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Everything posted by tybrad

  1. best time to prune the tree is when the saw is sharp. I have worked as an arborist for the past 6 years and have yet to see the time of year affect the tree in MOST cases. Newly planted trees and stressed out trees due to drought or disease are the exception. But more importantly is to make sure to do the proper cutting techniques (google the branch collar cut). If your looking for best yield then i agree with the previous posters. Just make sure you dont cut more than 1/3 of the tree's crown. Then you will run into some unhappy trees. oh, and be careful, it isnt the fall that will cause the most damage, its the piece of wood/ladder that lands on top of you lol
  2. not sure how to delete posts. damn internet
  3. whoops
  4. thanks for the kind words. It sure is a great feeling finding them
  5. Hey Ladies and Gents, I hope your lives are well! I've recently been learning trout and since the browns around here are slow i'd go in search of the elusive brook trout. Needless to say after staring at maps forever and talking to some friends, I ventured out in search of this beautiful fish. After a few failed attempts and wet feet i found them and needless to say, they are gorgeous. If it wasnt hazardous to their health i wish i could just stare at them outside the water lol. Anyways, I'm hooked, having a great time exploring for these fish and even greater time succeeding. Only had one good pic of a 9 incher but a beauty in its on accord. Tight lines friends
  6. remember
  7. i would stay away from the vw, especially the 2004. They look amazing and drive amazing (especially the v10tdi) but they have had soooo many warranty issues that I've heard rumors of owners tempted to take them straight to the junker when they go out of warranty because of so many little issues. This is from my experience working at a vw dealership
  8. I always used adobe audition
  9. Hey, goin up to a park off this lake for the weekend and could rent a boat to go dip a line. Was wondering if anyone on here fishes the lake or if its worthwhile to give it a try> Website says rainbows, lakers and smallies but was wondering if anyone had firsthand experience Tight lines Tyler
  10. I will be on the waters in heart!
  11. Brookies with 3 eyes and glowing? (Love crompton)
  12. Lovely consumerism. In my opinion its unfair but life is unfair. Of course everyone as an opinion.
  13. Hey guys and gals. Long story short. Bought some waders for 200 bones. one selling feature was it had 2 waterproof pockets to store my valuables in. Long story short. After less than a month of owning them said waterproof pocket wasn't waterproof and now have a half working blackberry and keys that sometimes open my car. I emailed the company and their response was to send them the affected products and in turn they would give me a credit in their product to what my blackberry and keys are worth. I could raise more of a stink but I'm not sure what I could do. Should a company back their claims in this or am I outta luck?
  14. Great times even if the fish were quiet for the most part. Ryan's a great guy and I think we should get all the local boys together for a meet and greet sometime. Cheers! TYler
  15. I was out on the river today, nothing huge but some were biting
  16. Moo is right! Good catch! Looks like I should look into carping when the bass bite is sucking
  17. The funniest thing I found is the advice. Not once has and two people said anything remotely similar when it comes to baits or where the fish are. Everyone is using something and their way works best according to them. At that point I just figured I'd go try for myself lol
  18. So its been just over a month since I started my journey to learn to fish the rivers and I must say its been great! Originally my intent was to find out the hot spots right away and go to those. I would go to the tackle shops trying to gleen where to go. Or I'd ask here or try to research online where exactly to go only to find that information is only good if you use it. I didn't go out and try all the spots in between rather try one on hearsay only to get skunked. What I know now is there is adventure in exploring and maping your own way through the rivers! There is nothing like firsthand experience. Thanks for all the help thus far ofners and tight lines. Tyler
  19. It is surprising where one can find fish. And I do enjoy it! Thanks Johnny
  20. Hey hey all, I spent an afternoon on the local river to try my new reel. Purchased a Shimano Sahara 3000fd and loving every minute of it. So i drag my buddy Tyler along as his wife is whining that he doesnt get out enough (haha) and we go fishing. I ended up trying a new stretch i had never been to and would just scout out where to go. I was trying out a new lure as well, one of the live target wakebaits and on the second cast BAM! new personal best smallie again! This pic doesnt do it justice as it is about the length of my forearm and maybe two hands around girth. Needless to say an AMAZING fight. She was put back for another day and another fight As we're walkin down i spot a nice potential hole. Throw my lure in there a few times and pop out a few fingerling smallies. So i think nothing of it and plan to move on when BAM as soon as my lure hits the water this thing peels off maybe 20ft of line downstream before i know whats happening! My buddy ty, who things a sunfish is badass starts freaking out (in a good way) as he sees the line peeling off and my rod bent over sideways, Im reeling and playing and i get it close enough to see i've just caught my first river pike and man did that thing ever fight! For the size of the river i didnt think something this size was possible but i guess i was wrong! Again he was released to be caught another day Tight lines Untill Next time! Tyler
  21. Hey, turns out I have a free weekend and a camper I have access to, anyone know of a good place within 3 hours or so of k-w to fish and maybe rent a boat Thanks. Tyler
  22. sounds like a plan. Any reasoning as to why these change color so rapidly? is it normal?
  23. hey hey, spent a few hours exploring the local river tonight. I observed that I am either horrible at fishing with soft baits (dropshot, tube, senko), or they like only one thing. As soon as i gave up and switched back to what worked they hit right away! This pretty smallie hit as soon as my lure hit the water right after a run right at the head of the calm water. Put up a great fight and i am excited to maybe catch it again! One observation, When i pulled this Smallie out of the water, it was a light light green, and as i watched, it changed color to these stripes that we normally see on smallies. Really cool!
  24. from what i learned on canada's worst driver, you can tow two trailers in tandem up to 23 m. just found the link to MTO Towing More Than One Vehicle Cars, passenger vans and SUVs are not permitted to tow more than one trailer or one vehicle. Motor homes, trucks, pickup trucks and truck campers are legally permitted to tow two trailers or a trailer and a motor vehicle behind a trailer. However, a three vehicle combination that is swaying excessively, is unstable or has reduced handling capabilities is subject to action by the police as an unsafe combination of vehicles under the Highway Traffic Act. My link
  25. I messed it up. There is no conestoga river rather conestoga lake, and conestogo river
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