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Everything posted by lloyd

  1. I must admit that I will never see this place again, I posted a simple question--got very ingnorant answers-including the word toilet,,yuk... mod took over and erased horrible answers, thank goodness. I have lost total faith regarding OFC, used to be great and the best, now --I quit, have had enough!!!! Thank you to the mod who did the editing to the responses of my question. Good bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hi, Can anyone tell me why a set of very old cast iron frying pans have some hinged lids that attach at the round far end of the pan and fold over and lay to rest on the fry pan handle. The lids have ribs with slots in between them. I would post a pic but have no knowledge as to how to do that. Any help would be appreciated in finding out what use these lids did. Rick,
  3. Government Bull, I got a letter in the mail that told me I had to pay a $45.00 parking ticket because I parked too long on a street in Ottawa Ontario. My vehicle or Myself have NEVER been to Ottawa, I called local Police to run my plate, they said they cant do that to show a fine effecting it, went to MTO Office--same answer, said come back in 6 months to see if the fine is on my car record. I called 800 number on the letter, said my side of the story to a clerk in Ottawa city hall, he checked an 8 digit # associated with the ticket, agreed an error had been committed by the City and cancelled the notice of fine. He telephoned my house the next day and told me that all was well and done and to disregard the fine conviction. Sometime you are the statue and somedays you are the pigeon. Regargs to all, Rick))))))))))))))))))
  4. Hi Lew, I have always said--you cant legislate against stupidity-----thats what boating has become for some folks who only think of themselves and not others!!!!!!!!!! Sarmoti.
  5. Hi All, Well all I can say is it is nice to be away from the heat and the job. I retired on May 31 after spending 39 years at Stelco working in the Machine Shop. I dont miss the place but I do miss the guys. Best wishes and good fishing to all. Sarmoti))))))))))))))))
  6. lloyd


    Hi Everyone, With the new Microsoft Vista now available, does anyone have any feedback regarding it. At work, I am hearing all negative things about it, system freezing up, non- compatability issues, etc. What is your opinion if you have Vista as your Operating System?? Thanks in advance, Sarmoti.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  7. Nope, Not Me. Admission price is ridiculous, they charge you a fee to go and spend your hard earned dollars!!!!!!!!!!! -Parking cost is out of range, you pay for what???? A spot to place your vehicle so you can enter the show to - once again- spend your hard earned dollars. Pack a lunch so you do not have to pay - your hard earned dollars- for the over priced food and drinks. Just my opinion---but I have no intention of going.......... Sarmoti.
  8. Hi, Our group of fishermen used to go to the Sportmans's Show faithfully each year. We noticed that the prices for everything was getting out of control. Parking cost was too high--they want you to pay to park your car so you can spend your cash at the show!!! Food and beverages were too expensive--they got you by the *alls and you are going to pay for it. No savings when purchasing fishing items. its all used up in just getting to the show, have you noticed the cost of fuel these days. We stopped going and will use the internet to get what ever information and products we need. Sportsman Show just priced itself out of reach. Just our thoughts on the issue. We will not return there. Sarmoti...
  9. Hi, Just wonder if your home is the same temperature in all rooms or do rooms feel different. Rooms over garages are usually colder, Rooms with western exposure have more heat. Do wood stoves help you ? What kind of wood do you like to burn? What are your rooms like?? Sarmoti..
  10. Have spent 39 years in Stelco Machine Shop, been a overhead craneman, forklift driver and machine operator,love my job and I work with a great crew of guys))))))))))))))))) Rick.
  11. Sorry about your condition. In a humor theme----if all Medicinal Approaches fail. Take 3 packages of EXLAX-- you wont dare cough.....
  12. Hi, A month is a long time for a cough to last, go visit a Doctor and get a chest xray and ask for a strong anit biotic.
  13. Happy Birthday TJ, Many many more to them to you. Enjoy your special day. Sarmoti))))))))))))))))
  14. A Buddy of mine hit and killed a man who was running back and forth across the QEW by the Ford Plant at Oakville, OPP were called numerous times before hand but could not locate the person in question. My pal had nightmares about hitting this man, turns out the highway runner was a homeless guy and had no next of kin. No charges were ever laid but my bud was a total wreck for a long time. Night was raining and my buddy was driving to work at Ford, his turn to drive in his car pool. He never forgot that sound of the man bouncing overtop the hood and roof of the car. Wonder why folks do crazy stunts like running across a road???????????
  15. Hi all, Just thinking about the hard water fishing season that is coming up soon, Are you heading back to your favorite lake or is it time for a change ?? I have never fished for Lake Trout, perhaps I should try Lake Temagami. Having a lake such as Lake Nipissing available is to my liking, never been skunked there. Where are you going and why???????????? Have a great day. Sarmoti,)))))))))))
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