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Posts posted by Dutch

  1. Hey Charles, how are things?


    We have to get out on the water agin this year.


    Sorry, can't help much with your snowblower problem, but it does sound like it is gummed up. Try mixing seafoam in with some fresh gas, put the rest of the can in the tank for the boat.


    Is there a way to turn off the self propelled on the mower? May help the batt's last longer.


    Take care.

  2. Hey folks.


    I think there is a virus on my computer. I am using Avira, the most recent version and I have done 2 system scans and it hasn't found it.


    There are pictures in my temporary internet folder that don't show up when I look for them with Windows explorer, but they are definitley there as they appear in my digital camera viewing software.


    Also, there is a cookie in there that I can't delete.


    Any ideas or websites to reccomnend so that I can get rid of this?


    There doesn't appaer to be any slow down of the machine, but I just want to get rid of these rather unsavory images.



  3. I'd say $5,500 or so.


    I would take off the Humminbird and sell it separtely. Whoever is going to buy the boat will not give you what the unit is worth. They will pay a similar amount whether it is there of not. You could say it is available for $X more if they want it.

  4. Fairly straight-forward process - bought a boat in Georgia last year.


    The Canadian dealer was just blowing smoke.


    Search for "Pat's boating in Canada." I found a good guide on importing. Lots of information on the net. I found it actually harder to license the trailer in Canada than to import the boat.


    Make sure you have all of your documentation at the border. They may ask to see a copy of the original ad - take a copy with you. They do that to ensure you don't have a fake bill of sale for a lesser amount to avoid taxes. I paid a few hundered less, but that's just normal negotiation, which they are fine with.


    Make sure you break out the value of the boat, motor and trailer on the invoice. You have to pay the taxes at the border, have debit or credit with enough limit, on the boat and motor and gst on the trailer. PST on the trailer will come when you license it - when you license the trailer, they will want to ensure you paid PST on the motor and boat, so take the paperwork from the border with you. I did not get a temp. permit to drive the trailer in Canada, but ran into no problems. You have either 5 or 7 days to license the trailer once you bring it back in.


    I had a folder in it with everything and kept it all in one spot.


    I crossed the border at about 4 in the morning, on line up. Coming across I just said I am importing this boat and trailer and the guy in the booth said I was the 4th that day and to pull over and go inside with a slip of paper he gave me. Pretty simple process and they knew what they were doing. If you are over 24H you can use your exemption on the taxes on the boat/motor, but not the trailer. If you take a household member with you, you get double the tax exemption.


    Read up - it is really easy and way worth it to save multiple thousands vs. buying a used boat here in canada.


    My points above are not exhaustive, so do your own research.

  5. I agree with the previous poster - look hard in the states. You can potentially saves thousands and thousands of dollars.


    If you are intent on staying in Canada, give Hastings Marine a try - they had some really good deals on some new, non-current Sylvan boats in th 16-18 foot range.

  6. It seems like cheap waterfront property, but there are potential major pitfalls.


    A person I know had a long-term lease paying $2,000 a year, renewal period came up and the rental was hiked to over $7,000. This was to force out the tentant for the benefit of a native relative that like the lot and wanted to build a year-round home. Needless to say over 40 years of history and memories went down the drain.


    I have also heard the stories of garbage pick-up, road fees and police services going up with no recourse for the owner - they have to pay or get out or don't get access to the cottage.


    I also read about a case in BC where the natives blocked access and asked for cottages to be removed. As I remember it, some of the cottagers were insensed and burnt the cottages down and blamed it on the natives. It got ugly.

  7. There is a pond right near Thorold south.


    Go through the tunnel from St. Kitts to Niagara Falls - take the first right, then take another right, heading towards the canal. You will go over a small bridge. Fish from shore near that bridge.


    There is a car on the bottom - at least there was back then, that held nice SM Bass and a ton of perch. I used to catch drum and catfish there too.


    I lived in Thorold South for one year in Uni. One year was enogh, but that was the only spot I could actually find fish in the whole area.


    I tried the lake near Brock a few times, but only caught near dead carp.

  8. I got a pair from CTC - the green/blue ones at 60% off. I think I paid $8, plus tax. Only bought them as they were on sale.


