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Everything posted by hogman3006

  1. check your pm box, I tell you, I am an addict.
  2. Alas, I have that disease as well. I cannot stop myself when I see something I don't have in my box. It weights 87 lbs. Ebay is my curse as well as my savior. Really good deals on musky stuff, so I can buy two. My go to bait is a chartreuse, yellow, bleeding #5 muskie mania bucktail.
  3. might I suggest a stainless prop. It can do wonders.
  4. I'm up in North Bay, and they are BAD this year
  5. Yes, must be nice to live where you can fish those babies with your wife all year long. My apologies.
  6. isn't bass oos until Saturday?
  7. Oh ya, and I forgot. there is fantastic lake trout fishing in kiosk lake on the north end of Algonquin park. Just about a 50 min drive from Callander. 20 hp. max. Check your Pm box
  8. hey Duckdog, welcome to the area. I know alot of lakes around these parts, what species are you looking to catch? I will give you some spots.
  9. Mercy to the Guilty is Treason to the Innocent. Terry Goodkind
  10. what part of the Ottawa are you on?? I am up Near Mattawa and we do have some big ones up hear.
  11. 6" jake in smallmout bass color
  12. One word "Gulp"
  13. here is my first of the year. Incidentally caught while fishing for big Northerns. The season opens next weekend up here. Got a pic and threw it back. We never caught a northern over 24"
  14. Marine Expert. top to bottom front to back, except the prop for $450 a year
  15. where do I get he info on the Bassmasters club?
  16. can anybody tell me where to get listings of local tournaments. I am in the North Bay area. I know that there is a pike series around here, but I can't find any info on it. And I would like to get into doing a few bass tourneys. thanks for the help.
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