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Everything posted by stan_133

  1. A few friends and i are planning a little getaway to either lake Nipissing or Temagami in the middle of august. I'm just wondering if anyone could give me a few suggestions or preferences for either lake to help me decide which lake to choose. also is there lake trout in either or both of those lakes.
  2. i was fishing up there not too long ago and my buddy landed a nice size walleye.
  3. I went to hitch city in mississauga at 401 and dixie for my class 2 trailer. i foget what the total price came to but they were fast. i just called a head to make sure that they had all the parts and dropped it off in the morning. they called me back before lunch.
  4. i'm thinking of getting two walker kingfisher 1 downriggers and am just wondering if i could extend the 2 ft arm to a 4 ft. if so would bass pro sell the extension or would i have to look somewhere else. thanks
  5. just wondering what you guy's have to say about the ford explorers for 2007+
  6. i drive one at work and all i can say she's a pig on gas.
  7. i gotta say Bernie that that is a nice looking boat. i saw a few in Peterborough last year and they all looked great
  8. Really i wasn't looking for any type of boat in particular i was just interested in what people had to say in general. i know that that are countless different types of boats for different activities but I'm sure that everyone has there top pick for what ever the class. just wanted to hear what is best about the boat they own or something that they read/heard about.
  9. Just wondering who you think builds the best boat.
  10. i'm sure you could make some money off an idea like that.
  11. my guess is that once theres a few companies in the mix prices will slowly come down.
  12. just wondering what people have to say HD Side Imaging. I'm not looking to buy it yet because of the price but i am wondering if it hold up to what the manufactures say it to be. Hummingbird seems to be one of the main pushers out there, but if someone has a better product I'm all ears.
  13. welcome aboard.
  14. i'm looking at buying a kicker same as you bud. i've call a few places and only bass pro has called back about the bracket i need to get the motor on my boat. i forget the persons name but i was told that to have it installed and parts for a 4 stroke kicker would cost about $650 before taxes. i'm looking to get the 6hp not not the 4 hp 4-stroke though.
  15. The only thing i've caught this year is the flu lol.
  16. Yamaha it is. thanks for the input guy's.
  17. now that i got my kicker picked i gotta find a way to mount it. i asked you guys a few days ago what to pick and you all overwhelming choose yamaha. the problem i have now is that the F6 ( yamaha"s 6hp 4-stroke) won't fit on the transom of my alumacraft lunker 16.5 cs. i think i gotta get a mounting bracket installed on the transome but i'm not sure what kind to get and were to get it. i called bass proshop and they wanted $650 for for the bracket and installation. if anyone has any suggestion i'm all ears.
  18. i thinks that its a great idea man. message me with the web address when your done so i can take a look.good luck.
  19. great fish.
  20. i got the same set up with my account. if anyone tries to get into my account all they get to see is my profile picture. just gotta be careful with who you allow in your group and you'll be fine.
  21. I'm looking to buy a new kicker motor for my 16.5 2000 Alumacraft Lunker and i'm not sure if i sould go with Yamaha or Mercury. In both cases i'm looking for a 6hp 4-stroke kicker. Yamaha's F6 6hp 4-stroke seems to be a bigger motor with a displacement of 197cc and 2-cylinders compared to Mercurys 6hp 4-stroke with 123cc and 1-cylinder. i'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions out there. thanks guys.
  22. i picked up a used fishing boat a few months ago and now i'm looking fo something to pull it with. i got a 2002 serbing with forward wheel drive and a 6v under the hood but i'm thinking about picking up a beater suv to pull the boat. i'm just wondering if anyone outhere has a suggestion as to what i should be looking for. right now its a toss up between a ford explorer, blazer, jimmy and durango.
  23. i picked up my fish fishing boat about 2 months ago now and i can;t wait to hit the water with it. i just hope that the summer is as long as what this winter feel.
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