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Fishing 24/7

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Posts posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. I'll have to try that trick with a Senko. Looks like a fantastic trip; great bass.



    just be carefull when your passing the hook in the platique tubing its hard at first then it goes thru like butter.


    my cousin bass-hunter almost passed the barb thru his finger.


    blood was dripping all over the place.


    but this way you will save lots of money .


    and for some reason the hook % incresed.....

  2. Excellent report, pics and fish Kevin!!! :Gonefishing::canadian::thumbsup_anim:



    Just a few things though:



    1. If your Momma catches you drawing on you arm with those magic markers, she's gonna whip you!


    2. Try to grow some hair on that punkin head!


    3. All Bass are poisonous, don't eat them!!!


    4. I kept Stephanie company while you were fishing and camping with your boyfriends... I hope you don't mind ;)



    i knew you were going to love this one.


    when i came back home my girlfriend had a grin on her face.


    now i know why . she had the best 6 day she ever had in her life! :lol::lol:


    thanx gcd she got a good laugh reading your reply.


    only you can take care of her like that! :P:P

  3. AHHH yes...... Finaly construction vacations. 8)


    i planned this trip This winter and Its finaly here!


    6 days on one of my favorite bass lake .


    Nothing to worry about... no stress.


    The only worry was ...Am i going to get that BEAST im looking for???? :roll:


    monday / saturday. BASS BASS BASS AND MORE BASS!


    DAY 1




    we get the the lake. down pour..... pack the boat and head south the the island.


    get there and mother nature gives us a break. she stop the rain and we set up camp.






    we get a couple of houres worth of LMB fishing and land two keepers.


    the bass taste like walleye in this lake .






    have a feast and then we head back fishing.


    that night we landed some beauties but nothing to prove!


    DAY 2


    Mother nature was Brewing a storm but it passed right beside us.


    Hit the Triangle head in the A.M 's








    The weather has been so '' MUSHY'' lately that a High amount of mushrooms been growing on the island.


    i take a fishing break. and i go explore this ''Paradice'' That we are on.







    Slugs buffet???




    Fishing was hard that day. As night falls we are still getting the 2-3 lbs bass. but Still nothing to prove.






    Day 3


    I go to put my sock only to see this little bugger sneaked in my sock and was going to sting me!!! :shock:




    Black widow style!


    That day we fished a Shole That had produced HUNDREDS of bass years befor and was still producing HUGE amount of fish.


    This day my cousin got the MASSIVE hit.


    A pig. 4.8 lbs that is!










    The bass on that shole were inhaling the spinnerbaits.


    ***WARNING*** This picture is not for a tree huger.




    set the hook right in the brain of the fish! :shock:


    My friend mike caught a bass that regurgitated a perch that had to be 7-8 Oz.




    i tried to stuff it back in but there was no way.






    This is my cousins thumb.... hes a gouverment worker... so the small teeth on the bass digs right thru his computer fingers. :lol:




    As we were Heading back to camp. It hits me like a Brick.


    something was telling me.'' go back to that Log... a Hog is awaitting''.


    I slap my self back to reality and storm the 9.9 Johnson straight to the Dead Head.


    Bass_hunter Throws in a 5 '' sinking minnow black W/ red flakes.


    0.2 seconds later FISH_ON!






    A Pure Healthy Large Mouth Bass . 4.1 lbs


    Day 4


    Twas a windy day.




    winds smashing my wake splashing right into my face woke me up fast that mornning.


    Mike pulls in a Sweet 3 lbs bass form the triangle head.






    NOTE TO SELF :When batterie dies Do not go reverse in Lilly Pads.






    I was able to pull out this AWESOME 2.11 Tight on shore with a yellow spro.








    Back to land for dinner and a small nap.


    As im waking up. i Hear wings flapping around me.


    open my eyes and a butter fly was using my body as a play ground.


    This Beauty flew around me for a good 15 -20 minutes.




