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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. Mmmmmmmmmm...now THAT'S a report!


    Love the pics especially the ones at the dinner table! I enjoy my fish whole like that too. Looks great on the plate and, you're right, you waste way less of it. I kinda think it tastes better too!


    Thanks for that!

  2. Got my renewal form in the mail on Friday and renewed via the phone system. It was easy and fast... the only potential draw back being, I have to wait for the card to come in before I can fish in 2008. They said on the phone that it would take up to 20 days for the card to arrive. I hope they have their poop together as I may/will want to hit Quinte again early in the new year and would prefer to be "legal" at that time!


    HeadHunter, you should have gotten a temporary license e-mailed to you. Print it and stick it in your wallet. Pretty sure they do that will all renewals. They did with me anyway...

  3. I noticed that pattern several weeks ago on a Grand trib in the KW area. They definately don't wanna chase anthing fast but still wanna eat. Switching to a tube jig( rigged weedless )and dragging it slowly on the bottom caught a few fish for me too. Not as big as your two beauts yesterday, though!


    Congratulations and thanks for the report and pics!

  4. Wow! Who'd a thunk it.


    I didn't think the Bombers were gonna get by the Argos and didn't think the Riders would get past BC.


    The Grey Cup is up for grabs, but it doesn't look good for the Bombers who will be without their #1 QB.



  5. Stan, anytime you wanna 'gross me out' with that recipe, please feel free. I'll bring the wine.




    I remember catching a few snapper off a pier in Florida years ago, and a famly friend scaled 'em, gutted 'em and cut the fins off. We fried 'em up pretty much whole like that( head on )and they were as tasty a fish as I can remember. But the image that stays with me to this day is our friend eating that fish like it was corn on the cob, head included.


    Ever since then, depending on the fish, I too LOVE to fry up fish whole and eat everythng including the head.


    Some of it is cultural as people from my background( Serbian )wonder why we( Canadians )waste so much of the fish that we catch.


    Ok, hope I didn't ruin anyone's supper...

  6. Ya, I agree with Suds.


    I saw a brilliant piece on TSN this morning and the reporter said Eric shouldn't be judged buy what WE expected of him.


    I think his stats alone put him in the Hall.


    Beyond that, I thought his 5-million dollar donation to the London hospital and retirement announcement was terrific.

  7. I sorta felt like I was really getting hosed by my broker and the insurance company( Pilot ). I believe I was one of their "automatically renew this guy at a much high rate" customers.


    Anyhoo, I shopped around and went with CAA. Same coverage but much cheaper.


    Whoever you go with, shop around. It's a pain and you spend a lot of time on the phone on hold, but when you're talking about saving hundreds of dollars, it's worth it.

  8. There's a little button on the remote control to the TV that will select another channel if you push it...



    Personally, I don't like any show host holding fish out of water while chatting too, but what the hey, we hold fish for photos so really, what makes that much different in the over all scheme of things?


    Although I don't agree with all of Daryl's polictics and comments, I generally like his show. He is, for lack of a better term, real. In this day of 'manufactured' tv types who walk the politically correct line all the time, he is exactly what you see. I also like the shows with his son and I think Josh will make a great host of that show when the 'old man' decides to hang 'em up.

  9. Agreed, it was a great read. And that's an interesting backgrounder on you two guys.


    I think I'm gonna have to invest a few sleepless nights and give your system a go.



  10. Great report and pics Joey! Way to brave the elements. Bass like that'll make you forget about cold and wind and rain and everything!!! Dig the Izumi hold! Come on, we all do it. lol


    Mind me asking where your lake is. No need for exact name or location. Just would like to know the area( ie, Muskokas )


    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Wow, I sure hope your buddy appreciates what a great friend he has! Also hope he'll compensate ya for the broken rod at least.


    That's really nice of you to take the weekend and try get his boys into some fish. Yup, when they're that young, you might as well forget about doing any fishing yourself. Perhaps planning a less ambitious half day trip with the boyz next time would be a little better( and easier on your nerves! ).


    Good on ya, though, Solo!

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