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Posts posted by camillj

  1. Just another little note of caution guys ... and this is VERY serious ... I was out on Lk Joseph this weekend and while there was proabably 12 inches of ice .. at least 7 of this was 'bad' ice ... if any moisture at all gets into it, it COMPLETELY loses its integrity very quickly so please do NOT go on the basis of the ice you saw last weekend

  2. I havent bought music in over 25 years ... I used to buy alot of albums and tapes with my 'disposable income' ... so my $$$ availability to the 'artists' is ZERO ....


    Having set the groundworks for the 'loss' argument I ask the following questions :


    1) Whatever happened to driving across America to the 'bribe' the DJ's to play your music for FREE so EVERYBODY will hear it and talk about it .. and those who DO spend money on music will spend it on your titles


    2) Why is dowloading any different than taping the songs off the radio (the big craze in the seventies) ... for those too cheap to buy the album of for those who simply couldnt get the mix they wanted on an album at an price ... or your favourite movie off of TV...


    3) When you consider you are making money over and over and over selling basically AIR for work you did years ago how do you consider this stealing ... on the contrary .. the reason I will NEVER buy any more music is that I feel like I am the one who gets stolen from every time I buy a piece of music where the medium it came on is no longer supported and I have to start all over again and pay again for the right to listen to music I already paid for. I should at least get a trade in allowance .... anyhow ... imho the ONLY reason to enforce copyright is to prevent someone else from SELLING your material without having to pay you a royalty... its a B2B issue not a B2C one .. and IMHO the sooner the WORLD figures that out the sooner the world will be a better place ...and starving artists might actually find a following ...in my humble opinion

  3. Geeze Lew,


    Sorry to hear ... and I am glad Sherri is going to be alright ... it scares the heck out of me thinking how the aggressive 'other guy' can be the cause in a split second of such bad things to you or your loved ones... sometimes more even so when you are being careful and cautious


    I am waiting for the day they come out with the factory installed bumber-cam with a button on the steering wheel ... so you can get a quick shot of the morons as they pass you (or worse) in unsafe conditions ... then at the very least you have the licence plate and vehicle description to be able to take civil action if not criminal action against them.... and maybe a few well publicized civil law suits would make for some more care and consideration for the lives of others n the road....

  4. Doug I got the Lowrance H20c (handheld) last year with the 6 CD Mapcreate Cdn Topo map and a 1gig mem card ... I absolutely LOVE it every road and every pond show up on the maps ... very accurate and water 'resistant' .. supposedly even floats - though I havent tested that part ... sorry I have no info on the unit you described but if you're looking at options consider this one ... you can download your maps from anywhere in Canada ... only thing I am waiting for is better marine charts to come out (supposedly this year)

  5. Thanks DP ... sorry to hear about your flu ... actually I just listened to a VMail from my bud who is complaining of the same thing ... tell's me he may have to cancel depending on how he feels tomorrow ... I told him to down a fifth of scotch and SUCK IT UP .... we dont cancel no ice fishing over the flu .... besides ...nothing cures a cold faster than freezing out on the ice .. cept maybe a fifth of scotch :):thumbsup_anim::stretcher::worthy:

  6. :) ... yes its definitiely the best cooler I ever owned ... it goes everywhere with me... its about 18"l X 14"w X 14"h with a fold up handle that doubles as a lid lock (underside of lid is 4 coffee cup holders .... I think it cost about $25 ... has lasted at least 15 years ... becomes a minnow bucket (and even a live well in the summer) when needed ... and holds everything mentioned above as well as two or three of the plastic bait trays (forget the name) ... and on the way home can carry out a couple of fish for the table if need be :)
  7. Almost forgot .... VERY important ... pack 3 or 4 LARGE Ziplock freezer bags ... I put my phone, camera ... minitackle kit ... GPS ... all into these and toss em into the cooler ... then if I forget to put the lid on and its snowing I dont find out everything is dead ... saved my Camera and phone MANY times ... sometimes its almost impossible to keep things dry without em...even in your pockets


    And one last thing ... you may want to consider getting up at least 45 minutes before you leave ... and have that first cup of coffee (or tea) while your are in a nice warm place ... mother nature can be a pain in the donkey (literally) out on the ice :)


    Have fun !

  8. I always throw all my 'gear' into a small coleman cooler (the one with a single handle) ... then I toss in :


    ... an extra pair of mitts and an extra pair of woolen socks .. and an extra toque.... life savers if you happen to get them wet reaching for a biggun :) .... youd be surprised how fast and often it happens ...even just scooping out the hole every 5 minutes ... and if yours dont get wet you might save the day for your companion ... and get to stay out longer than if they were freezin



    ... also consider packing a small flash light and a 100' of 1/4" rope and a whistle... ya just never know (even if its not for yourself ... it could be very handy to have ... the flash light will be VERY important you get stuck out after dark to be sure you dont get hit by speeding skidooers ...


    My gear is layin all out on the living room floor as we speak :) ...


