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Fishing 24/7

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Posts posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. Great report and pics Kev :thumbsup_anim:


    WOW.... some nice looking bronze back and nice gators :thumbsup_anim: Congratulations :clapping:


    Sorry I could not join you guys today.... my aunt passed away christmas eve and today was the funeral :(

    I did manage to go to lac Leamy for an hour and half and try for something.... while jigging, caught two small perch on a swedish pimple B)


    The wind was so brutal this afternoon that 1 hour 1/2 was all I could take :w00t: By the time I got to the car, I could feel my hands anymore :wacko:


    Again good job you guys and thanks for sharing



    ...darn jaques .....my deepest sympathy for your aunt!......


    nice to see you still manedged to get out fishing!!!!


    dont loose that swedish pimple . your going to need it for those WHITIES!!!!


    lets hope the ice on that lake gets thicker.


    did oyu get new blades for you hand auger????

  2. Iv waitted ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL week and it finnaly happened!!!! :thumbsup_anim:


    My favorite pike lake was on the menu and we didnt waste any minutes .


    Rendez-Vous @ 9am. In monster pike Bay!

    paul (whitespinnerbait) mike and i set up our lines and it didnt take 10 minutes befor we landed this beautifull BRONZE BACK!




    NOTE: bass are legal in quebec on ice!


    I yell to mike ON YOUR LEFT the tip up right on his left went down and he didnt see it! :wallbash:


    2-3 minutes after fish comes back ... just a light bite but with a nice result! :thumbsup_anim:






    mike was getting all the action when sudenly pauls turn!(lets hope he's going to post his pictures)


    he caught 3- 4 pikes and half a dozen bass.!


    i was out jigging but the bite was slow on the jig... they wanted dead minnows!


    put the jigging rod down now its my turn!


    me and mike had shared 5 tip ups and paul had put up 4 and his jigging rod...


    so we had 10 tip-ups spreaded out.... Give the fish a chance you say? we only practive C&R anyways! :Gonefishing:


    only the ones that are hooked deep. we keep .


    TIP-UP goes down........................ RUN! slip BASH MY KNEE on some ice but i still landed the fish!


    the head shakes were light. BASS.... HOG!






    maneged some pike too! Iv never seen the fish this active in my ice fishing career! :worthy:






    Then its lunch time.......i seem to have a lunch curse! everytime i go to eat a sandwich and take a 5 minute brake.......FISH ON!!!

    But this time a double header!:w00t:


    In this picture mike is ''showing off'' the colors of the smallies!




    After a while the locals came to see what the action was all about!(Whitespinnerbaits friends)


    he had brought the whole gang with him so we decided that the next 3- 4 fish they could get into the action!


    WELL!!!!!!!!!!! this is where it gets GOOOOOOOOD!


    tip-up goes down. we tell the kids RUN! RUN ! RUN! they look at us like we are crazy! but one smart little girl ran!


    and she caught a fish that she never knew was in her OWN LAKE! The biggest pike of the day !! 10 LBS +




    TWAS a hell of a Great day to be out. SUNNY COLD WINDY! The best!!!!!



  3. love the pictures and the info troutguy!


    thanx for taking the time to report all your outtings and how you made out!


    now id like to talk techniques......


    How deep do you guys usualy fish?


    What works best for YOU?


    last year i was in 40 FOW.


    i hear some guys fish in 100 FOW! :ph34r:



    any feed back would be great!

  4. Well folks,,, I was the camerman I'm guessing 5lb Gator.. :dunno::dunno:

    His mistake was trying to horse it in.. :oops:



    befor saying i was ''horsing'' it in



    try catching your first fish on a jigging rod.


    only them i will listen to your advice.








    this was my first big fish. can you blame me ???


    i was jigging in 6 FOW


    no leader... the fish didnt cut the line


    @ the end of the video you cant see the part where my jig hits me right in the face! :ph34r:


    like you guys are saying i shoulda put my tip in the water when he was close.


    the reason why i lost him he hit his head on the side of the hole!

  5. hi Mike, just thought I'd let you know I had one of the Northam Fishing spinnerbaits and the red rubber material came off after the second pike I had on , then the blade came off. Lots of good spinnerbaits on the market (team daiwa,stanley).




    they upgraded there models



    switched the red rubber for a sturdy plastic!



    daiwa too $$$


    stanley never tried !


    oh yeah and if you have a model that had a red rubber and you lose it


    you can buy some a C-tire ... 25 for 1.99$


    just use a bic lighter to shrink it into place! :thumbsup_anim:


    ps: i dont work for northam.


    ps: northam #1

  6. Not going to happen. Until they shake things up at MLSE, they will never win. To many retards that know nothing about hockey in charge.


    Same problem with the MNR, people in postions that know nothing about hunting and angling as well as don't do any hunting and angling.



    RIGHT ON about THE MNR


    nice picture btw!

  7. Great report, pics and video Kev


    WOW that's a big perch you guys caught Congratulations


    Good old Mcbay sure is one nice place to go to and don't remember being skunked there :canadian:

    Must of been windy out there in the open Kudos to both of ya's for sticking it out :thumbsup_anim:


    I remember that video.... was at the very beginning of the hard water season last year..... that tipup was one of my older models I had made B)


    I guess your not checking your pm's..... was off work at noon today :whistling:


    Again good job you guys and thanks for sharing







    next time ill try to think about the PM'S


    you must think im an :asshat:

  8. Finally managed to BEG my girl friend to come out ice fishing with me today!


    after cleanning the house she agreed! :thumbsup_anim:


    I was a little disapointed with the size of the minnow my local fishing store had but we still maneged to get some great action! :canadian:


    just as i finish drilling the holes ! PIKE ON!




    You can see that they are feeding hard evry pike we got had the belly FULL hard as a rock! and they were still trying to fit some more minnows in there! :w00t:


    meanwhile my girl-friend stephanie is storming the perch in by the dozens! :Gonefishing:






    a bit of action shots there!


    this is where it gets interresting.


    one of my lines slowly goes down.... im thinking bass..... the spool is going off... im thinking PIKE...


    set the hook... nothing big.... BUT ! this POPS out!




    A 1 lbs perch freak show! hit a 3 inch minnow! <_<




    this here is a big perch usualy! :whistling:


    one more litle rocket and we left .....




    this bay always produces some fish .


    as soon as you tip-ups are set you get into some action!


    its a nice reliable bay from the ottawa!


    Here is a little video id like too add to the report .


    this was last year and the guy fishing is (WHITESPINNERBAIT) verry nice video!



    hope you enjoi the freak show!


    till next time!



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