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About FishHeadRic

  • Birthday 02/24/1972

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  • Location
    Long Island, New York

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Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. Hey Y'all! Just dropping in to say Hi... Been a bit...
  2. I'll be up there from the 7th to the 12th. That weekend of the 9th and 10th are definately out for me but if you wanna come down that's fine. I'd also be fine with dropping it in the mail. This reel will be the perfect size for that rod. Just make sure your new boy inherits it. FHR
  3. 3. FHR
  4. I can help ya out with this... I've got a Luxor 200 from that era. Probably from the early 60's. Would go perfect on that rod. The reel is in perfect working order. No box or papers but it is a pretty little reel. Built like a tank as well. Don't have a pic of mine right now but here's a photo of one I pulled off google... If you do want this reel I'm State side but I'll be coming up to Toronto the second week of next month so if you don't mind waiting for me to ship it then then we can set something up. FHR
  5. Chris, very nice work there. Nice and clean on the cork. Brian can you post a pic of the butt end. If you don't mind sharing, what blank was this built on, and what guides did you use? FHR
  6. Excellent replies here folks. Learning a lot. In regards to the the walleye guys here, Do you continue to troll for them at nite? I know dragging a worm harness during the day is deadly on them but how bout after dark? How does the dark affect your trolling? Is this presentation slowed down during the dark hours if at all? FHR
  7. Thanks Glen. Joey, yes it does have one... wouldn't be a propper popper if it didn't! Roy, It's funny cause I was looking for that exact same post the other day. When I go to my profile and try to pop up my older posts it only goes back so far. I still have one of the swimmers you sent me a while ago. Orange jointed tiger w/ a lexan lip. Do you ever have any issues with your baits swelling or taking on water. Are you sealing them prior to paint? FHR
  8. You are correct sir.
  9. Good For You Guys!!! It's about time this whole water front issue was resolved. So many times when I fished down there I had to deal with people trying to inforce their Bull made up laws full on knowing what my rights were. The "Grey" area over where it's legal to cast down there was just a pain in the butt and needed to be resolved. FHR
  10. A Compost set up should work just fine. Just make sure you put some holes in the bottom of the rubbermaid container and then mesh them over.. The moisture levels in with the soil can't be too high. The composting process will cause heat to build up in the bin if covered to tightly. You'll end up with a worm and dirt casarole If it's not ventalated properly. I used to just go out at nite to baseball fields and pick them. I could easily have 200-300 of them in a few hours. Just cover a flash light with red foil and pick em! Then all you have to do is store them. Don't breed them.
  11. So Muskies do roam a little after dark. So do you strictly cast at nite then Lew? Or is Trolling Baits still effective for them? Also what's your view with regards to weather paterns. Down here cold fronts shut down fishing but with one approaching it's usually really good right up until. Do you change paterns or your approach if the the winds have been blowing all day as well? Ric
  12. How much does the moon factor in to your approachs? Will you go with lighter colours on brighter moons. Do you guy think the moon effects the feeding pattens of Muskies at all? FHR
  13. Hey Raf! Do you find that the muskies will move up into the shallower waters at nite. Do their holding patterns change at all. Or do you think the dark allows them to roam more freely? Ric
  14. I know there's a bunch of handy fellas on here. So who's making their own lures? Spinner baits are ease to do up. Hand carved poppers, Bucktails.... Let's see your handy-work!!! I'll start off with one. This is a popper I did for one of my friends. It's made of yellow ceader and weighed in just over 2os without the hardware. Built a shop in my basment with a lathe so I can turn my own plugs now. Need something to do during the winters here. Getting pretty good with airbrushing layers. Thru-wired with a 150lb spro belly swivel. FHR
  15. Since moving here to New York a few years back I've had to (re)learn fishing from the surf. It was a far cry from going after the Pike, Bass and Steelies around the GTA. I almost strictly fish the salt now. Here on Long Island we have several species avalable to us that feed at nite. Bluefish, Weakfish, Stripers, Fluke, Squid... Striped bass being my prey of choice I find most of my designated fishing time concentrated around the nite tides. They're more sensitive to the lite but will come right into the shallows to feed. I know when I lived up in Toronto the only fish I ever really targeted at nite was Salmon and walleye. The other day I was going thru some posts here and came across a pic of Lew with a Muskie, at nite. I know the muskies and walleye feed at nite but for those that are getting out there and fishing at nite are your approaches different then in the day time? Do you fish for specific fish strictly at nite. Are you using bigger baits, different patterns, darker colors, louder baits. Depts and Retrieve speeds? Does your equipment get changed up? And does all of this change with differing phases of the moon? I know these are all factors when targeting stripers down here but how much do the sharpies up there factor in to their approach? FHR
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