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  1. Yeah it's been a while Lew, had kinda a rough go this summer, didn't do much fishing or anything else for that matter. But fortunately things are looking up, gonna have some big news any day now. You coming down for the muskie show this year? I hear yeah Misfish, unfortunately I know many people that can't afford to plan for the future. Can't afford luxuries some of us take for granted. I busted my ass to put myself in a good situation and still worry sometimes. As you said will I be ok, time will tell....that can be said by many I'm sure.
  2. What makes me laugh is when I do my best to conserve, the utilities follow suit claiming they aren't making enough to maintain there facilities.....guess what that means....rates go up. I have cut back so much on water usage I'm afraid I can't reduce it anymore. I never wash my vehicle, I don't water my lawn, I don't flush every time I do a #1...my sewage fee's are somehow more than my water used....not sure how that works. And now I pay the same as I did 2 years ago when I wasn't in conservation mode. I actually heard something about the hydro company being charged for levying interested charges against customers that were too high. I forget how much the fine was but they have said rates will be going up to assist in paying the fines??????? How is that right. I am 35 yrs old, there are many out there in my age range that have jobs with no pensions. CPP yeah what is that gonna do if it's still around when I turn 65. How will I ever be able to put my son through post secondary school when rates jump up so frequently. I got a raise this year....40 cents and hour.....doesn't compare with the increases in utilities, groceries, insurance rates and everything else mentioned. And I am in a good situation, have no mortgage, no credit card debt, only a line of credit for my vehicle. Something needs to change.
  3. I have done a search and can't seem to find the info, even though I'm pretty sure it was posted before. I am just wondering if anyone can tell me the differences between the two. From what I can see, the HDS 5X is missing the GPS....am I correct and is there any other differences? Or if anyone knwos if the info was posted prior, can you please post a link. Thanks
  4. Roy Ithink you are right as well. The company and the emplyees can all be charged. I worked for Wesbel when the two lineman were killed roping and rodding ducts for telephone cables. It was a Bell owned confined space(manhole) and it was one of their jobs. Bell ended up with $250 000 because it was their plant even though it was not in their control. Not sure what the Wesbell fine will be.
  5. lol.....beginners luck I say!
  6. Hey Joey, looks like another great time on the River. I still remember going out with the two of you a few years back. Next time you come down this way gimme a buzz.
  7. There are rules called limits of approach that all operators of lift devices should have. Depending on the voltage, he should be at least 3m. from those lines. He is very lucky to be alive, I'm sure the ministry of labour will be looking into this one.
  8. Sounds like you're well prepared. What are you using to start your fires? I would recommend bringing along some steel wool and a 9 volt battery or one of those flint/magnesium fire starters just in case your main source of ingition goes missing or wet. I still have to visit Algonquin, may be heading up there in the summer to do trip. Have a great time, I'm really looking forward to your report.
  9. Bigfish passed her on to us quite a few years back....and she is still running great. Put some riggers on last season. As others have said before notoriously underpowered.....you know that going in, either upgrade to a larger motor or live with your decision. The only problem we have is the size of the gas tank, a bit too small but we have learned to bring an extra 5 gal can to top it up if necessary. In fact, taking it out tomorrow.....wooohooooo
  10. Check out the classifieds, I have two 10" subs in MDF carpetted box and amp for sale. All MTX audio. I drive a Jeep TJ and got a new dog....had to take them out so I could get him and his crate around.
  11. Awsome report!!!! Thanks for sharing
  12. I agree, give the authorities time to do their thing. What I meant is if it dos get swept under the carpet then it's time to stir the pot a bit.
  13. A call to the local news may fix that.
  14. Sweet fish...gotta love the Niagara!
  15. What a fantastic report! And to think I got skunked on my last outing
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