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Fishing 24/7

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Posts posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. The negative comments by some are really starting to piss me off.

    The guy caught a great fish and he decided to keep it.


    I wonder how many of you negative people have ever kept a walleye or pike or something else for a meal?

    How do you know that 16" walleye you kept for a meal wouldn't have been a 29 or 30" fish in a few (or many) years

    Maybe you ate an eventual trophy fish


    The guy caught a fish of a lifetime

    He kept it.

    Get over it

    Sorry for the rant but I am getting tired of some people jumping all over a guy for keeping a fish, or holding it wrong, or whatever else someone thinks is

    so bad that they feel the need to bash a guy when all he is doing is trying to share a great fishing experience


    agree 100%


    anyways a fish that size


    wouldnt of survived the hard winter


    its an old fish and they DO die of old age.


    that fish was a gonner anyways.


    im thinking that this fish was going out for ONE LAST MEAL.


    and got SCORED by an angler.


  2. holy crappie


    you must have crappie your pants after that one.


    started off as a crappie day then turned out to be a great catch.


    your holding that fish like a real crappie master.


    crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie crappie

  3. WOW! Are there any apartments for rent in the area? That lake looks amazing! Those are some nice smallies and a solid pike to boot. Thanks for sharing.



    well johnny


    as soon as i buy a piece of land and build a cottage you can stay in the guest room !


    only thing you have to to is bring me to one of oyur musky hot spots! B)

  4. Great report with some nice fish pictures. You guys sure have some great fishing out your way. Did you weigh the second last bass? it looks like a fat one.


    sadly my cousin borrowed my scale.


    but that bass is in the 4 lbs range.


    no fish over 5 were caught that day.


    i saw so many 4 + come out of that lake it dosent make SENSE!

  5. in two weeks from now cuds is going to be the best time man.


    that when they have the over sized belly.


    where a 4 lbs small mouth weights in at 5 +!


    these small mouth were still very active.


    smashing my lures at the second or third roll of the reel.


    and the pike! :worthy::worthy:


    took my arm right of.


    had to sow it back to continue the day! :Gonefishing:

  6. Well i was blessed to spend this week end with my brother!


    I planned the fishing trip to a small private pike and small mouth lake.


    Untouched PARADICE!


    We start the day @ 10 pm.


    light winds sunny skies.


    second or thrid cast of the day my brother hooks into his first small mouth of the day. :)




    Then its my turn i hit a rocky point that drop form 5 Fow to 15-20 FOW.


    i cast a 1 1/2 onze spinnerbait and tip PIG of a bronzeback want into the action!




    Jason (brother) cast's back into his hole and he hits another nice FOOTBALL






    The bass were feeding for winter hitting heavy lures.


    BIG spinnerbaits the type you use for 10 + pike.




    almost dosent fit in there mouth but they manedge two swallow the darn thing! :Gonefishing:


    Small mouth were slowing down and im wondering why! :dunno:




    we get to a tall salad bar and there he was roaming the erea.







    my brother got this amazing action shot of the pike WIPPING its tail to escape my perfect release shot! :worthy:




    The bite was on and off all day.


    my brother missed a bass on a white big-o that would traumatize some anglers.


    i know i am .


    i think i wont sleep tonight after seeing that PIG! must have been a 20 " plus easy.


    at around 3 pm the bass were slowing down to a point were you had to work you :asshat: to get only one.




    They were all worth it dont get me wrong.


    but we decided to leave.



    5 houres of fishing.



    20 + smallmouth



    3 pikes including one for super.


    EXELENT day on the water.

  7. well usualy a fallen tree is close to shore.


    but a stump or dead head might be in 15- 10 FOW


    and a rocky drop off are still on shore.


    you dont need to go deep to find the hogs ...


    unless your fishing smallmouth.


    then again that pig i got was in 7 FOW.


    fallow the wind .


    and dont hesitate to come back and hit what seems to be a prime location.


    the beast will come guarantied

  8. splashhopper.


    This week end when i got my largemouth bass


    we didnt get much for the houres we put in.


    4 bass and 4 pike.


    But you have to keep in mind this .


    In the bay i was fishing the wind was from the ouest and was pushing on the same shore line all day.


    and at that point of the day the bass came in under the log i just happened to be there at the right time.


    is fall fishing a myth?


    i think its a great time to fish .


    1 - the fish are putting on the feed bag for winter.


    2- you dont have the HOT weather


    3- all the weed are dying making the ambush spot easier to track down.


    4- less presure . only the diehard fisherman are out there!


    all theres left are logs, rocks , fallen trees , beaver dams .........


    if you hit a log that didnt produce come back 1-2 houres later and the nickel might be sitting there that time.


    switch the presentation also helps.

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