAAA LADYYY!!!!!!!!!!!


    i stick my arm in the hole and pull the gator by his gil!





  5. LOL Kev!!! You can go to Dépanneur "Chez Ti-mine" on Jacques Cartier street along the Ottawa River :)




    i dont know that place iv never been there!


    jaque do you still have some spare wood tip ups in your basement i might need an extra 5 , if so how much??????

  6. THE SECRET IS FINALY OUT THERE! :worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy:



    i was wondering when you would share your SLATIES secret.


    but know that i know it.



    watch out HERE I COME!


    trout AFTER brute AFTER beast after BIGGUN after REDS after WHITIES after BROWNS after CROMERS! HAHAHA


    where do i buy the small minnows jaques ?



    News flash from Quebec Outaouais!


    These fish were all cought and released With proof!


    See this on this News Video!


    <object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bje2jL0iDLc?version=3&hl=fr_FR"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bje2jL0iDLc?version=3&hl=fr_FR"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bje2jL0iDLc?version=3&hl=fr_FR" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

  8. Sorry fella's


    No mesurement and no weight was done on this fish.


    a FAT female full of eggs and full of fish in the gut.


    this pike was all girth.


    iv caught HUNDREDS of pike in this lake . this one is the biggest iv seen,


    a strong estimat of 18 lbs! give or take 1 lbs.


    drilling 9 '' holes and she took the hole like a BAWSS!


    almost all smallies and pike i post here is from this lake.


    its a small deep pond. but with tons of bait fish 3 spring water from the mountains and TALL cabage on the bottom.


    its plain and simply PIKE HEAVEN!

  9. Usually a sign of a very healthy fish and fishery.


    The fish that have big heads, compared to body size, are often unhealthy, have gone through or are going through a rough season(s), or are from a fishery that does not have enough food for them.



    Your right on the money with this.



    while i wait for my rods to fire off. i jig these perch by the dozen with micro jigs to pass the time.






    And here is onther pike i landed today!








    Pure sing of HEALTH! :worthy::worthy::worthy:

  10. Fantastic fish and super picture of it, Kevin. That's quite the meal there.....gunna have to call up a few friends. :) Were you dead sticking?


    i dont know what dead sticking is . but it was caught on jaques tip-up (leechman)


    when i set the hook it was like a brick.


    then long runs and i have cut fingers to prove it.


    all on black 50 lbs test line OLD SCHOOL!

  11. Whats up O.F.C,


    Yeah its the QC guy again, Call me same old same.


    Same report With the Video NOW!



    <object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZqTDUL1TYw?version=3&hl=fr_FR"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZqTDUL1TYw?version=3&hl=fr_FR"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZqTDUL1TYw?version=3&hl=fr_FR" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

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