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Everything posted by japper

  1. Hey guys, just wanted to thank you and let you know I really appreciate the responses.
  2. Not familiar with island 5, is that the one with the huge dock that is raised in the air??
  3. You're not kidding about the bass, it is non stop, kids love it though. When I’m going formLakers and the kids get bored, we just go catch 20 or so bass to keep them amused. I’ll be up there again next week so I’ll try a few different shoals before dark.
  4. Been going to Lake Tamagami for years, At least 3 or 4 weeks each year. Always get at least one monster every year, bass, Lakers, last year it was 25 lb pike. But for the love of all fish I cannot fine the pickerel in that lake. I fish primarily the NE arm. Just wondering if anyone has any tips for them on this lake.
  5. Been going to Lake Tamagami for years, At least 3 or 4 weeks each year. Always get at least one monster every year, bass, Lakers, last year it was 25 lb pike. But for the love of all fish I cannot fine the pickerel in that lake. I fish primarily the NE arm. Just wondering if anyone has any tips for them on this lake.
  6. Weeds. Find weeds, cast along and through them. Pulled this guy out of a weed bed in 4 feet of water.
  7. Yup, I was in this situation and I taped my flashlight to the front of the boat.
  8. Thanks. Something I should have thought of.
  9. Got the big one last Thursday, around 2pm. thought slide was blue for some reason ?‍♂️
  10. Because, I fish by myself. So, I put the fish on the stringer while I set up my camera for a picture, that way fish spends as little time as possible in the boat.
  11. Looking at your user name, you know anything about that plane with the clover on the tail?????? I didn’t see it there the 3 times I was up there.....
  12. Haha, right across from Finlayson. Ya, I know it. The big blue one! So I guess the big pike I got is now the biggest you’ve ever seen from the lake ?
  13. Only kept 1 (and that’s because the Rapala got stuck in its gills), the othesr are still swimming.......... What’s that about the slide???????
  14. Lake Temagami Pike
  15. Got this guy on a J11 Rapala last week.
  16. I have a 89 30hp Yamaha. Great motor! I take it to Redline Marine in Mount Hope once a year for a tune up, $100.
  17. Nice, I spend about 3 weeks a year on that lake, usually base out of Finlayson so fish mostly NE arm, houseboat idea sounds fun. Any lakers?
  18. Ya, just trying out different areas, usually fish up north but trying Lake Ontario this year for the first time, learning as I go, trying to find fish. Managed to find some mister lakers though.
  19. Is this usually late September? How’s the trolling in the shallow water near the lift bridge near the Skyway out along towards Hutches?
  20. F002B90F-33E8-4548-85F0-D8D547F5CD1F.MOV
  21. Looks like they are just starting in Hamilton Harbour....... https://www.thespec.com/news-story/7767606-return-of-the-salmon-and-other-hamilton-harbour-fish-tales/
  22. It was 58 degrees last weekend. Got the walleye in about 12 feet of water.
  23. It didnt backfire, walleye are doing well. Its actually become a very good fishery.
  24. Thery have spent millions to clean up Hamilton Harbour. They stocked over 50000 walleye on 2012. They wanted to see if they would stay & grow. They have, in big numbers, now they want to see if they will reproduce in the Harbour.
  25. Ya, I’m familiar with it. It is good to see the walleye coming back though.
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