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About BigGuppy

  • Birthday 05/21/1975

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  1. I'm dying to get out but with a 12 ft tinny and a 9.9 I'm a little leary about going out on Cooch in this weather. Hope it clears up a bit later on. My 8 year old is driving me nuts because he can see othe rboats out on the water fishing!!!
  2. I'll be with the family at a cottage on Cooch! Hopefully the bass are in the same spots as last year.
  3. Hey all, Got back from a week on Wood Lake. Great weather all week! I'm not sure if the lake doesn't get fished a lot but the bass were biting like crazy. We fished the west end of the lake around the islands and docks etc. Pulled in 13 bass and 11 Walleye. Mepps #3 was the killer for the week. On the last day I lost it in the rocks!!! Grrrr I'll post some pics later in the week. They're on my buds camera. Great little lake and great fishing with my son and the guys.
  4. Good for you man. That's one of the best parts of fishing for me, spending time with the kids. We don't have a boat but it's great sitting on the shore. It's always funny when my daughter comes. She's 3 and within 10 minutes she's off chasing a butterfly or picking flowers or something!!! Looks like u had great day.
  5. Hi all, I rented a cottage on Wood Lake in Muskoka near Bracebridge with my family for a week. I will have access to a boat while there but can't find any info on the lake. Has anyone ever fished there before and what are the most common species, tactics, suggestions. I'm leaving on Saturday morning, looking forward to some good weather! Thanks
  6. My son caught one in July last year off the dock in about 3 feet of water on the north end of Lake Couchiching. It was pretty gross looking I knew that we shouldn't put it back in but had no desire to eat it. There was a family renting the cottage next to ours and they took it and bbq'd it. They said it tasted great. I don't know about propaganda or not but they are definitely are an invasive species.
  7. Hello all, This site is great I've learned so much in the last few months here. The weather looks like it will hold today so I thought I'd take my son fishing on Rice Lake. I heard there are some great spots in Bewdley. Does anyone have any suggestions for spots to fish from shore and what bait to use. Thanks,
  8. Thanks for the tips everyone. Steve I'll be at BPS around 10:30 on Friday morning. I'll look you up. Cheers, J
  9. Hello all, Friday afternoon the family is off to a rented cottage on Lake Cooch. The cottage comes with a tin can with a 9.9hp so we plan on doing a lot of fishing next week!!! The weather looks like it will be good. I'm making the trip to Bass Pro on Friday morning to stock up the tackle box. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We're taking the Sympatico Portable Internet up with us so I'll be posting pics and updates throughout the week. My 6 year old is more excited about the minnow trap we got than anything else!!!. My daughter heard her brother say we're going to bait it with cat food so she's expecting us to catch a cat in it!!! Anyhow hope its a good week. Any suggestions about good places to fish would be appreciated to. Cheers, J
  10. You can go to Oakley's website and customize your glasses, frames, lenses, color, you can even put a personalized name on them. A buddy of mine has an optical store in Scarborough. http://www.theopticallounge.com/ I got my Oakley's there but he also has Maui Jims. I forgot my Oakleys this weekend at Nippissing so I fished in my Donna Karen polarized ones LOL I was freaked that I'd drop them on the boat.
  11. We're not going to a lodge its a friend of a friends cottage on the western arm of Lake Nippising. We're going this weekend leaving early Saturday morning and coming back on Monday. Another friend has a decent bass boat that we will be taking out so I'm looking forward to it. I will pick up some jig heads and grubs this week. Not sure what a husky jerk bait is but I'm sure they'll know at Bass Pro. I have two weedless frogs so I'll try that as well. Thanks for all the help and any other suggestions would be appreciated. I'll try and take some pics if we're lucky!!!
  12. Hi everyone, I'm getting out for the first time this year. Going with some buddies to a cottage on the French Arm of Lake Nippissing. I've never been up there before any suggestions on what to use and fish for? I'm still pretty green. Thanks,
  13. OK I've been back doing my Masters and haven't gone fishing since September. This whole change the hour back thing has me awake now and my 6 year old is on my case to go fishing. I don't have a boat and don't want to drive too far. I was at Rouge Beach a few days ago and the water levels are really low there. Spoke to a couple of guys who said there's nothing biting there. I'll be using a worm harness or maybe some small cranks. Where is a good place to go fishing that's not too far from Scarborough. I'd really appreciate the help I'm feeling the itch!!!!! At the same time if York goes on strike like they are talking about I'll have plenty of time for fishing !!!
  14. I take my son there to kill time pretty regularly. Tonnes of Gobies and Catfish. Nothing more than that though.
  15. I have a Garmin 680 i bought at Costco. Check consumer reports there are lots of reviews and the Garmin Nuvi 680/7XX came up on top of the list for price and quality.
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