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Everything posted by ScugogBoy

  1. I have a really hard time trying to decifer what the side imaging is showing you........what is the line down the centre of the screen.....and do you have to turn your head sideways to see what the screen really means? Is one side if the screen to the right and the other side to the left (or front and back)....why not rotate the picture so it's easier to see? Any help in understanding this new technollogy would be helpfull....because it makes sense....how far to the side do these units show? Thanks all for your answers/if any.
  2. Hookerdown.....all the things you have said are true and something should be done about our healthcare system......hopefully some of this government infrastructure $$$$$ will flow to healthcare. I have freinds that work in hospitals and they tell me the "waste of $$$$$" is unbelievable.......should have better accountability and maybe the wasted $$$$$$ could be re-nvested in quality healthcare. Hope your girlfriend/bride gets her paperwork passed soon and she can get to work.....that way you'll have extra $$ for more "fishing stuff".
  3. I would love a pair of free tickets.....more$$$ to spend on lures.
  4. Web-Fisherman....thanks for the post, I found it very interesting...I'm new here also and hope the "Old Guard" welcome us and not push us away because we don't have as many post #'s as them...I think this Board is "Great' and hopefully the "Old Boys" will respond to some of our posts and learn from them as well as contriputing more usefull info...Take Care
  5. Joey....sounds like a relaxing weekend. Seems this Irishfield is a generous and gracious host......hope to meet him one day if I'm lucky and share a "fishing experience". Did you end up keeping the ling? I've heard of Europeans actually targeting ling on Ontario Lakes.....yes they are slimy and gross looking........but I hear that they are totally "delicious"...like a freshwater Cod comparison..... Wayne said that the walley were DOA....I take it because they came from such a deep depth......bet they tasted fantastic....Enjoyed reading this post tremendously....Thanks.
  6. I've had luck rigging a frozen smelt with a single siwash hook through the eye sockets and a second (treble) hook behind the top dorsal.....we let the smelt rest on bottom.......make sure it's sandy or clay bottom not too far from a weed bed (usually 6-20 feet)..... Once you detect movement on the line...let the pike run with it for a few seconds.....once it stops-it's turning it in it's mouth and then give it a good steady tug to set the hook.....if it does not set...wait again till he picks it up again and be patient.
  7. We did well this past weekend...got our limit of walley on Friday and Sunday (ate the ones from Friday on Sat night)....also had a great time hauling in slab crappies after dark..from 5:00 till about 9:00 pm both nights...they are abundant and bigger than last year....the trick was to find weeds and suspend maggots over 11 feet of water down 5 feet using the smallest "russian jig/pimple" you can get your hands on..."glow light-pink"
  8. My background is from "The Baltics" and smoked eel is a delicacy...costing around the $20.00 a lb range at my favourite deli......try it with a nice loaf of dark rye bread/sour cream and odd shot of chilled vodka....for breakfast or snack.
  9. Mr. Glen.........I'm new here, but from reading your past posts and reports.....maybe your seeing things in the sky that are not there....lay off the Bama Moonshine-is my advice....
  10. I live on the east shore just below Scugog Point.......and as of 1:00pm this afternoon she is wide open.....I actually can see about 40 teal ducks out on the Lake in front of my place.....gotta go get the tinny ready and hopefully bring down some supper.
  11. I found this site as a result of someone else mentioning it on another Board I was on. I have a house/cottage on the shores of Scugog just south of Scugog Point. My main interest is pickeral fishing on Scugog and Hunting ducks and Game in the same area.....hopefully I'll meet some members that can join me and we'll form a freindship.....I'm impressed by the "Large Family' here on OFC...
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