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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. If you have a clean driving record, it's probably worth your time to try get it dropped.


    Several years ago, I got clocked speeding and the Police Officer told me that due to my good driving record, there was a good chance I could have my fine reduced and points dropped. so I took her advice and was happy I did.

  2. Have you ever heard John Scott speak? He's a very well spoken, thoughtful guy. He didn't want to go into detail but said the NHL made it clear to him they 'preferred' that he didn't participate in the All-
    Star game. So he's going!


    John Scott is now one of my favorite players.

  3. I find it funny that people bash unions when there are job loses. A union doesn't fire people. A bad company fires people.


    We have weak labour laws now and bad companies use them to their advantage. It seems to me the only thing the union can do these days is make sure the employees are treated fairly during their time with the company and they get a proper severance package when they're fired( which is usually a better package at most union shops ).

  4. Every winter, my buds and I get onto Lake Simcoe for trip or two for a little social and hopefully some fish. I noticed surfing around the operator's websites this year that many have hiked their prices to, like, $60 and even $70 per person, for the day.


    Has anybody else been looking to book and noticed this?


    Sure, I wish the rates were lower, but I'm not complaining, as every business has the right to charge what they think the market will bear.



  5. To Old Iron Maker:


    We are definitely ranting at the right people if we are ranting at the cable company. That sports talk show host you were listening to was probably on a Rogers owned station and spouting the company line about how it's sports leagues that are the reason your cable bill is too high. Betcha he never mentioned his companies' profits over the past year.


    That's the problem when the cable company owns the radio and TV stations. Truth goes out the window.

  6. As mention before, Natural Sports in Kitchener is very close to you and has quite an awesome selection. You can even call Neslon before you make the drive out to see if he has your model in stock.


    Also, have you shopped the new Sail store in Cambridge? A good place to try, as well.


    Ps.. Ooops sorry, I see you already checked with Natural Sports for the rod. Anyhoo, I was in there a few weeks ago and was very impressed with their reel selection. Lots of choice and they had a lot on sale as well.


    PPS.. I wade the Grand a lot too. Try adding a twister tail grub and jig combo to your attack. And 1/8th once jig will stay above all that matted weed on your retrieve and has accounted for a lot of bass for me.

  7. Ha ha ha Shak, this is a great topic! I went over to my steelhead fishing rod selection from back in the day and found my old 12'6" St. Croix UL that was rated for 2lb to 6lb line. Man, what a whip!


    But I bested some real beauty Bows with it, including a few fresh river salmon. The 'C' arc it formed fighting a fish is a classic 80s image you don't see on the rivers anymore.

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