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Posts posted by camillj

  1. I watched a couple fella's messing with a chainsaw on Lake Joe last year ... not only were they making a heck of a racket for about half an hour ... because the ice was so thick they really were having trouble ... and getting soaked ... IMHO it actually looked more than a little dangerous .... but was god for a laugh since nobody got hurt .... but seriously ... I cut six 8" holes in half the time they cut their two and stayed dry and quiet through it all. Also ... a lot easier to transport the manual auger

  2. Really good point Slayingm ... jeeze I dont know if Ive ever seen a receipt for minnows .. I thought it was a strictly cash business :) :) :)



    The question is ... if the vendor sells you the minnws ... but you are using them .... who's to blame .... and does the receipt offer any proof other than perhaps you DID buy them from a place you shouldnt have ... sounds like a real can of worms to me .... oh wait ... maybe thats the answer ..... time to corner the red wiggler market ...

  3. Dont wanna hijack the thread .. but along the same lines has anyone stopped at the Petrocan north of BPS on the 400 ... they have been a pretty major supplier of minnows for the Lake Simcoe crowd and others heading north ... are they still selling minnows (I believe they would qualify as being in the BUFFER zone)



  4. I use counterspy ... and kerio personal firewall ... nod32 ... no pop-ups and no nasty hijacks ....(on my laptop) ... knock on wood :)


    On my desktop its Norton Internet Security ... not convinced about it though ... still seem to get the occasional issues although they seem to go away once their updates get caught up .... normally same day.


    I run NIGHTLY scans on the counterspy though .. you'd be surprised how much crap gets through (and caught) especially with kids in the house

  5. Quite possibly (likely) I'm wrong here, but I was in BPS the other day and I think I saw 6" Fin Bores for $42.......no idea what style handle it had though.


    I wasn't really paying attention to the ice gear, but I seem to recall that price, and they did have a sale on some ice gear.



    Uh oh ... Lew's checking out augers .. there's hope yet :) :) :)


    Wayne, I havent used the offset .. I dont think :) (I have the circle on top model) - but I definitely use both arms .. just not at the same time.


    Anyhow as long as your blades stay sharp I can cut through 30" of ice times 6 holes (when I take my kids) ... in no time flat ... need a coffee and a rest by the end of it ... but its definitely a way to warm up out on the ice :)


    The key is not to put too much down pressure and to make sure your blades are SHARP .... which means no banging around on the ice and no 'chipping' at old holes ... its always better to start fresh than to mess around with yesterdays holes

  6. Yup ... I got the same 6 cd set for al of Canada ... I was talking to the Lowrance dealer and he said there is goning to be a new set of lakes (depth charts) coming out .. so you know I'll be near the front of the line for that one ...


    But as a credit to the detail on these maps let me share a couple of experiences ....


    Frst off ... the obvious ... while fishing a body of water I had fished for years I turned on the H20 with the map of that area ... only to find there was a little lake just over the rise (less than a hundred yards away from where I had fished .... which NOBODY in the area seemed to know about .... heh .. guess they do now :) Since then I have found a lot of water near places I regularly fish that dont show up on the normal maps ...


    Anyhow ... this one really blows me away .... I was in Ottawa (Hull actually) attending a funeral ... and we got lost in the cemetery (not lost really but we couldnt find our group .... anyhow I turned on my H20 with the map loaded ... within a few seconds I was able to see which section of the 'drive' we were on and to see the route through the 'maze' ... I was shocked ... I mean I can understand all public roads getting plotted .. but this was private proverprty and every laneway was marked ... while leaving a cookie crumb trail so you could see whether you were travelling in circles .... tooooo cool !


    Dont know how I lived without it :)

  7. Most real fisherman will tell you that there is nothin quite so special than having another chance to watch the sun come up over the horizon and to watch the creatures of the day start to stir as the creatures of the night scurry back to their daytime hiding places .... and even moreso if you are on the water.


    The same happening in reverse at dusk stirs all the same emotions whether on a boat or on the ice.


    For ice fishermen ... its the same ... except we can do it standing in the water ... and for the real diehard fishermen who get a certain satisfaction fishing in the rain and wind .. because they 'toughed it out' this is no different on blustry winter days ... but for those of you who havent given it a fair shot .... some of the BEST weather has been out on a sunny day at about 5 below without a cloud in the sky or a whisper of a breeze ....



    I count every chance to experience this as a blessing ... for we really dont know how many more we will get

  8. Well, I was gonna abstain .. but just couldnt ...



    Here the FACTS ....


    In the late sixties and early seventies before anyone had a home computer (in fact before anyone ever heard of Bill Gates) ....


    We used to fish the Credit (right near the flour mill near streetsville) for .... wait for it ....


    Sockeye !!!


    Most amazing runs of them ... and I can tell you that within a day or two of the first fish being caught the river was shoulder to shoulder until the run was completely over.... this stopped ... not because of overfishing


    ... nor because of the internet ...


    but because these were not indigenous fish and the MNR had no more interest in that program ... they switched to coho .. and guess what ...


    suddenly there were hundreds upon hundreds of avid coho fishermen ... and along came the Great Star Salmon Hunt .... big Coho wins first prize ... one coho is tagged for a million dollars ... richest derbyon the planet (at the time) ... this suddenly and very abruptly dies ....


    (Editors note : in those days the best locations were published in the newspaper along with what lures and depths were producing)


    Not because of the hundreds (or perhaps thousands of fish kept by the newly exciting angling community who can now catch fish regularly along shore and in the lakes even when the run isnt on ) .... but because the MNR pulls back - and ultimately stops that stocking program


    in favour of .... Chinook .. the bigger ... more exciting fish .... so they think ....



    me I say ... get back to the stocking of COHO's and Rainbows .. and perhaps Atlantics or Pinks .... thats when the fishery was at its finest .... and when the fishing is good advertise it .. so the MNR gets the poitical support to continue spending our taxes on the things we love most.


    by the way .... I hate photoshopping out backgrounds (except perhaps the most obvious of landmarks) ... I enjoy trying to see if I know the spot or have ever fished it.... if I cant recognize the spot chances are nobody else who hasnt/or doesnt already regularly fish will either ... so leave it alone ... just my 2 cents.


    Oh ...another 2 cents ... talk to any CO and they will tell you nothing kills a stocking program faster than NOT having a lot of fisherman at any given location ....

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