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Posts posted by carll2

  1. first of all look at the penguins and there not quite the physical team!!! speed is what counts in the new nhl..and even if the flyers win pittburgh willl have a fun time ripping them in half just like they did to the sens and rangers..as for guy good work on benching price no better way than to try and wake your team up and get your point across, now its up to the players...definately not a cup year for us but then again most of the team are inexpirienced, look at the penguins last year eliminated in the first round...its just lack of expirience no biggie

  2. Yes Carl the Lakers were much deeper than last year but some were caught in the 15 to 25 ft range.


    The water temperature was much colder than usual.40 to 47F last year temps were above 50F.


    Oh well next year.




    will you be putting riggers on her????? damn nice boat im really jealous lol

  3. hey guys i just need a little help...im going next week to fish lake onatrio(the bar) and the niagra river...i hear that sometimes its quite easy to drift into the states, i was just wondering if and where i could get an new york fishing license online?



  4. i think its 105km from mt st michel but im not 100% sure..once you get on the gravel road after mt st michel the mileage markers start over at 0km up...and i wasnt beeing sarcastic try the new road, i know last spring when i headed up on the parent road we were doing 110-120 the roads were amazing

  5. ahh ok i see now.. after mont st michel its not the 309 anymore instead it turns into the parent road at km 105 you guys turn left and i continue straight, all i can say is before you guys hit the fork in the road its normally very very nice expecially at the beggining of the season when theres not much traffic..il try and give ya an update when i go in

  6. i really dont target pike much since 99% of the customers want nice walleyes but when i do have to target pike in the spring my go-to lure is a spoon..anything silver flasy immitating a whitefish or minnow like williams whitefish or williams wabbler. usually pike are just starting to get active once the season opens, i wouldent worry too much for some reason all year round pike bite.il try and find pics and post em up

  7. I would be going nuts if I was waiting 6 weeks to get my boat back!!!

    Did you have to mail it into them or something? lol


    Sounds like they are so busy they can do without a regular customer, but you're right... make sure it runs :)


    I hear alot of horror stories like this, a guy I go fishing with every year, took his boat in to the shop in April last year, get's it the long weekend in May, won't start.

    Takes it back, get's it back the long weekend in July, won't start. Takes it back, get's it back for labour day, RAN LIKE CRAP. Took it back in wanted to go to Quinte in November... WOULDN'T START....

    Do these guys even test the work they do sometimes? And man... talk about wrecking your summer... drive your boat 1600km's over the summer and only get to use it with the ELECTRIC TROLLING MOTOR... Poor Terry...



    its even worse when you have an outfitter to run and this happens..this summer my boss bought a brand new yamaha f150 that was to be used on my guiding boat, were about 7 hours from this dealer deep in the woods anyways we had to bring it in 3 times and wait 60 days to get the problem fully fixed, funny thing is duting those 60 days i couldent guide 6 people a day so we lost out on so much money..its going to court now but one thing most places dont do is test the motor out after work is done, all they do is put the prop in a garbage can with water rev it a bit and everything is ok...they should be forced to do a real test on a river or lake

  8. Awsome, we booked early in the season because it was the only available dates. the next time available would have been in july-august.

    Were also trying to catch some monster northerns and figured after ice out should be the best time to catch them in shallow waters and also makes them easier to find!

    what lodge do you work for? maybe next time we plan a trip like this well definatly give you a call or find you on here (OFC)!


    do you also know any good areas to target pike?


    they opened a new extension to highway 309 right? have you driven on it? better than the clova road?

    Thanks for all the help


    i know what you mean the best dates go first..for giant northerns at gouin anytime between mid may-end of june is great then they go deeper and tactics change. but if you can try and book before all the hunting and fishing shows which are in january. for the northerns just look for shallow warm weedy bays basically the same areas the walleye will be in since the whitefish spawn near the walleyes,this will bring in the pikes too! the extension so called 309 ends after mont laurier in a town called mont st michel then it hits gravel which is the parent road leading to where i work. its possible to use this road to get to caesars but it would just be a detour for nothing..

    google up laventurier du gouin to see my work enjoy

  9. hey no problem on the tips...id love to come see you guys but like i was saying its all the way on the other side of the reservoir and would cost too much on gas, but if you guys like the area and would like to come back to gouin theres plenty other lodges in the area where i guide.

    on the map the red starts indicate dangerous rocks or rock islands that should be avoided(gouing has alottttt of these areas) since its basically a flooded river.i wouldent worry about the ice it will be gone, should be gone about a week before you guys arrive, but as a tip for next trip to gouin try and make it for the end of may beggining of june, in those dates you cant go wrong.

    jig head colors id say number 1 is definately orange..charteuse and white


    but if youll be fishing leeches i also recommend this


  10. Holdfast, the only reason most folks are not jumping down your throat is that you gave a few of your years to the forces. Guess what Bud, most people have givien years of their life to things that they believed in as well. It's not a big deal Bud...it's called life. Get over it.



    agreed with 100% :thumbsup_anim:

  11. IMGP0752.jpg



    if you noticed theres 2 lake after simard , these are part of the resevoir gouin. i know caesars has a portage from simard-lake miller(gouin) so youd have to ask them about that..oh yeah one last tip the best wind for fishing in our area is a south wind, during a south wind find the shoreline where the wind hits..usually the fishing will be hot there since the wind bring in all the minnows real shallow and the walleyes follow

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