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Posts posted by carll2

  1. hey guys.. i havent been around the board much in the past 8 months but i still stop by from time to time to check ou reports and what not. last winter i got a job offer to work in northern quebec as a fishing guide(eyes and pike). now i decided to make a 3 part report in 3 different sections(equipment,construstion,fish pics) and id just like to say if you have a problem with some of the pictures please message me privately instead of spoiling the report.

    thank you and enjoy


    it all started for me may 12th, the ice had just gone down and i got the call from my boss to start work asap. may was nice sunny and warm. june july and august were all crap with numerous cold fronts blowing in weekly spoiling the fishing, i fished 110 days straight and was i finally glad to finish at the end of september. anyways enought poop chat heres some pics and heres some info and history i found on the net about the reservoir.




    The Gouin Reservoir (in French: Réservoir Gouin) is a man-made lake in the central portion of the Canadian province of Quebec. It is not one contiguous body of water, but the collective name for a series of connected lakes separated by innumerable bays, peninsulas, and islands with highly irregular shapes. It has therefore a relative long shoreline of over 5,600 km (excluding islands) compared to its surface area of 1,570 km².[1] It is the source of the Saint-Maurice River.


    The reservoir is named after Jean Lomer Gouin, who was Premier of Quebec when, in 1918, the Shawinigan, Water & Power Company impounded the reservoir for hydroelectric development.[2] The Gouin Reservoir has no generating station at its dam, but is used to control the flow of the St-Maurice River for the stations down-stream (all operated now by Hydro-Québec).[3]


    There are no paved roads to the Gouin Reservoir, but it is accessible by several unpaved forest roads and by bush plane. The reservoir is a popular fishing destination with numerous commercial outfitters and private lodges along its shores.



    heres a map of this huge body of water, and yes its very easy to get lost in the mazes of sandbanks and islands.





    first things first, since were 20 miles away from any road on a sand island we need transportation, so we can bring our clients from the dock - the outfitter. this was my job, id pick up clints till about lunch time then guide till dark. heres my big baby 26 feet and 230hp(not enough sometimes lol)



    crazy how much each motor is worth



    and of course when we recieve clints have a little atv to carry all the luggage too and from the boat right to the chalet doors



    my little tinny for when i only had 1-2 clients, atleast she had a 25hp




    and then heres my big gun i would use with big groups,i find it easyier to guide with the small tinny



    then of course we need to stalk up on supplies for the season so we bring on the "barge"




    then my bosses float planes he has(2) he brought me for a ride in one and wow what a feeling,i cant wait for next year.




    that about does it for this part...the best part will be in the end , yes i know you alll have to wait. il get to it sometime this week after im done sledding :thumbsup_anim:



  2. Here in Quebec, vehicle insurance is way cheaper. For a snowmobile or ATV etc (without collision), it's about 50 dollars.

    wow who are you with?? here in montreal id pay about 400 for mine 2 ways.. but even at that my traill pass includes the insurance for up to i think its 1 million in damage

  3. Well I haven't been around much the last 2 days as we have been getiing too much snow here in the Montreal area.Close to 40cms so far and more to come this week.


    All my spare time has been devoted to snow removal :wallbash:


    I don't know what I would do without a snowblower.Feels like we got more snow in 2 days than all of last winter.


    Anyone else also getting buried.Thats livin in Canada :canadian:












    MTP :dunno:



    awesome pics mike in all here we got about 50cms north of mtl.. snowmobile trails open..done for fishing for the winter :thumbsup_anim:

  4. Missinaibi at Hell's Gate/Thunderhouse Falls area for an opener is on the long list of life's ambitions. Had I not cracked my skeg end of season... I'd almost be tempted to make the 220km treck from here to get there. Take a full two 10-11 hour days of travelling with the 15, another guy and a full load.


    Anyway, haven't fished much but, maybe all throw something different up over the weekend. Thanks.


    until the ice freezes up time to get the sleds out and ride my new baby

  5. i just got back from quinte i was there from tuesday till yesterday, fishing was tough we managed 5 eyes all between 5-7 lbs And quite a few large drum. we tryed shermans and thompsons pts along with the cement plant,bat cave,lighthouse and the upper gap ..theres hardly any baitfish to be seen on the sonar, should start heating up soon

    good luck

  6. the green one is a powerdive minnow and the red is a hot lips express but im not sure if its a1/4 1/2 or 3/4 ounce, i use the the 3/4 and with 100-150 feet in back of the boat it dives ove 30 feet deep. i found a place that has them in texas so i ordered a bunch i finally got them after 3 months on backorder. the hot lips is my number one eye/bass trolling bait :thumbsup_anim:

  7. Roy I know of the Lakes here in Quebec that do so.The price is $20 ,10 for the wash and 10 for parking.After 40 to 50 dollars in gas towing the boat some 300kms there and back $15 for boat fuel for the day the 20 dollars is a rip off yes they use soap but the water is cold .Oh and yes the line ups are a pain in the a s s .Not to mention they open at 6am only.I have waited as long as 45 minutes.why not leave the equipment on shore and just let us fisherman wash the boat.Cash grab if you ask me. :wallbash:




    my fishing partner has seen 35 bucks in the mont tremblant region, its rediculous its all ready enough.. permits,, lures,gas,insurance practically cost an arm and leg

  8. been there tryed it and never again, man was it dangerous lol. me and my buddie decided to try a small trout back lake, damnn branches on shore poked a hole in the bottom air pocket thank god the big round sides are a different air pocket. after that we invested in a cheap used canoe for those kind of trips


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