    Then it was back to fishing.


    This time the wind was dead and we decided to fish with senkos /gulp.




    Learnt this Great trick with some 3/8 O.D. clear tubing.


    cut small pieces of them and slide them onto your senko.


    put the hook threw the tubing and the senko.


    this way you will keep the same senko for more than 10 fish.


    befor that trick i was loosing my gulp every fish. :x




    The same Voice again.....


    '' Kevin Hit the log ... The hog Awaits....''


    SLAP my self back to reality and i CRANK the gas handle to the max.




    This time calm....... getting dark...... throw the gulp in.....


    i see my line twitch.... hes on.. i know it....


    Set the hook...... WEIGHT! :shock:










    And the best part is the video Bass-Hunter filmed.


    He Caught the action.


    Viewer discretion is advised . This video has french swearing. :lol:



    Hope you enjoi and that this didnt freeze your computer. :lol:




    bye bye

  4. close shut off valve


    remove small cap on handle.


    taKE ALEN key and lossen it.


    remove handle.


    grab pliers and remove cartidge


    inspect it.


    you will see the ''O'' ring is finished.


    replace ''o'' ring




    replace the whole cartidge


    reno depor home depot reno depot they all have them

  5. the actual size.??


    do you think these fish are photoshoped?


    im putting the fish right in your face so you can see it.


    who needs the lenght . im giving you the weight.


    mesuring the fish is just something else to do and more time out of the water. wich i dont want .


    im known as the EXTENDED ARM FISHERMAN. :thumbsup_anim:


    i cant let these people down. :whistling:


    When i look at my pictures i want to see the bass Not my ugly face! <_<


    ill give you the lenght of the 6 + ill catch you can be sure but the 4lbs + are going back in the water A.S.A.P!


    these 4 lbs bass are what 18-20'' maybe? somewere around that!


    i remmember catching a smallie that was 19.5 '' 4.8 lbs.....


    mike the bass fisher.


    ill think of you next time .... the bass will be so close to my bodie youl laugh you head off! :lol::lol::lol:

  6. Looks like you have the place and the system down pat. Nice fish!


    That "nickle" may be only a matter of time. Good luck!


    Can you post more specifics on that digital scale you're using? Sounds like the perfect "de-liar". :)



    sometimes i wish i could buy 30 of them and ship them to all the people who post's a 3 lbs bass and say.


    im GUESSING its a 7 lbs bass. :stretcher::stretcher::stretcher::stretcher::stretcher:

  7. nice fish

    most guys would post them and call them all 9lbs


    nice to see an honest fisherman, but you would never get on my boat with that attitude .....LOL


    to me nickel are so rare.....


    i think i need to start flipping more often.


    when i get the nickel youl hear about it!


    and believe me this one isnt going to be a fishing story!


    no 9lbs bass in this one! :thumbsup_anim:

  8. Excellent report and pics Kevin!!! :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:


    Some beautiful fish there!!! :clapping:


    I see the lovely Miss Stephanie is still as hot as ever! :whistling:


    Shoot for a nickel and a penny and you'll get the nickel! ;)



    you always seem to make her laugh with you replies!!


    she sure loves you...... :whistling:



    wait a minute..... are you guys chatting behind my back!!!! :blahblah1::blahblah1:


    stephanie needs a least 3 days of fishing per weeek.


    can you handle that GDC!!! :lol::lol:

  9. Is that 4 pounds 11 ounces or 4.11 pounds. There is a big difference. 4.11 pounds is actually 4 pounds 1.76 ounces. I am assuming it is 4 pounds 11 ounces because you as what is next 4.15 which I think you mean is 4 pounds 15 ounces.

    Either way that is a nice fish indeed. I would have guessed 5 pounds for sure.




