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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Got  my buddy to tow the load out for me as it was too heavy for the ole Honda. Two lifts done and a 3/4 lift to go if the trail at the cabin holds up. Temps of 5 degrees tomorrow before it gets cold for the rest of the week. It's  actually supposed to be below zero from tomorrow night until May 1st. Maybe I can even get some pellets out. If the trail isn't great I'll cut trees to make it wide enough to get the SxS up there this weekend. 😁





  2. I've had both shots of Moderna and am still alive which is nice. It's good living in the NWT. So far there have been 74 cases of COVID since they started counting them in March of 2020. There were likely quite a few before they started counting though. So far just over 70% of people over 18 have had at least one shot and nearly 40% have had both.

    The NWT has been doing what Ontario has just started to do with the provincial borders for more than a year now. Between that and 14 day isolation if you leave the territory the #'s have been kept low. The bulk of our cases have been due to infected Southern mine workers coming here for their shifts. Luckily they have no interaction with us locals as they fly straight to the mines.

  3. Back when I was younger in a time long, long ago I was sitting at a red light waiting for it to change. On the other side waiting was a blown small block Chevy Vega and behind him a cop. When the light turned green the cop lit him up. Dude in the Vega was 3 blocks away before the cop made it through the intersection. Cop turned off his lights and went home with his tail between his legs.  🤣😂🤣

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  4. Interior paneling showed up at my lumber yard today.
    I got there to pay the remaining $$$$ just after the truck had pulled into the lot.
    Looks like the top row of the back trailer is my order.
    I sense a bunch of work coming up. 
    They're supposed to deliver to my place in town tomorrow and then it's time to start hauling out on the trailer.


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  5. 12 hours ago, Dara said:

    If they drop the 14 day isolation I'll come help with the ceiling this summer

    That won't be happening until you germy Southerners get your act cleaned up. 

    OH, and that useless loser in Ottawa gets his $%^t together!!!

    I won't hold my breath.

    • Haha 3
  6. Finally after many months and 2 tries I have the ceiling insulation installed!!!!
    First go was in the summer and after 10 bales of insulation the machine had mechanical issues.
    Fast forward to the Easter long weekend and try number 2. Got the machine out to the cabin, hooked it up and there were some issues getting it running properly. I ended up pretty much servicing the machine and then went and bought shorter extension cords. The instructions say that 50' 12 guage cords are OK but I was having voltage issues and popping the breaker on the machine until I dropped down to 25' cords.

    I'm just glad it's done and I don't have to worry about it anymore.
    24" of insulation should keep the cabin cozy I think. 


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  7. 22 minutes ago, Sinker said:

    Is there a trail to your camp that you can drive that on? 



    Unfortunately there isn't a trail.

    East side of the lake has a river connecting my lake to the next lake and there is a river on the West side behind my cabin that also has a hydro dam on it.

  8. Been thinking of getting a new toy for work and play for several years now.

    Finally took the plunge Just waiting on insurance to get done before I drive it home. That and they're still putting accessories on it. 

    Say hello to my little friend.  😁





    This bad boy is sure going to be some fun. Heat/AC w Climate control and heated seats is going to make getting to the fishing grounds a ton of fun.

    Still have to get a new trailer to haul it around and am putting a Fisher Trailblazer V-Plow on it for pushing the snow around.

    The 4.5'x6' power dump bed will be good for moving stuff around the cabin and has lots of room for fishing and camping gear for some epic ice fishing trips. 


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  9. Went out and worked on the trail for a few hours today.
    Watered down about 1/2 of the steep section to help with not blowing out the track.
    Got stuck good working on the new trail section up by the cabin. Dropped a ski off the trail and got sucked into waist deep sugar. A bunch of shoveling and yanking and with the help of my neighbour we got the grate big sled out of the woods and onto the trail again.
    Back at it tomorrow and then next weekend haul out flooring.

  10. 16 minutes ago, LostAnotherOne said:

    It's itching closer to the finish.  Just a thought Drifter you could always rent the place out to people when finished.  I'm sure a few members including myself wouldn't mind spending a week up there.  

    $1,000,000,000/wk  😂

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