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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I used Marinco twist lock TM plug on my boat. Works good and allows me to keep the TM disconnected when not using it so I know there's nothing to drain the batteries. Even when not in use a lot of electronics/electrical things draw a small amount of power.



  2. Had it happen on the 401 in the 80's.

    It was pretty sketch!!! Locking clip fell out and latch came undone at a buck twenty in the middle lane!!! Luckily the tongue dropped down on the chains so it didn't dig into the road but she was whipping side to side pretty good until I got it slowed down. Scared the living crap out of me. No damage done but it could have been an epic wreck on the busiest highway in North America pretty easily.  😱

  3. 8 minutes ago, BillM said:

    Dave, that place is just unreal.  I love these updates!   You getting Starlink up there for internet?   

    Put my $$$$ down in the spring. Just waiting for 2022.

    Gotta see if I can get a couple of extra antenna wire kits so I can move the system around.

    Would like to use it at the cabin, house and camper.

  4. Spent the Thanksgiving weekend at the cabin and was the only person at my end of the lake all weekend. It was so nice and quiet. 😁

    Spent my time peeling logs that I cut in the spring. Started running low on time so only quick stripped a bunch of them. The big one was peeled in the spring. It's got really cool spiral checking now.


    Also pulled the dock out on Monday and closed up the cabin until safe ice.

    This morning there was snow on the ground.

  5. They have always been around but this is the first time they have been a pain.

    Other than one time years ago when one ripped open my tent had a look around and left while I was away on business. 

    The 870 is loaded with Remington slugs.

    I forgot to load it when I went to the cabin on my vacation so when I cam into town for supplies I picked it up.

    At some point the darn thing scratched my dining room window on the porch.

    Their paws must be like 40 grit sandpaper!! Would hate to get swatted by one.

    The second time he showed up I banged on the door and he just walked over and stood on his hind legs. We were about 12 inches apart separated by the entry door. He beat feet when I banged on a pot with my BBQ tongs. 

  6. Forgot to mention that this year has been brutal for bears up here.

    There have been 3 shot in town, a momma with twins relocated and a momma with cub they are trying to catch.

    There was a momma with cub wrecking peoples stuff on my lake and a 2 year old causing havoc and breaking into cabins. He tried to break into mine 3 times while I was sleeping in it!!! The first two I didn't have my gun and the third I blasted a warning shot over his head as he ran away. He got into my neighbours cabin 2 doors down and trashed it, don't know if he got into Dave's cabin beside me or not.

    Got to buy a tag so I can thin the herd.  I could use a nice bear rug anyway. 😁

    The one that was trying to get into my place I would have dropped if I had a shot then just called ENR to come and collect it. I talked to them previously and they said do what you have to and give us a call for removal. My neighbour across the bay from me is a wildlife officer too. He had issues with the same bear and the momma with cub.

  7. 45 minutes ago, akaShag said:

    Dave, this just gets awesomer and awesomer...................😉

    Hope you get a bit of time to soak a lure for the lakers.  With the fall coming on full force, they must be on the feed bag big time!



    I wanted to get out this afternoon but couldn't be bothered to buck the waves so just went home. Hopefully I'll get a day or two before ice up. Lake was 48 degrees today.

  8. Lots of things going on at the cabin this summer.

    Flooring underlay installed in the main area.


    Some work done on the gable end of the porch roof.


    Also started installing the interior paneling.

    North wall in the front of the cabin is mostly done. This pic was part way through the install. It's up to the loft at this point.


    South wall in the front of the cabin is also up to the loft so far. The blank spot will be drywall with tile over for the kitchen back splash. 



    Was hoping to pull the dock this weekend but the weather had other ideas. Can't pull the dock when you can barely stand up on it because of the waves.  :unsure:

    This was last weekend at ye olde cabin. Fall colours in full effect. Unfortunately they are on the ground now. 


    And at the launch on Wednesday morning when I went up to the cabin for the rest of the week.


