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Everything posted by Troit

  1. wow im sick, good 7 games though
  2. whatever the outcome is it is good to see 9 pages of people interested in the cup cheers
  3. no worries 4-2 Detroit in game 7 it will be a big party in motor city again
  4. sweating just a bit
  5. lol that will never happen, zetterburg beard made out of steel finally the wings fan can celebrate with there team on home ice.. Pl do not hate cheers
  6. 1st there are thouseands of people out of work, im sure if GM even went beyound the wages and went as low as 12$ a hr, nobody would be complaining about it, besides employes themselves, im sure lots of money would be saved and GM wouldnt be sqaucking about losing money.... Get this over with and ill hand in my resume
  7. A sheltered life, wife, kids, work, fishing, my bussiness....no shelter here I think your just to old to realize good hockey when ya see it...this is not the 60s cheers
  8. ^^^well said^^^ besides stick work, best hockey ive seen in a while
  9. There is no explanation on why Detroit will win the Cup... again the cup stays in the Motor City
  10. A sad week indeed, no matter what or who gets to persons responsible still wouldnt bring back a an 8 year old starting out an innocent life... Also bring shame to the people that accused the parents. peace to the familly Troit
  11. OV will cross the blue line and get what is coming to him.....weres Scott Stevens when ya need him
  12. well he might not have sounded like johnny when he was 16 but he does an awesome job singing it now. he will go far as long as he doesnt meet up with Simon
  13. Thanks for link Troit
  14. Hello was wondering if any1 knows of wholesalers where i can purchase quanities of number 6 streamer hooks, i have googled it but to no avail. any help would be much appreciated Thank you Troit
  15. red wings will bring the cup back to the motorcity to much pride on that team can you say back to back.......GO WINGS GO
  16. nice pics there 20, i new the view was nice but that sunrise wow
  17. Well when i was younger never missed a show when it came to AC/DC, but it has also been a long time for me to see them again, at this point in time wouldnt missit even if the wife left me...lol Troit
  18. Well i will have to say it has been fun fishing with Streamerguy , not only for the salmon but for other fish too, he does have a knack for it, as for the salmon that night, was great fishing, on his 30 pounder he had 2 turns left before he was spooled, trying to run along slippery rocks puts a real challenge to it. Most exciting part of the night was the muskie streamerguy brought in, that was 1 heck of a tuff fish, giving him a helping hand with that fish was another challenge just to bring to shore and try and get a measurement or weigh it, the things was determined to get away... Looking forward to another great night soon Cheers Troit
  19. Hello all, just stopping in to say hi, nothing can be better then this time of year, 1st theres hockey, baseball playoffs, football and the best is Salmon Season. Been fishing for the Salmon for past 20 yrs and it always seems to get better Terrible time for the wifes or girlfriends (unless they enjoy this all) Cheers Troit
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