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Posts posted by carll2

  1. I was going to say, triples are known for dropping a cylinder and the owner having no idea. It will run on 2cyls just fine and wreck a crapload of stuff while it's at it.



    all depends on maintenance and how the start up is done etc

    not all artic cats are 3 cylinders..

    my buddye had a f7 2003 sold with 20 000km original everything(beat the snot out of)

    my old zr 800 sold with 8000miles = everything original.

    my old yamaha srx tripple 25 000 + km everything ok

    buddies 2009 m8 = 10 00km not a problem



    my brp summit 860cc = 7000km and not a problem yet(knock on wood)



    moral of the sotry not all artic cat 2 and 3 cylinders drop cylinders


    all depends on how much maintenance was done,if it was properly done, and if the old owners

    started the engines and let them heat up properly..


    that said i change all my sleds after 7000km since i ride mostly backcountry in the rocky mtns and

    a helicopter ride out is $$$$

  2. Carl I don't blame you to call it quits.... not worth risking your life. The ice over here was going fast last Friday. According to whitespinnerbait, when he left late in the afternoon, the white ice had turn to slush. With the last few days with temps around 15C think that's the end of it B) I'm going there next Saturday for sure :) This time I'll be able to chuck hardware in the mix :D


    Edited to ask: Did you get any on your last trip?




    Thanks l2p!!!




    yep 2 more lakers...20 inch and 23 inch, not huge but fun to catch jigging.. saturday its the good old wiliams wabler and 4 feet fluro and a worm trolled very slowly... :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

  3. Thanks Corvy!!! I sure was glad when they came by :)




    Thanks Ryan!!! I think the ice is a thing of the past now ;)



    not here lol...was out on the ice again this morning for specks n lakers...but it was my last time on the ice it was a little scary...the ice was turning black this afternoon, by saturday il be fishing out of a boat :thumbsup_anim: i hope to see another report from you this weekend

  4. Well Carl you are right man Lake is still very much frozen.First time in 10yrs that I can not go.

    Now where is global warming when you need it.Oh well next week it is. :(



    i hear that part of memphremagog is now ice free(guys went fishing yesterday) and certain places on massawipi are ice free, the wind broke most of the ice up yesterday..


    but it is crazy both april 22 and 23rd i was out ice fishing lakers and specks on 12 solid inches of ice, havent seen that in my 18 years of fishing :thumbsup_anim:

  5. Well for me up here.... rain or shine.... I'm targetting specks in a lake :)B)



    are your brookie lakes still locked up? my darn lakes in the laurentians are still all iced in!!!

    might have to break out the auger :wallbash::wallbash:


    btw they are calling for 15-30cms of snow for our areas in the mountains..

  6. Very Cool TJ, but which is it. I grew up listening to Dad calling them Pickerel. His Dad too.dunno.gif In Quebec its Dore, i believe from D'or Oeil, meaning Golden Eye, but not 100% sure of that.



    they got dore from pickerel beeing golden.. d'or=gold=dore(golden in color)

  7. It goes out on the smaller lakes around town about the May 24 weekend and on Great Slave it goes out in mid to late june.

    Up at Plummers the ice went out in early June last year, but it generally goes out the last week of June first week of July. I have seen it go out as late as the third week of July.


    FYI, Great Bear is 400 miles North of Yellowknife.



    wow sounds like i may be fishing between ice floes mid-july :clapping::clapping::clapping: cant wait!!!

  8. Not here!!! LOL :tease::tease::tease:

    Maybe next month, late next month. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:






    im going to work at plummers this year on great bear, how is it that the ice in yk goes out mid-late may and on great bear the ice goies out 5-15th july? how many kms north of you are they?

  9. I got work all weekend Wayne. First of 3 today was just the perfect pace. Didn't have to cartwheel through it, just a nice crawl with a couple somersalts. :w00t:


    Next friday I'm hoping to wake from a nightshift and find a message in the inbox. Then it'll be backflips.



    what lodge ya staying at moose? or will you be going for tree river char all week? i officially got in as a plummers lodge employee, should be at the main lodge starting july 16th for 6 weeks.. let me know when your going !!

    oh yeah and CONGRATS!!!!!

  10. Billy if you're on FB and you haven't looked me up. Shame on ya!!!


    And no, ya can't compete. If the contest was for 20 people I'd still be looking for all the fishing partners to be women first. Haha!



    Abberz... get working on those 10 other friendships bud! :w00t:



    heading to vote for you!!! awesome place..ive been trying to get into plummers as a guide for the past 5 years..i finally just might have my chance there this summer, shanes a great guy and full of knowledge..i actually did a sportsman show with him last week!!! man i hope you win it would be awesome to fish with you hahahaha

  11. awesome pics!!!! it was a decent show, especially saturday and sunday with lots of people...i was @ laventurier du gouin fishing lodge booth..


    did you guys see the girl at the fishing dominican republic booth???? hahaha i wont say anymore, off to gatineau this week for the fishing show!

  12. I am guessing it was not right out of the crate with the # 42 and after-market riser on it. If you are not doing any extreme powder riding then I would take it out. You won't need to shorten the cables and it could be added back on afterwards. It is a beautiful sled and I wish I owned one but you will find the ride better, more comfortable and easier to handle if you remove the riser.




    the riser is stock on all expedition models...the expedition is made for deep powder and back country riding with its riser,20 inch wide track and wide skis up fornt

  13. Thanks Carl!!! Sounds like you had a blast and the square tails were on the feed :worthy: Congrats mon ami :clapping::worthy:

    May I ask what lures (live or artificial) your were using to get them to commit???



    silver blue williams wobbler and mepps black spinner with fur on the tail and bobit spinners(all tipped with worms) ....trolled very very slow on wind blown rock shoals, surface water was 6 degreees :o


    if you ever make your way down here il be glad to show you lake x :D

  14. awesome bow, especially for quebec(quite rare) ....heres how my day turned out, between 3 guys we caught 40 brookies between 10-18 inches, we kept 22 smaller ones and put the rest back that werent bleeding(btw for people who will count the fish our limit is 10 specks each in quebec) believe it or not all the fish have been eaten already, we had a big bbq last night with friends and family!!

    keep them reports coming :clapping::clapping:





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