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Posts posted by 4x4bassin

  1. That is a telling graph for sure Jedi . I was going to say I have a couple friends in the Parry Sound area as well as Algonquin and they told me that as of last week

    there had not been a bit of melting and there was still 28" of ice on local lakes and a bush snow pack of 24"-30" . If they get a quick melt up there the river dwellers

    better start building an ark !

  2. I too drove by the Nicolston dam in Alliston yesterday and yes , it was flowing pretty good . One thing I can tell you guys that I have noticed is the snow pack north/west of Alliston

    is still substantial compared to north/east of Alliston . This area is the head waters to the Pine , Boyne and the Notty so it will definitely get a lot worse in the coming week with some rain

    and warmer temps. Down stream lookout !!!

  3. I'm not sure but one thing for certain if we don't start getting some heat around here like yesterday Algonquin Park lake ice will be tighter then a drum for that first

    week of opening at least . My laker trip is not planned till the end of May so we should be alright .One good thing the black flies wont be around till the end of May

    this year as well :good:

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