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About Brian

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Thanks everyone for the info! TnMHunter thanks for your offer but I was not patient enough. lol All good to go now. Thanks again all. OFC does it again Thanks, Brian
  2. Hey guys and gals, If I was to do my boater exam online how long does it take to get it in the mail? Do they send you a temporary one for the time being or what. Not sure why I just didn't do it years ago..... Oh well, my bad. Thanks for your help Brian
  3. Hey gang, Well started out not sure what I should do this mornin. Was to meet a guy at Fish Ontario this AM at 7, to switch cash for vex. Wind howlin, snow startin to blow too, I was pondering just turning around and headin back home incase the weather got worse. Shot back out to the 400 and traffic was backed up forever south bound, so I thought what the hell, may as well go fishin. Paid my $10 for park entry, unload and headed for the ramp. Now I've never fished IBP before, so I just struck out into the unknown. First hole was in 30' and no takers for 15 minutes of effort. So I moved in closer and was reading 17'. Non stop action, one rod, two holes drilled, had my 50 before noon. We've already got half of them ate lol. My 20 month old son just loves em. Sure was blustery out there today with no hut! But it was worth it. I'll be back thats for sure. So there you have it. All keepers were 9"- 11" Brian
  4. Aside from all that tho, she and her sister are smokin'
  5. Come on guys lol There has to a favourite brand out there. Thanks Brian
  6. which one would it be? My 15 year old son and I are itchin' to get into hunting. We're wantin to do the courses but its just so expensive. Question is, What trail cam would you get if the opportunity arose? Looking for something under $200. All we wanna see is the deer that inhabit our bush, as we see lots of sign. Thing is that my Mom happens to be across the border and comes home friday, and I was thinkin that maybe she could pick us up something that maybe a good deal. I'm just not sure which would be best. Any and all input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again, Brian
  7. Brian


    Great going guys! Nice to see you and Diplip still fishin. I don't post here much but love reading everyone else's adventures. JP's reports were excellent, whatever became of the dude? Again nice fish Brian
  8. My dog has been blasted twice in three years. I found the tomatoe juice just masks the odour and when the dog gets wet you will still smell it bad I think I used water, hydrogen peroxide and something else...... Not sure if it was dish soap or baking soda. GOOGLE is your friend. Hope this helps B
  9. Thanks Matt, Much appreciated my friend. I'm just hopin to get into some fish as most of the group don't ice fish much. This is usually the only time they get out. Thanks again. Brian
  10. Hey guys and gals, Headin up to Callendar Bay on Sunday AM for a couple days to try for some eyes. I was just wondering if anyone knows how much ice there is? Will I need to get an extension for the Jiffy or will it be OK without? Has anyone been up and had any success? Thanks, Brian
  11. Hey guys, I was out there on Sunday and yesterday. Lots of ice, Not so many perch! Caught alot of dinks but not many jumbo's. Ice was 9 1/2" out a mile and 6" out 2 miles...... that was Sunday. Yesterday at the 2 mile mark there was 8" Hope this helps, so go get 'em Later Brian
  12. Looks like a nice unit. Does anyone have any idea how many hp that would be? Likely only 2 hp I'm guessin
  13. Hey all, Well we caught lots of fish but the majority of them were perch, lots and lots of perch. Landed quite a few herring as well. Only managed two pickeral, they were hitting super light. Anyways we all had a blast and will do it again next year. Later Brian
  14. Thanks Bernie, Appreciate the reply. I guess we'll just have to hope for the best. The weather sounds better there than what we'll have here at home so all should be fine. Thanks again Brian
  15. Hello!!!!!! Anyone??
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