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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. I think I'd be wondering the same things as you Mike. The rivers I fish for carp produce for me in the warmer months, but come winter I'm never sure if they've moved off or they're just not feeding.


    I've got my carp gear all organized and ready by the door, so time to do some legwork now that everything has opened up.


    Locnar, good on you to spot 'em and good luck giving 'em a go soon.

  2. I'm wondering Mike if perhaps they've migrated away from this area during the colder months? In lake situations, I've always thought they headed to cluster together in deeper spots.


    Having said that, I know for sure their metabolism slows way down in cooler temps and they just don't feed as much. But they still do feed as dedicated carpers are able to catch 'em 12 months of the year in Ontario.


    Neat to have a pond like that close to you. I'd definitely give it a go a few more times to see if you have yourself year-round playground there. Maybe use smaller offerings as your hookbait and avoid chumming in excess.

  3. I couldn't do mine online. When I click that I'm an Ontario resident then click 'continue' it wouldn't.


    I called the phone number and the fella confirmed that there were still some issues. So I tried to use the phone method but realized that with the phone, there was no way to print a temporary card and I would have to wait weeks for the card to be mailed to me.


    So, I eventually went old school and got mine at the tackle shop.

  4. What a beautiful piece of Canada you guys are seeing, Lew. I've never been, myself, but always enjoy pics and stories from those who go. The sailing ships are gorgeous, especially our Bluenose.


    I love nautical history so I've always been interested in our east coast provinces and may get there some day yet.


    How about the food; have you eaten the local fare yet, Lew? Any cod or lobster fillin' yer belly??

  5. I'm a huge fan of Krown. I've have used both their Stoney Creek location and Waterloo location for probably over a dozen years. Very professionally run outlets and I am well satisfied with the results. I'm pretty particular about my vehicles and I like to keep 'em looking good and rust-free. Two thumbs up. Did a great job on restoring my headlights too. They're like new.

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