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About Fishboch

  • Birthday October 9

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    Home: Carp Cottage: Paudash

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  1. Look for YouTube video Installing FTMC If it's an older box this may be the fix Very simple to do
  2. Protackle has some big baits but the biggest I found come from JB Baits. Unfortunately they have no rwebsite.
  3. So I have just begun to research this topic and I was very excited when I read that I could create my own maps for lakes where no maps exist !!! This is the situation for one of my favourite fishing holes and many other water bodies around the region. So I am wondering if anyone here in Canada has a HB unit and has used this new feature to successfully create their own maps. The more I have been reading, the less I believe that this is possible. First off, they mention the use of LakeMaster chips. Everything I have read so far pretty much says there is no LakeMaster coverage for Canadian lakes except the Great lakes, LOTW, or Rainy River. On top of this, in order to save your custom maps you must save them to somethinfg called your ZeroLine Map card which costs another $100 but that's not a big deal. This card has a number of different folders on it which are used to create and save your map but one of these folders is the following directly from the installation manual: LkMaster: This fiolder provides the basemaps files for your regional map. DO NOT change the contents of this folder! I'm assuming this would be the geo-positional outline data for all lakes in the region. So seeing as LakeMaster has no Canadian coverage to start with, what is the likelyhood that they would have any Canadian basemap data on this card ? I guess it is possible so it would be very helpful if anyone with one of these new units could reply and let us know if this actually works. Thanks. Paul.
  4. Got the same boat last year and just love it. It has done everything I wanted it to do with flying colours! My only issue is getting a good downrigger setup but I'm working on that. It will give you years of pleasure. Enjoy !!!
  5. So my new Lund is coming up to it's first birthday soon. Received a notice in the mail from Mercury with their offer for an extended warranty. It's about $500 for a year or $1500 for four years. So my question to all new boat owners, is it worth shelling out for an extended warranty or do you feel it's just a money grab ? I know there's the piece of mind knowing you're covered in case something does go wrong but I also know many outboards run for 40 or more years without so much as a tune up required. My old 15HP that I've been running or 29 years now has never given me a problem. This is. 115 four stroke we're talking about so if something were to go wrong it could be costly but my feeling is, if something is going to go wrong it will be 5 years or more down the road after the warranty has run out anyways. What have you new boat owners done ? Opinions appreciated. Thanks Paul
  6. Well looks like everything worked out for you. Just saw this post and I did the same thing earlier this spring. I too was looking for a solution for my new Lund. I dealt with these guys strictly through emails. Did the bank transfer thing and was a little skeptical too but everything worked out fine. They had to order some parts before the could fill my order but once they had everything they let me know and it was here in two days. The only problem was the manufacturer's claim. Not sure what boat you have or what application you are trying to setup but I was trying to setup downriggers on my 1775 Impact. Traxtech claimed a 24 inch would be good enough for downriggers. I tried them when the gear arrived and there's just too much torque on the gunnels. I'm getting some custom risers built that will mount to the floor for the riggers and the Traxtech system will be used strictly for my rod holders when trolling for musky.
  7. Just got the latest edition of Musky Hunter magazine and Rollie and Helen's Musky Shop has an ad for Savagear baits. Go figure. Guess they just didn't sell well up here for some reason. Looks like you got a good deal.
  8. That's an easy one. My first and probably only Sturgeon !!! Caught while trolling for musky at night. Could not tell what it was even in the net because it had no tail !!! We estimated it at 48 inches which means it would have been well over 50 if it had its tail.
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