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Everything posted by mikegta

  1. nice fish!!!!! you are a lucky KID!!!!! good job
  2. thats hilarious!!!!
  3. now thats a bucket mouth...........congrats
  4. if that is the link to the ice fishing game i already have downloaded it and i love it!!!!! it is a very well thought out game in my opinion and suprisingly good graphics!!! i was trying to figure out how to start a network game but it didnt happen lol there is an option for an internet game but it can not be clicked.....anyone else tried this???? great link clamp-it!!!! thanks for sharing
  5. sure beats sitting in my hut in the basement!!!!!! LOL
  6. I am yet to try valens out but i am very interested as i have heard there were alot of nice pike and crappie iced in past years. you headin ouut for sure iceslayer??? if so and the storm is no worse than today i am in !!!!!!! anyone else interested???? mike
  7. Just wondering if there are any places near hamilton where i could get out and wet a line for a few hours today????!!!! i didnt buy my hut to use on the nice calm days thanks mike
  8. thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! and welcome diggy not much of a camera man but ill try and remember to snap a pics on my future outtings unfortunately i had to format my laptop due to a nasty virus recently and lost 99% of my pics :| and didnt have them backed up on the net ....stupid...stupid...stupid mike
  9. the snow is flying in full force here in hamilton. they are calling for up to 20 cms today and more to come over the next few days
  10. hey guys well i have been a member of this board for about a year now and for the most part have been a lurker. i figured it was about time i introduce myself so here it goes as my nick states my name is mike. i am 24 yrs old and live in hamilton. I work in oakville/mississauga in construction. I am VERY busy over the summer months so i tend to frequent the board a whole lot more in the winter months!!! I just got out for my first ice fishing excursion last new years and have been addicted ever since I have gotten ALOT of very helpful information from this site so i think it is about time i try and contribute what i can MIKE
  11. yes an ice report from this area would be great as a bunch of us will also be fishing the area over the new years(kash lake, hali lake and eagle) and any more that might be suggested thanks mike
  12. thanks uncle buck i just decided to call clam and find out 100% and like you said there has to be a circle zipper in order for it to compatible which mine does not. they also said i could buy a new tent for 199.99 LOL thanks for the help mike
  13. Hey guys i have a 04-05(product #108054) clam 5600 and i was wondering if anyone has ever tried to use the trap link with this model and if it works or not. clams website says that the system is compatible with 2005+ clams but i am unsure whether mine would be considered the 04model or 05 model. any help would be great thank mike
  14. if you have DN HD or HD fta you can still get WFN on echostar 5(129.0) mike
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