    4 lbs 11 onces! :thumbsup_anim:



    thanx for noticing tho! :whistling:

  10. Such a great vacation and still got yer laptop and wireless connection.Yer missing the true meaning of "get a way".


    this week its me and my girl friend fishing all our favourite lakes.


    i asked her if she wanted to HIPHOP camp but she rather sleep at home and go fishing every now and then!


    next week is 6 days on a island with old buddies fishing the same lake OVER AND OVER AND OVER!


    your right getting away in the wild will take my mind off of things.


    i WILL get away!


    and get ready for a 6 day report misfish!



  11. Today i was SOOOO close to a nickel....


    I MUST GET HIM!!!!







    Stephanie brakes the ice with a Healthy 3.2 lbs Green trout.


    There so clean.....






    Cought on a chartreuse northam Buzzbait !8)


    Then it slowed down..... DEADLY heat.... NO wind... :w00t:


    3-4 houres go by and its seems like only steph was getting them...


    she got 3-4 of them.


    nice 2-3 pounders.....


    Stephanie gets a great idea.


    why not explore this lake a litle more...


    we find a bay that holds TRIANGLE HEADS!!! :D




    I throw my BB Straight in the jungle of weeds.


    The bait flows like the wind threw the triangle heads....Just like butter.


    Then it happens.


    A bass comes out to play.


    a WAKE comes out of the weeds..... *BOOM*


    Set the hook. Then the WEIGHT .


    i feel it trust me.


    my drag is set to the max i have 40 lbs Powerpro and a heavy rod...


    Its pulling me right into the water.


    GET THE NET! :Gonefishing:

    This time she gets him! :lol::lol:


    First thing i do i weight him....




    the scale reads 4.11 lbs...... DOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH




    The only thing i say is .


    NOT A NICKEL!?!?!?!?!? :lol:


    Here are the other pictures of the \\\'\\\'Not Nickel\\\'\\\' :whistling:






    Seems like everytime i got fishing they gain onces....


    whats next a 4.15............................................................. :blahblah1:



  12. Well Constuction vacation couldnt come fast enough!


    Stephanie and I Hit our Favourite lake together.


    And the Buckets are finaly IN!


    We scored Lots in the triangle heads and lilly pads edges!


    Here is Stephanie with a 3.4 lbs Largie!




    Today was her first day with the buzzbait.


    There was no Birds nest with Northams buzzbait. they work MAGIC! :D




    EXTEND THOSE ARMS MORE!!!!!!!!! :twisted:


    The buckets were in 2 FOW...


    Technique was .


    1. fallow the wind


    2. fish the pads hard. dont be afraid to cats right in them. sometimes right over them .


    3. make the Buzzbait jump the pads. this seem to p/$$ them off!

    4. set the hook and enjoi! :D




    heres a 4.5lbs hit and demolished the black buzzbait.




    Now with a 4.7 lbs bucket.


    this one missed my buzzbait twice but was on a mission. SEEK AND DESTROY! :shock: he lost!




    digital is the way to go! no more guessing! :roll: :roll:








    a bit of extra!


    release the beast! and pray they grow to be a 6+!


    tommorow lets hope i get a 6+!


    vacation = fish everyday!


    i have 2 weeks off.



  13. Love how you put this one together paul!


    Im still tromatized with yesterdays outting.


    its funny how this happened to so many people befor.


    finaly happened to us.! :o


    Here are a couple of picture i took with my camera.




    paul lipping what seems to be a BEAST! ended up beeing a 2 lbs bass! :D


    had to get the joker to put a smile on whitespinnerbaits face for this one!




    a pair of 2.8 lbs bass! Twins caught back to back on the famous northam spinnerbaits White!


    Here is another funny story.


    that 4.8 im holding up regurgitated a perch that was longer than some bass we were getting. :lol:


    so add a seriouse 3 to 4 ounces on that bass and shes a 4.11! B)


    not bad HEIN?!?!


    she was caught on a 5'' black sinking minnow '' GULP'' wacky style! fishing a big log in the middle of a bay!

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