    They work, and they float - controlled testing only ;)


    When you squeeze them tight, the handles squeeze in more once the teeth come together, seems a liitle weak that they flex like that.


    They do work though, never had any problems with them and they are easy to find, use due to the colour. They also have a wrist lanyard.


    They have a carbide cutting blade that works good with braid, except it flattens out the end a bit as the blade squeezes the line against a flat piece of metal to make the cut. The cut is clean, no fraying, but just flat.


    I would recommend them, but only at a steep discount. They aren't worth the $20 regular price.

  9. Remember, you are only getting the home reno tax refund credit if you are getting a return. If you owe I think they deduct dollar for dollar. There was a story on CFTO about a month ago about this. Lots of peeved people out there when they found out.


    This is simply NOT true.


    The HRTC is a non-refundable tax credit, meaning it does not create a refund for you. If someone had zero income and claimed the credit, they would NOT receive a refund as a result.


    Contrast that with someone that has paid tax - claiming the credit offsets the amount of tax one has to pay so by reducing the tax, that will increase that person's refund IF they had tax deducted during the year.


    If someone did not have enough tax deducted and had a payable, the HRTC would reduce the amount they have to pay in the same fashion it would increase a refund.

  10. Make no mistake about it, the $1,000 is a bribe of your own money, introduced by the Provincial government, to appease the masses after introducing a new tax that will cost every end-user consumer that amount many times over.


    How will this impact businesses - basically, they will no longer pay PST on their inputs, it will be treated the same as GST and be refundable to busineses. Since the PST is no longer a cost to business, their income should go up allowing them to expand and reinvest their higher cashflow into creating new jobs and drive the economy. This is a HUGE win for businesses essentially they will pay NO TAXES (they will get a refund of the new HST), other than income tax.


    There is a mistaken belief that the government has tried to use to sell this tax, that businesses, since their costs will go down, will lower their prices and the consumer will get to buy things cheaper, thereby offsetting the increase in taxes.


    To that I say.....Yeah right.....


    Anyway, as much as I hate this new tax I think it will be a positive thing for business and the economy. This will be at the expense of higher consumption taxes for individuals, but offset somewhat by a lowering of personal income tax rates.

  11. First thing I will say is to NEVER, NEVER, EVER use H&R Block. In the world of tax preparation they are the Devil. Also, someone earlier mentioned about their advanced refund program - read SCAM. If you work out the effective interest rate on the two weeks you'd have to wait to get your money from CRA, the fees are extortionate.


    Mini rant over.....


    As far as your questions are concerned:


    You aren't claiming your wife as a dependant, you will be transferring her non-refundable tax credits to you if certain income thresholds are not exceeded. You need to read this page.




    Also check out this link:




    As was mentioned earlier, you must file a return for your wife. Your daughter must also file a return. You cannot claim your daughter as a dependant based on the information in this thread. She would be able to transfer to you a maximum of $5,000 in tuition credits, if she does not need them herself.


    In your situation, I would not reccommend a tax preparer. You return is fairly straight-forward, as are probably many of the other members on this board. There is an impression or understanding out there that taxes are difficult or that there are loopholes that someone can find that will save you taxes, in most cases this is not the case.


    As far as tax programs go, there is a free one that works just as well as the ones you pay for. It is called studiotax, do a search if you like. As long as you understand the tax process, it is a very easy program to use, being free is all the better.

  12. Talk about someone shooting themselves in the foot!!! Mike Ferguson of Fergs live bait in Gores Landing actually labeled us as anti US people who are dead against tourist fishing Rice Lake, as he put it:"We should be wearing white sheets". This is the same guy who called his American customers at one of the public meetings last year as "Redneck Hillbillies from the Backwoods, who did not have running water"


    Cheers, Ron...


    Hey Ron - I remember that guy from the meeting at the Navy Club - good for a few rather uncomfortable laughs. If I remember correctly, it was in the context that US stakeholders wouldn't be able to provide feedback as they didn't have internet - good ól boys that don't even have running water....guess I know where NOT to get my bait from.


    Anyway, glad the meeting went well. Couldn't make it due to work, but I'm sure you and Michael gave 'em hell.


    Hope to hear a recap soon.


    Did you get to Nana?

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