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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. Hey Jitterbug, the Thames has always kinda reminded me of the the Grand River, which I fish a lot.


    One of my favourite 'go to' baits is a twister tail grub fished on a 1/8th ounce jig head. It's perfect for shallow river situations because you can cast and retrieve the rig over rocks and that thick matted weed the the river is full of. The lighter jig head allows you to swim it nicely over these obstructions, seldom getting snagged because the hook is pointed upwards.

  2. How did they workout, Beans?


    I always have a mouse trap or two on the go at my place, cuz I'd always like to catch 'em BEFORE I even know I have 'em.


    Anyhoo, I just use the old school traps but if there was more efficient or 'neater' way to catch and dispose of them, I'd like to try it.

  3. A woman fishing next to me at LaSalle Park in Burlington last year hooked a seagull so I got her to play it into the net, got my pliers and got to work. It's amazing how docile the bird became one we had it on the pier, and began to extract the hook. Like it knew we were there to help.


    Same thing happed to me at Dalhousie Harbour this past winter. I hooked a duck, which I played into the net and it behaved very well while I unhooked and untangled it. In fact, it just stayed on the pier next to me for a bit, 'til I gave it a pat to send it on it's way, none the worse for wear.


    Several years ago, a swan flew into my line while carp fishing in Hamilton Harbour and that was a bit frightening. Those things are nast and huge. Fortunately, as I was reeling it in, it miraculously untangled itself and I got back my rig and everything in one piece. Whew!

  4. Lying on you back, straighten out your cramping leg, and flex your ankle and point your toes back towards your head as much as you can. Hold position until the cramping subsides. Helps me all the time.


    I learned it from scuba diving, when you get a leg cramp, you straighten your leg, grab the tip of your fin and pull it back towards you.

  5. You guys can laugh if you want, but while duck hunting lake ontario last winter, I swear we watched whales breeching the surface many miles offshore. I've seen whales many, many times, and what we saw sure looked to be whales. You could see the spray with naked eyes, but thru binoculars, you could see the whole animal coming out of the surface, with a puff of spray each time they breeched. Craziest thing I ever saw, and there were 5 of us who witnessed this.



    From the National Post:

    "But a marine biologist at the University of Guelph, who specializes in sharks in fresh water and watched the video Wednesday, said he believed it was actually a harbour porpoise — the dolphin’s smaller cousin."

  6. Doesn't look anything like a catfish to me. The slowed-down footage, as poor as it is, looks like a bull shark, and it's possible because they can survive in fresh water. But like Dave Bailey said, the ridge behind the dorsal seems more whale-like.


    So now I'm confused...

  7. great link Dave posted. remember, those numbers are in meters.


    the point at pier 4, where it drops off to 9m / 10m is a good spot for drum. the corner at Canada Marine Discovery Centre is also a good spot as it has good depth.


    i've found the big drum in the harbour stay close to deep water...

    Thanks for explaining about the numbers, Steve. I was just about to ask.


    And yes, a terrific link!

  8. They've been holding public meetings and one of the proposals is to have a 2 cisco limit with your sportfishing license( or a 2 cisco/whitefish aggregate limit ).


    It was only a matter of time, I suppose, as the Cisco population on the lake is coming back, as icefisherman have noticed the last few seasons. The Ministry sites habitat improvements, which is good news. Not being able to target them must have helped, too, and this limited harvest sounds pretty reasonable to me.







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