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Everything posted by slwndwn

  1. Are you any closer?
  2. Very nice. We've had some great sunrises and sets recently also. Minus the white stuff. Here's a couple from the other morning.
  3. I feel this is like my brief encounter with golf, good clubs, good balls, go to driving range till you get it right. So a bucket of pellets and a stack of targets. Got it. Hope it goes better than my golfing.
  4. I must have bigger squirrels. I screwed two rat traps to the rail of a fence they travel and they completely destroyed them. Next time I didnt screw them down, but put the trap on a tether so they had no leverage. That worked for a couple rounds. I found they can get in the live traps , have dinner and leave without paying the piper. I now put a mouse trap in the live trap. When they set off the mouse it scares the crap out them and they inadvertently trigger the live trap. I discovered that trick one day watching one eat my peanut butter. I wipped the door open and yelled at him causing him to make a run for it. Got him. I;m just tired of having to load them up and drive them out of town 10-15 miles. I used a rattle can on them for awhile to see just how far they would travel to get home. A couple made it 10 miles in no time. I think the rest fall victim to predators while they run around with neon pink tail. lol
  5. Had my glasses on for sighting the gun. They just never seem to be handy when I walk past the back door and the little buggers are sitting on top of my live traps.
  6. I may already do that half the time. lol
  7. Really? If your suspect, move along from it, is my new advise. I wouldnt buy something if I thought I was being Bull'd. No one here has any skin in the game. I went to look at it because it seemed to me like you were going to buy junk and it was close. I dont mind helping anyone if the situation allows, but I think I feel alittle offended.
  8. Mine is a sub 500 and I am in town but I shoot into the bush behind the house. I dont possess an fac to purchace anything over 500 fps. Our property backs onto an escarpment. Steep with bush. I shoot for the head only, but it seems inconsistent. I thought it might be the style of pellet. On a practice target I get about a 4" spread in 10 shots. My thoughts were pointed pellets but there were none available at the time and I never think to look.
  9. So I picked up a cheap pellet gun at Canadian Tire for squirrel. It's Stoeger Modx3 Tac .177 break barrel. I generally dont shoot anything but they are getting out of control and doing damage. My question is, whats the best pellet to use. I'm shooting 15-50 feet. Appreciate the advise from folks that use these pop can killers. Here's what I currently have.
  10. Way under powered. 25hp for a 14sc is ok but not great. I've had three 14sc's, two with 25's and one with a 30. The 5hp difference in light boats really wakes them up. I've had some long painfull trips with the 25 where the 30 would have given me pony power to get on top of the waves. My buddy had a 16 lund with a 25 and it was a dog. I agree with the 4 strokes. I made the change for the wifes enjoyment.
  11. What do the kids call that??? Ghosted? The suspence is killin me. lol
  12. It should suit you well then. I was in his shop when you posted it's pending. I think he would have said something if it was someone else. Seems like a decent fella. I told him I was there on your behalf so he knew what was up and who.
  13. He said he got it ready today for you to come see it. He didnt say anything to me about anyone else coming. If you want a boat for 4 adults to be comfortable in, then you need a much bigger boat. lol But wife and a couple kids getting out a few hours, it's fine.
  14. Just got back from seeing the boat, your the reason it's marked as pending I assume. He told me how much he came down and I nearly brought it home with me. lol It's a solid boat. I crawled all throught it and no sign of rot. Carpet got eaten by a gas spill. turned the old carpet to jelly in that spot. Short of a water test, i'd say it's worth going to see. It's been well taken care of and his new boat is on the way. He has it ready for water test. Apparently everything is functional. His kids, wife and 2 dogs were in the boat alot. Reason for the hydrofoil. Gearcase was replaced a couple years ago.
