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Everything posted by codered

  1. hey guys , has any one used a ice ducer in the summer from a boat? I was thinking if I could make a bracket to stabalize it? any thoughts?
  2. Hey guys im getting primed for a walleye opener weekend . has any one here fished mackavoy lake or the one to the north for walleye and pike? I have been looking for topo maps of a few lakes up the area with little luck . i have fished story lake in cloyne and a lake located past the Irvine airstrip with not much luck ecept for bass . mazinaw has been ok for me aswell but was looking for something new close by mazinaw. thx
  3. Very nice i go north of bon echo myself .There are a few lakes for smallies and walleye that not to many people know about . i'll post my adventures when i get back .
  4. I was thinking about taking the boat up the holland river for a fish on saturday is there any point to fishing the river this time of year ? I have never fished for ice out pike and was wondering of if it was worth trying for pike? Has any one done this before ? Any tips tricks or experianced info would be amazing . or mabey should I try for panfish or perch? thanks guys and tight lines...
  5. she does a real good job of this song
  6. 40:00 Truley Epic amazing song thx for posting just Awsome.........
  7. Its an eposide of human planett on bbc im looking for it to and want to buy the whole season . if any one knows were please lett me know thx ...
  8. That human planett is amazing I havent seen it on tv and dont know much about it butt you tube has a bunch of previews on it. It is truly epic......
  9. Thats ice fishing
  10. I caught an albino oscar in too good pond when I was a kid.
  11. wow
  12. walking shouldnt be that bad the cold temps have tightened most of the slush up and the wind has flattened some of the snow down.. Butt what will sunday bring and then next week too mild temps on the way ... ????
  13. Well it was so windy and cold I could hardly find my way back to the hutt. Decided to give it another try in the hutt after catching only one whitefish at long shole. Only fished for an hour in the open then sayed enough of this bull. My first whity came threw the hole in the hutt today on a spoon and still caught 5 perch ..lol Mabey the whitefish have started to move a little closer to shore .. not a bad day home by 1:30 whiefish for dinner tomorow night having some of the family over for a small fry up.. thx for the replys guys tight lines.....
  14. Were IBP?
  15. I have found them almost everytime I have went out this year not in the huge schools like last year. butt smaller ones my buddy caught a perch in 97 fow last weekend .lol ide say things have changed .....
  16. Hey guys i have a question for all you who fish simcoe .. I have been fishing simcoe for over 10 years in the winter months and always have had a hutt out. last year i did realy well in the hutt getting skunked only twice and spent over 20 days fishing it . I putt my hutt in the same gps location as last year 74 fow straight out from IBP in the group closest to the islands more or less inline with the middle of the 2 islands . Now I have gave up all together on the dahm thing for all I catch are perch and herring and last year I caught 6 perch in the hutt by accident this year i would guese 200 ???? whats going on? I miss sitting in a nice warm hutt and catching whitefish with only a sweatshirt on . Instead im jigging all over the place for whitefish and trout in the open wich i dont mind butt on real dirty days I would much rather be in my hutt .. I appoligise that this is a bitt of a rant butt has any one else found this is happening to them this year ? is any one catching whitefish and trout in this area? thanks guys and tight lines off to long shole tomorow ...
  17. thx for all the info i found out that #6 is 3/4" long thats the one i am looking for thanks ..
  18. you wouldnt know what size i need for a 3 inch williams would you? thanks for the link verry helpfull for this and other things . .appreciate it
  19. i have like 15 olde williams with no side hooks or rusty bent ones any one know were you buy them? for the 3 inch....
  20. I wanted to try to smoke some whitie or a trout if i can get one any help would be great . never smoked fish before .I have rigged my gas webber for smoke . Brine recipees and tecnique would be greatly appreciated..
  21. Nice pike and nice video . what rig are you using? i thought i saw a red light blink on the bait? verry nice fish what would you estimate the weight to be?
  22. nice catch glad you found em today .. i came home smelling like the good old black and white striped road rat.... moved all over the map from innisville to long shole.. they seemed to have moved from last week ... always tomorow .. great to see some one making a youngsters day . hatts off to that , way to go man . Something this young man will remember for the rest of his life ... cheers and tight lines...
  23. Sounds like you guys had a good day. it was super cold out there I was fishing all over the west side of the islands and did the same as the last 4 times out . ZERO whitefish no trout and perch galore . started fishing 65 fow then 74 to 77 right between the west points of snake and fox .. last year i didnt get skunked once in this area any suggestions on locations? I'll be out again tomorow ..tight lines
  24. I found the same thing perch were deep and no whities for me either ... its still early ... tight lines
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