Government Bull,
I got a letter in the mail that told me I had to pay a $45.00 parking ticket because I parked too long
on a street in Ottawa Ontario.
My vehicle or Myself have NEVER been to Ottawa, I called local Police to run my plate, they said they
cant do that to show a fine effecting it, went to MTO Office--same answer, said come back in 6 months
to see if the fine is on my car record.
I called 800 number on the letter, said my side of the story to a clerk in Ottawa city hall, he checked an
8 digit # associated with the ticket, agreed an error had been committed by the City and cancelled the
notice of fine.
He telephoned my house the next day and told me that all was well and done and to disregard the
fine conviction.
Sometime you are the statue and somedays you are the pigeon.
Regargs to all,