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Everything posted by stan_133

  1. Welcome
  2. It's yellow.
  3. i once read a post about a guy using one to fend off a bear while camping...
  4. i agree i ihave this very same unit and its great. i got it for 99 bucks at bass pro and its really it truly great.
  5. in about 3 weeks i'll have my boat back home in brampton and am wondering if it worth going out to try and catch some kings off of Mississauga. if so how far should i go out and is there a magic depth.
  6. this is a great site. welcome aboard.
  7. Prayers sent. hope to hear from you soon.
  8. i'm looking to find a place that i can buy or order fishing charts for all sort of different waters. any help would be great thanks.
  9. a few friends and i are going to spend a week in august up at Red Cedar lake. i'm just wondering what people have heard about this place. thanks
  10. thanks guy for all the help. in 3 weeks i'll have my first house and a cozy new basement.
  11. i think they look at the number of lines in the water when it comes to whos fishing and whos not.
  12. i got 3 that i own.
  13. i'll go after work here and there whenever i get a chance. i went out today and fished at heart lake for a few hours. i saw a small bass caught and a trout or two but didn;t really hook anything to get excited about. i gotta say, the $11 bucks that i paid to fish tonight was way too for this location and i won't be going back anytime soon. money aside, getting out sure beats sitting in front of the teletube all night
  14. I'm planning on installing carpet throughout the entire basement in the coming weeks and am wondering if i can install the carpet and under pad directly over the concrete. i've heard a few people say that i should place a plastic barrier down first but at the same time i've been told that doing slow traps the humidity resulting in mold. i still have a few weeks to decide. any help would be great. thanks
  15. wall mart i would guess
  16. i'm willing to bet that even though you found it to be a bit of a challenging day, your nephew will remember it for the rest of his life. thanks for sharing.
  17. if your allowed to hunt it then hunt it. thanks for sharing.
  18. also i just realized that i titled this topic as rubber "works". what i want to call it is "rubber bait"
  19. I was just wondering if the rubber worms that i'm using are safe for the fish. If a fish hits the bait and takes it off the hook will it harm the fish if it ingests it. Also, if they don;t ingest it will it break down in the water?
  20. whats the average depth of lake Temagami?
  21. what would you use for lake trout and i'll assume that in august there going to be deep down there correct?
  22. i guess that there's a lot people who pick up tickets from scalpers for his 50 sold out shows in london that are going to be pissed when they hear about what's happened..
  23. I'mhoping to head up there this coming weekend. if you go on island lakes cvc website you can also get a depth chart of the map for free.
  24. Whats next. i'll have to provide my driver license number or mail in a copy of my birth certificate to prove my real name. keep things the way they are and if you feel like posting your real name then post it. but don't force people to post there names if they don't want to.
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