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About centerpin_drift

  • Birthday 06/17/1985

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    Collingwood, ON

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  1. headed out after work to hunt down some browns like usual and pulled this little hen up about a week ago bottom bouncing the oldest, stanky roe i had in my vest (had nothing else left). shes a real pretty fish, just thought id share
  2. i dont think anyone fishing gbay wants to give up any reports, or the entire GTA will be crowding up our water, and judging from the turnout in tbury this morning, theres not much water left for the locals
  3. never underestimate the curiosity of a puppy, my hunting dog once ate $260 cash when he got a hold of my wallet, i managed to piece togethar $40 with all the shreds of paper, hes also eaten my roe on several occasions, and chewed up some of my prized antlers. My buddys puppy also ripped my fog light and cables off my truck.. stil cute? sometimes.
  4. i have some incredible sets from this year and last, i'll have to put togethar a post so you can see these sheds, some of them can make a grown man cry.
  5. keep lookin and you'll find them. stil looks like theres a bit of snow up there, but your in a race against the rabbits and mice that feed on sheds antlers. Ive had a dry spell the last couple weeks, only finding a few here and there, but ive managed to find 50 sheds so far this season. keep your eyes on the ground mike
  6. ive gone up to temagami to work several times as well, but work is no excuse not to fish on that lake, its like a fishing sin or something.
  7. the rivers are a mess up here, especially the notty. If your comming up this way, i recommend bringing your boat and anchoring off the mouth of the river are casting or roe bagging for bows. The whitefish are now comming in real strong of the mouth of the notty, so bring some light action gear and try for some whities if the bows arnt hitting. Every river along the south shore of geogian bay is completely mudded out, hope this helps cheers mike
  8. Lots of birds up my way misfish, just starting to see the big groups again popping up everywhere. The winter was fairly harsh in the pretty river valley and i found quite a few dead birds while shed hunting and theres still 4 feet of snow in places or more. Coyote numbers are up your way which could have alot to do with the decrease of birds and flooded corn and soy fields mean less food for the deer and turkeys to compete with. Give it another two weeks and hopefully you'll start seeing the birds grouping up, and get rid of that fisher and shoot the coy dogs. cheers mike
  9. nice fish ryan, good to see the weather didnt completely ruin your plans.
  10. right on brandon, excellent action shots. the wood duck photos are incredilble, I'd say the hours drive was worth it cheers mike
  11. what about the fish?? you cant go to temagami and not give a fishing report.
  12. great photos once again, the close up of the goose is real nice. keep em comming cheers mike
  13. way to rub it in. im not jelous or anything.
  14. i use purely Daiichi 1150 high carbon, size 12 shipped up from from a kentucky fly shop thats the only one that carries them anymore. i always use #12, even while floating a 8 inch worm down the river or roe bag or a single egg. any bigger hook, i feel ruins the natural presentation of a bait, depending on how many GPM the river is pushing. Oddly enough, i use bigger hooks like #10 B420 while floating or bouncing for specks, unless im fly fishing for specks, than i switch to #14, #16 dry fly. everyone's different, you'll find what works for you with time. cheers mike
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