  15. A friend has the identical boat with a 50 yamaha on it. He does fine with it. Tillers have less headaches as they age and for me, my electronics and downrigger are all right in front of me. No trying to watch depth, fish and turning to see your rod all the time. Never even have to stand up to land a fish. lol I'd still have a tiller if my shoulder didnt complain so much
  16. The PrinceCraft boats seem to hold thier value pretty good I've noticed and there are alot of them on the water still. Did you talk to the owner? it's been listed for 3 weeks, so he should be ready to budge on price. Looks like some carpet is tore up at the back. Plenty of places to launch for a test. If you have to pay someone to rebuild a boat, run away. I have a 14.5 sc simular to the princecraft and it will run 24-25mph with a 25hp 4 stroke and 500lbs in the boat. How far do you have to travel to see the boat? I tried to call, but it goes to a busy signal. If I can reach the fella I might be able to determine if it's worth the trip. I'm in Owen Sound also. If indeed it was garage kept it's entire life, then it stands a chance of still being solid. The oiler is disconnected, so your mixing gas.
  17. Did the trigger get pulled?
  18. My buddy has currently still runs a 135 force on a bayliner capri. First time I seen it with the cowl off laughed. Still looked the same as my ol' 105 from the 60's
  19. Holy crap, I dont remember those costs associated with the 407. My wife must have paid. I'd rather stick to the rural routes. There's always a place to pee.
  20. I need to learn how to multiquote. I had 105 on a 14' thundercraft. It had just a slight bog at wot coming out of the hole that made me nuts for 2 months. Once I dropped the extra dollars on some Blue Thunder points and condensers it was a beast. Tore the lower unit clean off it and destroyed the boat in the process. Heck of a place to park a granite minivan.
  21. I think most injector problems originated from the emm. That and human error. I'm anal about my fuel system. Especially now that I cant get eth/free gas. I may over do it, but I have never had a fuel related issue on the water. Etecs in sleds and boats. I love my old tripple tripple Mercs but I relized one day my wife wasnt a fan. I have a 2006 25 Tohatsu 4 stoke on my tinner and a 2006 60 Etec on my glass bay boat. Only issue I have ever had was the emm on the etec. Replaced 2010, never an ussue since. I agree with your tiller comment. I was all tiller for fishing until my shoulders needed a rebuild. Never had to get off the seat.
  22. Maybe an anchor? Theyre a chrysler engine straight out of the sixties. Other than the addition of electronic ignition. My opinion. Most folks avoid them like the plauge. I fish alone most of the time, so ya, the whole dual console is a waste of space to me also.
  23. That particular moron could have changed peoples lives forever. I dread everytime I have to go south. If I want to get racey I go north. Hwy 11 once you get north of Orillia on a summer Friday can get a little sporty. lol As for the 407, I dont recall the cost the few times my wife and I have used it, but I dont recall thinking it wasnt worth it.
  24. Someone spent some hours on it for sure. The Evinrudes people are afraid of are the Etecs. Although people think because they are no longer made, there is no support. The emm's (computer) were the biggest issue and were expensive. At one point they became hard to find, but there are companies that refurb them with warranty now and much cheaper. As for the layout, most of the fun is making it your own. I'd be tempted to make it a center console. Take it for a water test. Nothing I hate more than a leaky boat. Just my opinion of course. My buddies boat is forever pumping water out but he's been pounding the crap out it for 30 years or more on big water. Doesnt bother him at all. lol
  25. Spent some time in McConnell Lake and was rewarded with some of the best fishing to date. Specifically the conservation lands at "ice out". A good gps tracker is a must becuase you WILL get lost. There are a ton of old logging cuts and small nameless bodies of water that offer up trophy fish. Speckies for me but just about anything you want to target. These lakes were apparently stocked for years and alot are unmolested.I havent been in a few years, but we go in the off season to a place called Opimika. The host offered off season cottage rates that were rediculously inexpensive. Even kept the wood stove stolked while we were gone. There were also a few little "rough" cabins that were $10 a night. And if the timing is right, you can fill a garbage bag with morels in no time at all. Perch and morels all week long. Cant get much better in my book. We release most all other catches. The only downside is, everytime resource management changed, so did stocking ideas. This means there alot of hybrids. Monitoring was loose at best back in the day. Still great fishing though.
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