    • Like 5
  9. OI

    I spent the entire summer last year out at my cabin and only came into town every 2 weeks for supplies. Spent 6 weeks there this summer and finally started feeling a little better near the end of my vacation time out there. I still try and stay away from people even though I'm fully vaccinated. The Rona got into the NWT big time in Mid August. Unlucky for everyone it got into one of the communities that held a hand games tournament. It was attended by a lot of un-vaxed people and it went through a lot of the small communities like wild fire. Then of course they brought it into Yellowknife where it went through the homeless population. We went from a couple of hundred cases and no deaths to over a thousand and now 5 dead. 50% of the population in one community got sick at the same time. We are now pretty much locked down again because of the few that didn't get the shot. 🤬



  10. 6 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

    see this is an interesting comment...could you explain what that process looked like...like did you phyiscally go to their transport ministry office to get a temp sticker?


    drifter, what did you do for plates when going to pick up the trailer. This is what Im still torn on how i go about specifically this. I have plates on my current trailer, i was thinking of simply using them as a temporary solution until I can get the trailer home and then properly register it? Aside from that how else would I be able to get trailer plates without physically having the actual ownership docs until the day of ownership? 

    Am i wrong in assuming that I could maybe go to the MTO in Ontario and buy plates for a trailer as long as I have the appropriate serial number and bill of sale?

    Just threw my snowmobile trailer plate on it to get it home. No issues.

    • Like 1
  11. I bought a hovercraft at auction in Wisconsin and I had the sales receipt with SN's and I just had to cough up the GST and I was on my way.

    Should be no different for a boat.

    This was picking it up at the seller's place. The Beaver Dam Wisconsin fire dept. 😁


  12. 4 hours ago, misfish said:

    Large rubber O rings will prevent most of the water that drips down the bar when paddling , and there are plugs you ca buy for those holes. Guys are out in wet suits, spring and fall.  Calm days they have the plugs in. When water get on the yak, they pull a plug or 2, drain and put back in.

    I just put on my Simms and hop in.  😉


    • Like 1
  13. Have on old set of Simms G3's that have been sent back once at about 8 years old.

    Also have a set of G4's that are my main waders now. The G3's are backups and are used for putting in and taking out the dock at the cabin.

    I have no complaints at all about Simms.

  14. On 6/16/2021 at 11:18 AM, Headhunter said:

    Have you received a Vax shot as of yet? I ask because I know of a few people who got covid and suffered greatly, the long term affects. Some of those noticed that right after they received the vax, many of their symptoms disappeared relatively quickly. It may or may not work for you, but given your current state, it can't hurt.

    And so sorry that you have to go through this....




    Have been fully vaxed since the end of February.

    First shot eased the symptoms but they flared back up before the second shot .

    Second shot made no difference.

  15. On 7/10/2021 at 7:38 AM, Sinker said:

    @DRIFTER_016 If you were in Ontario, there is a chance. My buddy had a hell of a time getting it diagnosed. So many odd symptoms, that could have been anything. He eventually had to cross the border to get tested properly, and once diagnosed, was treated properly and is doing perfectly fine since.  

    How do you figure you got covid? I know it was around earlier than most realize. I think myself and a group of friends MAY have had it as well, before the "Pandemic" kicked in, but like you said, won't know for sure. We are all fine though, just a bad cold. 


    My best guess is I got it at the grocery store.

    I got sick in mid January which is high time for tourists from China and Japan here in Yellowknife. Most likely I got it from a tourist.  😒

  16. 6 hours ago, Sinker said:

    Were you diagnosed with covid? Or just assume thats what you had at the time? I kind of remember your story being along the lines of you got sick at the time covid started, but weren't diagnosed? I could be wrong.  Have you been checked for Lyme disease? I have a friend who has been through hell and back again with Lyme. They also just assumed covid related, but he was also not diagnosed with covid, and has never tested positive. 


    No there wasn't testing available at the time. They didn't even acknowledge it was here yet. My Dr's are almost 100% positive it was COVID due to my symptoms.

    In order to get Lyme I would need to live in an area I could catch it. Yes I was in Ontario visiting my dad but it was winter and ticks find it difficult to penetrate all that clothing. ;) 

    No Lyme disease here in the North. We have to worry about bigger pests.

    I had some issues earlier this week with this fella. He's a 2 year old just kicked out by momma and he's been causing a ruckus on the lake breaking into cabins and damaging stuff. He was on my deck at 12:05 AM Monday morning and I scared him off. He was back at 5:30 and wasn't scared the second time. I was banging on the door and he just came over stood up and looked me in the face. There was between 12"-18" between us. Luckily the door was there too as he was not afraid of humans. Talked to the CO's and they figure it's the same one that has been causing all the problems. I told them if I get the chance I'll dispatch the critter and give them a call for pickup. Forgot to bring Mr Remington  with me. Now that he's here at the cabin the delinquent bruin hasn't been around.


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