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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. Operators on the east side of Lake Simcoe like Floyd Hales can get ya into Perch and Lake Trout but you have to pick because the huts are in two different locations. Lake Trout water is generally deeper, so you'll have to pick Hellfish. If you're taking someone who doesn't fish often or gets bored easily, the Perch huts are a better choice, plus you'll have the additional fun of hooking into Cisco now.

  2. Interesting stat:

    We had 4 guests (8 corporate seats) cancel this morning. They decided to go to Niagara Casino instead ;) It took more than a few phone calls to fill 2 & 2 went unused. First time in memory this happened outside of legitimate absences. We have so far only 4 guests confirmed for next game vs Phoenix.

    What does MLSE care? Those seats are payed for, whether anyone's sitting in 'em or not.

  3. I guess that's what I'm saying too. I'm all for kids going outside and having some fun but I honestly think that rink is too close to the street. It was creatived with the best of intentions, I know, but it can't stay up. I know how the media likes to make villains out of people and say; "Well the Grinch came early this Christmas," but I'd be siding with the City. Sorry.


    My Counsin and her neighbours maintained a neighbourhood rink a few winters ago just down the street from them but it was at a park well away from traffic.

  4. Thanks Terry. That's why I couldn't find anything online yet.


    Without knowing the limits and such until I get a hardcopy in my hands, at first blush, I think it's great news. If the science says a harvest is ok now, then I'm all for it.


    I remember back in the day, having a couple of Cisco mixed in with a cooler of perch to take home, clean( arghhh ), and enjoy.


    Nice to have those days back.

  5. Not very much different from the bite alarms we use carp fishing, other than this alarm clips to the rod itself, and not on a carp pod that the rod rests on.


    Interesting though, and looks like it would be very usesful for carp and cat guys. I hope the alarm doesn't keep sounding the whole time you're fighting a fish, though. That would be annoying.

  6. I have to laugh. A couple of years ago, there wasn't a media member out there who wasn't spouting off about the "Edmonton model" and how they were brilliant to tank and get first round draft picks and build for the future. All's I heard was how much better the young Oilers were than the young Leafs and if you could pick either group of young players, the Oiler were the better choice, blah, blah, blah..


    I even remember how the media trashed the Leafs for letting such a great Coach like Eakins go to the Oilers and how they let another great one go.


    And now those SAME reporters are the ones saying how disfunctional the Oilers organization is and how badly managed they are from top to bottom.


    Gotta love the media.

  7. Hey, I remember Eric Frolick too. He was a 'good' guy from the wrestling that was shot out of Vancouver. I remember him against another good guy and it was what they refered to at the time as a 'scientific match.' Two guys fighting clean, fast and attempting multiple holds and pins, fighting to a draw and shaking hands at the end of the match. Never saw too many matches like that one.

  8. Years ago when I just got into fishing, I remember a trip to Hay Bay with friends to target walleye. I hooked into what I thought was surely going to be the biggest walleye of our trip! When I brought it to the boat, I asked my friends; "What the heck is it?" They seemed very unimpressed and said it was a Sheepshead and to throw it back.


    Way back then, I had never heard of them. Never saw one on a sportfish poster or read about 'em in the fishing magazines. Yet, here was this big, bruiser of a fish that reminded me of the saltwater fish I would catch in Florida, and it fought better than any fish I had evey caught in those early days,


    To this day, I can't understand the exact reasons for the disrespect the poor ol' Sheepshead gets but I for one love 'em on the end of my line and and admire they way they look and fight.

  9. In my old neighbourhood, the fella across the street from us had an incredible light show and display. Lights flashing on and off, inflatable Santa and snowmen, etc. People would drive by and stop for photos on an annual basis.


    Personally, I loved it, and I don't understand why these extreem Christmas decorations are a soar spot for some.

  10. In Hamilton, many of us have Cogeco. Kinda like Rogers 'lite'. Actually, Rogers owns a good portion of it. Anyhoo, I can't tell you how many time my boxes have malfunctioned. Pretty regularly. Then, I have to disconnect it and take it back to the Cogeco store so they can replace it with another malfuctioning box.


    And the worst part is, they try to upsell you on more Cogeco products at the counter. Seriously!????

  11. Ha ha haa,,, a fun topic Beans!


    I always bring a book. It's almost always a hardcover fishing book. I'm into carp fishing now so I have a pile of British carp fishing books that I've ordered through Amazon and, with Doctor's appointments being what they are, you're usually sitting there for an hour or two before you get in so I get a lot of reading done!


    I'm surprised how few people come prepare and almost never see anyone reading in a Doctor's office. Texting, well, that's another matter...

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