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About skankbutta

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  1. I need to get a lifejacket for an infant (3 month old less than 20lbs). Does anyone have a suggestion? I was looking at getting a Naya one, but can't find anywhere that they are in stock. Thanks for your help.
  2. Deer Creek will not let you on the water with a gas motor on your boat. I know this first hand.
  3. Thank you. I figured as much.
  4. When I bought my boat from the US, it came with life jackets. They say that they are approved by the US Coast Guard. Am I able to use them in Canadian waters? Or do I need ones approved my Canadian Coast Guard? I have some of both, but just want to know if I should give them away to some family members in the USA or keep them on my boat. Thanks!
  5. I picked up the boat for $8500 US ($9100 Canadian w/ converting). I paid $1100 taxes at the border for boat and trailer and then another $50 taxes at the motor vehicle office. You have to pay $250 to get your trailer inspected at Canadian tire. And probably $100 for gas to get to Michigan and back. All in I probably spent about $10,500. Not cheap, but a heck of a lot cheaper than I could get a similar one in Canada. I could probably sell my boat right now in Canada for about 13,000+.
  6. Hi there. I am not sure if my boat (05' Alumacraft Navigator CS) requires a ladder or not, but I don't want to risk it. I think it will be close to the 1' 8" limit once it is in the water (Have yet to get it out). Does anyone know where I can get a fold up ladder that goes over the side of the boat around the Hamilton or Welland area. I know Canadian Tire has one, but it looks like a cheapie and is 69.99, which isn't too cheap. I want something decent, but don't want to spend a lot on it because it won't get used a lot. Thanks!
  7. Thanks guys.
  8. Just picked up a boat from the USA. It is a 2005 Alumacraft Navigator 165CS w/ a 2005 75HP Evinrude E-tec. The boat is a 16' 7" side console wide body. I have completed all the necessary paper work and the boat is "official". Now I am looking at getting it insured. I'm just curious as to what others pay for a similiar boat to get insured. I called my current car/house insurance company and they quoted me around $300 for the year w/ a $200 deductible. Does this seem reasonable? I will call a few places (any recommendations?) to get some comparative quotes. Thanks for any help.
  9. I bought a boat from the US. I paid for all of my taxes, got the trailer inspected... Everything is good to go, however I have not had the boat ownership transferred over at a service Canada centre and have not officially picked up plates for my trailer yet (I am going to do it first thing in the morning). Right now there is a Michigan plate on the trailer. 2 Questions: Can I transfer the plates from my old boat/trailer on to the new boat/trailer? Also, can I take the boat out without going to a service canada centre and getting my canadian numbers? I am hoping to take my son out tomorrow morning and don't want to ruin our day. Thanks a lot for your help.
  10. Not sure of that spot, but I think I know of it. I like to fish by the bridges, specifically the last bridge that crosses to a park (I think).
  11. When I worked at Wildwood, I would fish the St. Marys area every now and again. If you hit it at the right time, the pike are dynamite there. Hook on a spinner and hold on. There are some slammers in there, but they get fished out real fast once the word gets out. I've seen a few nice bass caught in the "pike" pool as well. I never really walked the river much, but I bet if you did some searching you could find some real killer spots from St. Marys to Stratford on the Thames.
  12. I enjoyed my stay there when I was there 2 years ago. I caught a lot of fish... If you want to destroy fish (bass, pike, and BIG perch just go to the reeds in quiet bays and use yellow grubs). The perch will probably have worms in them, but you will catch some monsters. You will catch fish all day long, but lots of pike. If you want walleye or bass, then that isn't the place to stay. Very shallow, so be careful in the boat. Although I enjoyed my stay, I doubt I would go back. It is not very kid friendly. Lots and lots of bugs...
  13. Can someone give me a heads up on approximately how much a 14' fibreglass boat with a 35 HP Mercury on a homemade trailer would fetch? I bought a new boat and want to get rid of it quickly, but am not going to give it away. Just a general idea would be fine... The motor is an older model Merc, but it runs fine. All it needs is a water pump, which was ordered, and it will run fine. Everything works fine on the boat, but it could probably use some minor cosmetic work. If pictures will give a better idea, then I can take a few pictures. Thanks!
  14. That place looks familiar. Looks like a prime smallie area. Is in a town with 2 names near Stratford?
  15. Nice fish there.
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