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About Trevor0179

  • Birthday 03/12/1981

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  1. Does anyone have a line on the monster corn that used to be available from Steven at New World Carp 12 to 13 years ago? Or does any know of a supplier of monster corn, even the zoom xxl corn would surffice?
  2. Went to the pier lastnight and chucked spoons for 5 hours but got skunked I heard two fish were caught a friend of mine had one on but it broke his snap swivel.Definately fish were moving around after 2am once the wind shifted Heard and seen a few fish jumps. Lost between me and my buddy were 7 glow in the dark spoons and a full reel of line not such a good night but thats how it goes sometimes. Still had a good time with lots of laughs.
  3. It was almost to 42 inches took about 10 mins to fight with three real good runs I was using a twelve foot rod and could tell right away that I had a big fish on what a blast good times Tight lines Trevor
  4. 30 Lbs Common Carp caught from The NIth River
  5. I have three american Bulldogs I love them and could probably get you one if you wanted
  6. OMG what a trip excellent report hail to the kings
  7. Here's a little snap shot of what it says on wikipedia about the longnose gar The longnose gar ranges in length from 60–182 cm (24–72 in) and weighs 0.5–3.5 kg (1.1–7.7 lb); The world record is 50.31 pounds, caught in Trinity River, Texas in 1954; FishBase reports a maximum size of 2 m (6.6 ft). Average life span is 17- 20 years. Tight lines Trevor
  8. Gonna be a nice weekensd hope everyone has a chance to get out and enjoy the weather

  9. Nice fish it's always nice to have a creek like that close by
  10. Nice fish man
  11. Absolutely remarkable pictures good job man
  12. Thanks Vic we should get together at a spot soon
  13. Went out to Hamilton this morning Had a great time My buddy started the day day with this beauty of a mirror Our wonderful ground bait mixture and pineapple monster corn seemed to turn up a frenzy as I ended 11 for 14 with the biggest one coming in around 17 Lbs all and all a real good time at the fish barrier Here's two pics of the big one And some of the other nice fish caught Marko Had to take a picture of this the two guys beside both caught the same fish
  14. That is one of coolest gestures I have heard in a long time. Sorry if I affended anyone with the photo of the OOS fish that was not my intention. Anyway no harsh feelings toward anyone. Tight Lines and Happy Fishing to All
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