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Posts posted by 4x4bassin

  1. Hello everyone , been awhile since I have been around . Busy couple months but always peek in for a visit . Anyways , I live in a 8 year old house that was bought new

    and I seem to have some moisture problems in the winter along with "stale air" through out the house , been doing some research and made some phone calls and it

    seems my house requires an HRV system . I know they can be a bit pricey but if it gets rid of these problems I will go for it . Anybody have any input on these systems

    or have one in there home with good/bad experiences . Thanks

  2. Just got back last night from that area and I can say the bugs are not a problem at all .

    As the above post states it has been very dry up there this year and that has put the skids

    on a lot of the bugs. Blackflies are long gone , skeeters only at dusk and deer flies are pretty

    well gone but are still out in some areas . I have a place just outside of McKellar and there is

    no deer flies but go a little north of there and they are still buzzing around .

  3. I use to use braid but tended to lose a lot of fish on the hook set and when they cleared the water

    during the fight . Straight mono for me now with no problems . The mono gives you some stretch

    during those lure throwing leaps and the initial hook set . With braid if your (trigger happy) you will pull

    the lure away a lot of the times . If I'm in the slop well that's a bit different like others have said and it's

    braid for me. No experience with flouro on top water but I do know that it sinks a lot faster then the

    other lines and on most top water baits that could hinder the action a little bit .

  4. Nice fish Joey , glad to see the open water lake trout reports starting to come in .

    I agree with chris in that the lake trout won't really start getting active for another

    2 weeks or so . Water has to warm up a bit and get the lakes systems moving .

    Perfect timing for my own laker trip in a couple weeks !

    As for the last pic. i'm really not sure but it is a nice one though :good:

  5. ^huzzsaba - I know nothing about the cattail sinkers but they do look pretty snag proof and would be effective in certain applications but from my experience this is not one of them .

    I know a lot of guys use the three way rig and yes it is effective but I find a inline weight to be better . Reason being is that it is a "cleaner" presentation and as well the

    3 way rig can become a real time consuming mess when you catch a lake trout (lakers love to roll up in those rigs) Another thing is the trolling weight is there to get your bait

    down to proper depth not all the way to the bottom . No need to be on bottom this early in the year . If you are in a canoe I would use a heavy spoon (egb , cleo) or I have had great

    success in Algonquin from a canoe using a Rapala countdown .

  6. Thanks for keeping this thread going guys , I have been away for the last week !

    Anyways , just talked to someone in the park and they advised me that no permits

    will be issued for this weekend but were hopeful for early next week . It's not just the

    lake ice that is the problem , the access roads are still snow covered (not maintained)

    and the portages are extremely icy and dangerous . An official release will be coming

    out this afternoon/evening .

  7. ^ I really know nothing about LSSP Dara but I have been to Algonquin a few times and I can tell you there isn't much for civilization or roads in the area or in the park proper ( few logging roads)

    Not sure of the fishing regs. in LSSP either but the trout opener in central Ontario brings hundreds of backpackers to Algonquin every year and this does include a lot of people that really don't

    have the experience to be in the backcountry let alone floating between ice flows in a canoe . It would be irresponsible and foolish by Ontario parks to open up Algonquin when it's lakes are

    covered in unsafe ice and the portages would be like muddy skating rinks . The parks staff/OPP would be pushed to the max trying to save hypothermic backpackers and people trapped on portages

    with broken ankles/legs . You might shake your head at this policy but it is a fact , it would happen . I do agree with you that common sense would help in this situation but when you get a

    wilderness park like Algonquin relatively close to Toronto you will get people that have no idea heading into the park for the allure of a trout .

  8. Like others have said , no need for downriggers or dipseys on May long weekend this year for lake trout .

    I go on a boys weekend into the backcountry every may long weekend and chase lake trout and I can tell

    you all you need is a heavy spoon like an egb or a cleo and flat line those 100 ft back . If that doesn't work

    tie on an inline weight (1 oz) and that will get you down to 30 -40 ft depending on speed . We also use

    taildancers and they will get down to 20 ft no problem . Remember lake trout feed up so you want your bait

    to be above them and they will chase it , if bait is below them you will have a less likely hood of them hitting .

    Jigging them is also a great way to catch them but from my experience that pattern doesn't really start to shine

    until they go deeper in July but it will work in may if you can find them schooled up .

    Here is my top producing baits from last May long weekend


    1 oz bucktail



    Inline weight (1oz)


    Good luck

  9. For those that are interested , Ontario parks have closed the Algonquin backcountry until April 28 due to winter conditions ,

    ice covered lakes and inaccessible snow covered roads . This date is subject to change but personally I think they won't

    be offering backcountry permits until the weekend of the 30th or into the first week of May . Seen some pictures from that

    area and it still looks like winter up there with at least 10 - 15 cm of snow on the ground and the lakes are still locked up to

    shore with ice .


  10. Keep the snows on everyone , a storm has its sights set on us here in Ontario for Wed/Thurs . Still a little early for forecasting but central Ontario could get

    up to 20 cm before it changes over to rain Friday . As a general rule in my house and livin in the snow belt , the snows don't come off till the "Masters Weekend"

    Which is the second week of April . Forgot to mention that the GTA area could get a bit of freezing rain along with the snow with this system !

  11. ^ Wow can't believe that Honey Harbour picture , crazy winter to say the least !

    Still lots of ice Parry Sound and north from what I have been told but its melting

    fast . It is suppose to cool down next week a bit which will sustain some of the ice

    but it will be an early ice out i'm sure .

  12. There is not a thing a young dog won't eat . Mine has a liking for socks , Kleenex and toilet paper rolls !!!

    She gets a hold of a toilet paper roll and it is "hungry hippo time" Pulls a whole toilet paper roll apart in seconds

    flat . Actually caught her just yesterday ripping apart a beer can , swallow that and its $$$

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