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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. all fisherman were busy catching last minute presents. ??? not much, not even that funny....
  2. thnx for heads up! no hurry mods...
  3. thnx xrap, pmed a mod with info, just waiting now, when they got time. Rizzo, yup , all good, expect some nice fish from me, well dont expect too much LOLOL
  4. well sure it matters to me, i wanna have a fishing icon or all know angler on my name. yea of course it doesnt catch me more fish, but still...
  5. Rick told me to go back to the old board, but it redirects me to this one. The hompage is the same, the old one, then im here???
  6. i pmed a mod hopefully this will work.
  7. what happend here, i was under urbanangler1990 on the old board and i had a lot of posts with it. I tired logging but it said im not a member. Then i thought if i register under same name and password i would get my old profile back, but lOOOKKK i didnt!!!! HELP!
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