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About Ranger22

  • Birthday 08/31/1961

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Emmaus Pa. Singleton Lake Ontario
  • Interests
    Bow hunting,ice fishing and fishing in general,dirt track racing

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Looking out over lake Ontario from the mouth of Keg creek in western New York while steelheading in the spring.
  2. I have fished Red Horse for Years. Are you Bass Fishing or Lake Trout Fishing? The lake is deep with areas up too 140' but has some great Bass fishing on the deeper edges of the weed beds. There are both LM and SM Bass and good Pike fishing also. I use mostly senkos wacky rigged with baby bass doing the best. I will be up over labor day weekend and plan on hitting Red Horse often.
  3. Agreed 100% the Wings were great people may they rest in peace and the new owners are just as nice and go out of the way to make you feel comfortable and are very helpful.
  4. Glad to hear it was that simple for you. I just had the same problem with my 2001 150 merc. It turned out not to be the impellar but the impellar shaft seal was melted and that allowed the water to bypass the impellar and exit where ever it could on the lower unit. coincidentally my motor won't pump water with ear muffs either i have too have it in a tub or lake to get a pee stream.
  5. In Pa. you can become a organ donor when you renew your drivers licence. It is printed on your licence that you are a donor so if something happens the authorities know right away. I have been a donor for about 12 years.
  6. Thanks i saw that paragraph but for some reason i didn't think about it pertaning to the outdoor card. duh
  7. Hi all it is my understanding that this year non Canadian residents will need to purchase an outdoor card. I have no problem with that my only problem is i can't seem to find out how to get one. Can i purchase one where i buy my licence or do i have buy it from the government. The web site for the outdoor card doesn't have a place for non residents to buy one.
  8. I just downloaded and played the game in practice mode. Didn't catch anything but all i did was chose english and it is in english i guess i got lucky.
  9. We hit the ice down here in Pa. again at the promised land state park once again the chain pickeral didn't dissapoint along with some brookies and Lm bass thrown in for good measure. We also had an unexpected guest hanging around all day.
  10. I have the arctic armour suit thank god i haven't tried out the flotation yet but it is deffinetley warm i ussually end up taking the coat off unless the wind is really howling. $299.00 us. i got mine at Walleyedans.com
  11. Crappies hand down.
  12. Yea that's a chain pickeral not a good pic it flopped right when i snapped it.
  13. there is a plateau in the pocono mts. that is at about 2000 ft plus the lake that we fished is only 4-6 ft deep at the max.
  14. For the first time ever i got to do some ice fishing in November Down here in Penna. I got out fot a few hours on friday and ended up with 6 pickeral and 1 perch but anytime i can get out this early it was great.
  15. P-line cx premium 8lb clear florescent very low memory and no twist up.
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