New to the forum, old dog that cant stop tinkering. Tinkering is why I'm not on the water this morning and surfing the net. Got in deeper than I expected in a perfectly functioning boat.
I live in the 4-10 thousand price range for everything with a motor and I get bored with them easily. Just sayin I've had my fair share of the good and the bad. I like my tinnies, but A leaky boat is never good and can be a bear to repair. This boat appears to have led a hard life judging by the repairs. Repaired is subject to the one doing it. Most loose patience once they realize no boat is worth it unless your prepared to do the work right, have the skillset, the patience and the place. Not to scare anyone away from an old boat, but be prepared. I've done a few rip outs that looked decent before I started. Question with this boat is how far the repairs were taken. Most if not all 90's boats that sat outside will have been rotted out long ago. I bought a sylvan side console a few years back that spent it's life in a boathouse and still looked new. Carpets were still like new. Pulled the cap rail off the transome and ended up replacing the transome. Easy job, but unexpected.
Old motors unmaintained, same issues. Might run good today, but the power head is just a small part of potential problems. Rule I live by.....dont even hear what the seller says. Get it in the water. Simple. No excuse to not water test. There are a million threads that start with "it ran good on the muffs" lol
But maybe it's a good boat. Just my 2 cents.
Oh ya, hello everyone.