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Posts posted by camillj

  1. Ive been using a Humminbird 4000 for years on the ice ... works great .. recently it died so I got the 40004D (good to 400 feet) I know its old technology but it works great out in the minus 20 degree weather and runs for a couple of days with two of the 6 volt flashlight batteries so I am sticking with it ... the reason I like it as a protable is that the whole thing fits into a handy sturdy case ... also with the clamp adapter for the transducer I can put it on virtually any boat come softwater time.


    I think if I was buying new Id probably agree wth the eagle/lowrance especially if I was opting for the GPS combo ...

  2. Lew, Im with ya bud ... I will never forget (I hope) Bill Cosby's line that my brains are in my arse I know that cause when I get up to go do something I get halfway there and frget what it was .. then almost as soon as I sit down again .. I remeber :)


    Anyhow ... here's a question for ya ... when you take someone out in your boat do you normally sit them at the tiller ? This one looks like you're fishin from the front ... sure you were'nt alone ?



    If I had to guess I would say you were right across the lake from BigCliff .. in MY spot !!!! :D :D

  3. Sorry .. just had to share ... its a patent for a dodger ... which never actually made me money ... although when it was licenced to Williams we all thought it would make me rich :) .... only Mepps didnt care about dodgers so when they bought Williams that was the end of the story ... at least until now ... anyhow here's the patent




    Call/PM me if you want to buy the rights :)

  4. Well lets see .... I bought a Pete Maina rod .. from you :) ... which I love ...except I like em better when I can break them in two before getting into the car ...


    and a Calcutta reel ... which I realllllly love (with you at BPS)


    and a Lowrance H20C ... which I reallllllllllllly love (from LB)


    and a Aquavue Scout XL which I reallllllllllllllllly love (also from LB)


    and a few dozen lures (off ebay)


    and a couple of slopmasters (from John)


    and a Cat heater (actually it was a gift from my mother in law) much like yours except mine has a coffee mug shaped base which just happens to also fit into a golf cart cup holder


    and did I mention a couple dozen lures


    and a replacement for my Humminbird (which I havent yet seen but its coming) (off ebay)


    and a 4 man portable tent style hut (off ebay) .. which got stolen within abut a month ... soon to be replaced with something alot easier to erect and take down


    and a new manual auger ... which ... while it cuts like butter is soon to be augmented with a Jiffy 30 (since everyone says how great they are)


    a couple of spinning reels to replace the ones that are starting to show just a little too much wear and tear



    a digital scale


    a couple of 9.9'hp motors .. my favourite was one I got quite impromptu from Bigcliff whilst fishing across the lake from his dock


    another Penn 209 (off ebay)... just think these are the best reels for spooling up with Leadcore and for downrigging for salmon



    a new pair of polaroids (old ones were all marked up ... so they are available for newbies who come along for the ride :)


    Jeesh now that I see it all written down I am embarrassed .. you would think that after over 40 years of fishin hard I wouldnt need much ... the sad thing is I have a new list of things that I NEED for this year :)

  5. A few months ago I posted about my aunt who had sold everything including her home and belongings to be able to build a childrens home in ethiopia.


    I wanted to post an update as construction has begun and during this time of sharing I know there are many who would love this story...


    Here's an article published in the Malta Times about her project http://www.kifinti.com/angels_home


    And here's a pic of the new home under construction :




    PM me if you would like information about helping her

  6. Thats good news ... one day at a time my friend ! One of my favourite dogs is a three legged doberman who stands guard at a friends house in barbados ... named aptly "tripod" :)

  7. Yep ... had some nasty weather in a rental where the only option was to throw anchor out the front on a short rope and let the wind blow you back to shore bow-into-the wind ... I have had a few waves over the stern while trying to outrun the weather ... not fun in a heavy steel rental like the ones at Waubaushene ....


    but no big deal if you can keep your nose into the wind... by the way ... awesome action in these conditions :)

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