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Everything posted by MarcusDiGiovanni

  1. Okay so I arranged to meet my friend form missisauga down there on saturday at the Boat Launch above the falls near the whirl pools what does that mean... well i know what it means but how the HELL do I get there... plz help me
  2. I build jumps in the hill in my back yard and hit it on my sled but thats if yur a real thrill seekrt
  3. Im at bayview and Mulock in Newmarket, I'll hook you up
  4. Lol, thanx for the tips guys, I applied to sobeys to like stock the shelves and they narrowed it down too me and an older guy on who they wanted too hire, and they chose him :|
  5. definatly , cathcing the fish will be o' so much sweeter knowing I paid for the gear! , I dunno how ill get a lunker at work, I might have too sneak out and get to the river
  6. definatly worth it. Steelhead and Bass with my fly Gear, and I need to get some spinning tackle too
  7. So my parents got sick of me pestering them for money too buy new fishing stuff so they told me it was time too get a job, so where do i turn TIMMIES!!!! LOL, minimum wage and early weekend mornings missing my fishing shows , it'll all be worth it for the money
  8. I wasted 3 days on the islands last yr O.o waste of life, no fish anywhere. Everycast gave me weeds on my line, like a bush of weeds...ok fine 1 rock bass yay! :|
  9. hade one on last summer, apike that is, but he broke my leader shortly after I hooked him :|
  10. , im excited now, thanx for all the posts guys
  11. Thanx man! hopefully I'll elarn a lot. i'll get my entry in asap
  12. Thanx kemper, ive been constantly practicing my back casts but i'll switch it up to learn a good roll cast on the gold coarse behing my house
  13. Hey guys!, just wanted to throw it out there, i'm interested in entering they steelhead tourney on the credit river in may, but i'm not sure if I can bring a fly rod?, i'm not all that experianced soooo would it be worth the trouble for me too go down there and fail? plus I dont wanna ruin someones day by tottaly holding them back. Any thoughts are appreciated Marcus Srry I posted this earlier but it was in the wrong section, I wanted it in general discussion and I can't figure out how to use it, srry, Im dumb
  14. Ive got a miniature schnauzer, she has a great temperment, and dosent shed, great dogs and there not very big
  15. I've been practicing pretty much everyday on the golf coarse behind my hosue and I can get a bout 40ft casts, I've had some help with some friends who've sent me videos and such. I heard you can attach split shots to floating line and it'll help it sink?, If all else fails i guess ill have too go out and get some sinking line or not go all together.
  16. Howdy Ya'll I hop all is well, I have to go to a hockey tournament next weekend and It's in Niagra Falls. Now, I wanna bring my fly rod down and maybe try for some steelhead. I have never fished there before, but I figure if i'm down there then i may aswell try. Does anyone know of any entry points that I can get too, I've also heard of the welland river as well and I think theres some others,I'm hoping too fish from shore as I havent gotten my waders yet. P.M me if u dont mind helpin out. Any info Is MUCH appreciated Also I understand if you have spots that you dont wanna give away and thats fine. I'll talk too you later, Marcus.
  17. Coca-Cola
  18. I tend to laugh histaricly, lol kinda weird but i like fish... CThey say that one glare from chuck Norris will liquify your kidneys
  19. Spring time, I need to practice my casting and learn some more basics first.
  20. When does a rainbow become a steelhead?
  21. Definatly!
  22. Just got in at about 6:00, I back on to a golf coarse and they let the residents use the ponds and stuff for ice skating so I went to the nearest tee off. Went out at about 4:30 and cast my afternoon away My Cousins live in scarburough so i might have to take you up on that offer
  23. Did you get this one one the fly?
  24. Sounds like you got some nice stuff, I used my cell phone to take the pictures, and it has no macro section The closer I get the more blurey it is, now what I should have done was "Borrowed" my Moms SLR, they would be some crisp photos
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