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Fishing 24/7

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Posts posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. Thanx for all the great comments guys! :thumbsup_anim:



    hard to believe but the pike my GF is holding is indeed 5.4 lbs on the digital scale! :Gonefishing:


    the first one im holding was 3.2.............................. so lets say 3 lbs! :whistling:


    this week end was great ,hope everybody went outside to catch some RAYZZZZZZ! :canadian:


    my buddies told me that the pike was AWESOME!


    and the bass had a couple of worms but they dont mind that they cook them and eat the added protein..... :blink:


    those pike look big cause we pull them outward arms extended .... and but the cam reel close to the fish !


    thanx again and till next time...

  2. Though id share this small report with you guys.


    We decided to hit a VERRRY small lake. were i knew there was pike and bass.


    the plan was to hit it in the A.M.


    good thing we did.......


    the day starts of with me hitting a fair 3 lbs pike.




    then one of my buddies tip-up goes down....... SLOWLY.... B.A.S.S! :thumbsup_anim:




    his first ever on ice! :Gonefishing:


    winds picking up and my girl-friend (stephanie) keeps complainning. :wallbash:


    but this time she was going to warm up.


    a tip-up goes down and its her turn to grab it. RUN!!! :canadian:


    she sets the hook like a pro and what seems to be a small bite ends up beeing a real nice fight!.....


    well let me tell you folks she fought this pike like a pro... it took 3-4 runs and she let the slack go . didnt horse it in NOTHING!


    BANG she lands it! :clapping:






    A serriouse 5.6 lbs pike ! her PB on the ice! :worthy:


    from this point the bite slows down .....


    a couple more bass action kept us busy tho.




    mike with his dinner.








    TWAS a nice day to be out with the ''WIFE'' and friends.


    all fish were kept for tonights FEAST!


    we cought some fish but the biggest thing we cought today was a........SUNBURN BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blush:


    hope you enjoi the report!















    P.S : xxx028.jpg


    How did a summer pictures get there! :dunno::angel:

  3. irishfield.


    here is an update of whats been going on.


    iv been talking to MIKE thru pm's


    and he seems like a very honest guy.


    what you will need to to is.


    go on the site.


    open an account on the FORUMS


    and go send him a pm about you probleme.


    im sure he will fix things up.


    if your quik enough. hes online as we speak! :thumbsup_anim:


    hope this will help you.

  4. hmmmmmmm



    didnt get billled yet.....

    i was having problemes ordering stuff with my visa.


    called them and found out that the info i gave on the order didnt match the info they had on there computer @ visa.


    maybe this is your probleme. maybe...


    i moved and didnt make the adress change this was why nothing ws getting ordered right.


    now the changed are made lets see what happens.


    if i cant get these pawls . ill just go to ( reel to reel ) here in the outaouais region.

  5. im about to order some parts form mike's reel repair .com


    i know a couple of guys had bad experiences with this.


    befor i do so. id like to have some feedback.


    any feed back from this site would be great.


    bad, good , time it took , whatever.







    i have recieved the parts 2 days ago.......


    perfect condition!


    great service.


    if you want any reel parts just contact mike on his site....


    his got a forum..........talk to him directly... thing will move faster! :thumbsup_anim:

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