    I also have a small plastic sled (to drag all my gear)


    A thermos ... which will be full of hot coffee (and maybe just a little nip of something to warm the innards)


    A Coleman CAT heater (and extra bottle of gas)


    A small Coleman Lantern (which uses same type of gas bottle) .... extra light and extra heat if needed


    At least two spools of 250yds (6lb or 8lb) silverthread .... if one rod goes down the hole you want to be still able to fish ... I actually never use a rod on the ice ... prefer the old free-hand method ... toss the spool away on the ice and handle the line by hand... gets exciting with big fish .... but it works


    A Rapala filleting knife (I'm not allowed to clean my fish at home :)


    Extra batteries for the camera ... which I keep inside my jacket breast pocket... cold does bad things to batteries ...



    If you're not gonna be in someones hut bring a folding chair (they now come with easy to handle shoulder straps for about $12 at CT... even if only to rest your stuff on out of the snow ... can also be VERY effective as a wind break if you sit with your back to the wind.




    If you're gonna be walking bring a ski pole ... serves a lot of purposes ... and is handy as a walking stick in heavy snow/slush




    ....heh ... I just figured out how come my car is always JAMMED :)

  9. I would say more than 90% of my Lakers have come on minnows that have been changed in the previous 2 - 3 minutes ... BUT this may also have been because of them getting noticed on their long descent .... active fish are much more likely to hit a bait that is falling (or rising) than one that is just staying put (at least in my experience)

  10. At the same time, it doesn't help to have prominent tv personalities advocating throwing rocks at people legally fishing around cottager's docks.




    Wow !! I missed that one ... surely theres more to that story ....



    Thanks ehg ... Yes I thought so too ... actually if I am not mistaken the firm is (or was) called Osler Hoskin and Harcourt ... I had a friend who worked for them in the 80's

  11. At that time of year (May/early June) you can have a lot of fun dragging a black woolly bugger around on top (sharpen your hooks).... or (take a lead line if you have one) and fish 10-20 feet down with small (2 - 2.5 " ) silver/blue flutter spoons ... the longer then line (I often fish 100 - 150 feet + behind the boat) the better they can get shy of the boat.


    Later on (June/July) you'll need to get down to 30 - 50 feet so lead core (or downriggers) are a good bet.


    Enjoy !

  12. Here's a little excerpt from an article I found on the subject ... the key being navigable waters (over private land) being used for navigation... vs fishing or hunting .... I know theres controversy ... but its definitely worth knowing before we throw our almighty rights at the courts and hope to be found blameless ....



    "After listening to all the arguments, Justice C. Boyd reserved his decision until January 6, 1891 when he handed down his judgement stating that the defendents Messrs. Davis and Blong were wrong. He said, "the defendents (Davis and Blong) are in the wrong; they came upon the place, not for purposes of navigation, but to shoot ducks against the protest of the plaintiff (Beatty). The custom relied upon of persons or of the public going to shoot or fish in that locality year after year does not afford any defence in law agains the private rights of the owner. The fact of the place being to some extent navigable water, does not justify any interference with private rights of fishing and fowling.

    Having regard to the novelty of the action, and the fact that the plaintiff has not entirely succeeded because of the issue as to navigable or non-navigable water I give judgement against the defendents, with $40, which I access for damages and costs."

    The judgement is interpreted as follows:

    Ownership of land or water, though not enclosed, gives to the proprietor under the common law, the sole and exclusive right to fish, fowl, hunt, or shoot within the precincts of that private property, subject to game laws, if any; and this exclusive right is not diminished by the fact that the land may be covered by navigable water. In such case the public can use the water solely for bona fide purposes of navigation, and must not unnecessarily disturb or interfere with the private rights of fishing and shooting.

    Where such waters have become navigable owing to artificial public works, the private right to fishing and fowling of the owner of the soil must be exerciesed concurrently with the public servitude for passage."


    The entire story is here : http://www.scugogheritage.com/misc/scugogmarsh.htm

  13. The area I am speaking of is south of the causeway (at hwy 7) ... just before the bait shop ... if you look south on that bay as you drive by there are signs posted way out in the water ... someone told me theres a story behind it dating back to when they flooded Scugog and the guy who owned the land ... now flooded ... did some kind of a deal with the govt ...


    I am sure one of our OFC Scugog locals probably could elaborate better than I.... but from what I have heard if you venture over there (even in a boat in the summer) they come and chase you out.

  14. Another interesting point which hasnt come up ... just because something is under 'federal control' or even under 'governement (any level) ownership' - DOES NOT means its yours mine our ours ... and does not mean we have free access to it. Land, buildings or Water.



    There is a LOT of government property which is not open to public access ... and alot of it has been placed understewardship or leased .... there is a reason people pay for these rights .... because they are not free.



    As specific example is on the southern portion of lake scogug ...from what I understand theres a whole lot of Water on lake Scugog which is deemed private property ... and alot of folks get chased off it every year - even though they are in a boat and accessed via the 'public' water ... Id be interested to hear from anyone whos been charged there ... and whether they

    were successful in their defense

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