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Everything posted by icefisherman

  1. What a great start of the day today. Went to Oakville with my neighbour who has never fished for salmon and starting from 5:30am we were getting fish after fish...biggest one was about 15 Lbs. one other at 10Lbs (he fought this one on his spinning rod and got it in the boat for quick release). Must have had more then 12-13 hits with 8 fish boated....Right when we thought it'll be one of those great fishing trips the temperature went nose dive and all the way down to 47 degrees!?!?! Waooo...talking cold....and those idiots at the weather service on both sides of the border....let me say it again....99% of the time they have no clue about the weather....all night and this morning they were calling for small craft wind warnings, waves up to 2 meters, etc. crap. Nothing further from the reality.....almost no wind/waves all morning...they were calling (and still do) for 34 degrees and it barely got to 20...So, one more time....never ever listen to the weather man. Anyhow...after 9:30am all the fish evaporated....just two bites until 11am when we called the day... Not a bad first trip for my neighbour and friend but we could have had the same results with only 2-3 hours fishing ;-) He kept few smaller fish for the BBQ and we let all the big ones go grow up more;-) First time I see so sharp change in the water temperature. All the way back to the canal it was 47 degrees...we had to enter the canal to see some 50's//....wander what caused so sharp temperature decline? Only few days ago it was 69 degrees on the surface in Erieau....Any thoughts on that guys? Few pictures with my cell phone from today: Bright and early in the morning while temperature was still high... George fighting his first big salmon: And the result of the fights: Back at his drive way with one of those he kept: And all of the ones he kept: Hope this temperature/water warms up some time soon... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  2. Did very well today at Oakville. Steady action all morning. Started at 6am and left at Noon. A bit windy at times but fishing was the best so far for me at Oakville. Ended up 8 for 12. Not bad for 6 hours. Larges I got in the boat was 23Lbs. Bunch of smaller ones as well. Missed tow big ones - one about the same 20+ range and right when I was packing to go home one of the rods, the second one screamed big time....grabbed it but this fish was going for a run....peeled 380' of power pro line, jumped ....and got unhooked. Oh well it was blood pumping moment at the end of the fishing trip. Tried meat - nothing. All fish came on spoons in 80-150 fow. Down 30' on the rigger with slider and lead core line 6 colors out. Got the big one and 2 small ones on the lead core and the rest on the rigger. Most on the bottom lure. Watermelon, blue/white, purple and copper did the damage today. Seemed like all the bait has moved from 75-80 fow to 90-110 fow. This where most of my action was. May try again in the next few days. Here are few cell phone shoots I've managed today. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  3. Started 6am in 80 fow. Got few and lost few on the spoon and the meat. Rigger down 50' with meat and slider with purple NK28 spoon. I was getting hits on both. Second rod was on dipsy 100' back on #3 with white fly/flasher. Got a solid hit on it but lost it half way. Got few more on the meat and the spoon and got out by 10am. All fish on the smaller side but it was good action. Ended up 5 for 7. Not bad for 4 hours of fishing. It was a bit windy out there and hard to keep the boat straight with the right speed. About 10 other boats were out. Spoke to two guys on the parking lot and they said the same - smaller fish about 2-3 per boat. Now I have to decide where to fish on the long weekend. A bit late but am hoping to find a good camping/fishing spot within 2-3 hrs from the GTA. If someone knows of secret crown land spot please PM me as my wife wants to know where are we going for the holiday. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  4. With all the PP's fully booked I am wandering if someone can suggest decent camping spot on a crown land. Hopefully within 2-3 hours of GTA and with good fishing. Place where I could go in with my SUV pulling my boat behind. My wife nailed me with the question "what are we doing for the holidays and I didn't know what to answer I know, I know.......I am always late with planning but had to deal with all kinds of higher priority tasks. Feel free to PM me. Thank you. Ice Fisherman
  5. Goor report and nice pictures brother. Seems like you've found them this time ;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  6. Decided to try the Oakville launch today and was glad I did. Better lunch then the one in Bronte in my opinion and best of all.......it was FREE ;-). Machine doesn't work. Not a soul at 5am but me....started fishing by 5:30am and got the first King at 6am on my new dipsy 150' back on # 3 in 175fow. 15 Lbs and gave good fight. Just two more boats in the area. Went East to the cement plant and back tried anything between 80 and 195 fow. It was cool in the morning...was dressed light breezy and cloudy...start feeling good about 10am when the sun finally showed up. Got a second small King -3 Lbs on purple spoon 45' down in 115 fow. And got out by 11:30am. Not super but it was OK for trying a new area/launch. The other boats around me didn't seem to use the net at all. Time to get some sleep as I got only 3 Hrs sleep per night for the last two. Simcoe and now Oakville. It was nice weekend though. Here are few pictures. The big one: Release: And the small one that will go to the BBQ tonight: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  7. I bought a Big Jon manual rigger couple months ago and after using is 4-5 times the aluminium hollow piece that screws to the handle and has internal thread in it is bad. Basically the internal thread on the aluminium piece is gone and the piece needs to be replaced by another aluminium/original one or maybe better replaced by the same size piece but from steel to prevent same problem happening again in the future. So, I am hoping someone has an old Big Jon rigger for parts and could sell me just that piece or the whole handle. Or if someone with the proper lathe/machine tool expertise could manufacture me same part but from steel. Hope my explanation is understandable. Here are few pictures I just did: here is the thread that was ruined inside: and this is the whole assembly: Other then that part the rest of the rigger is fine but cannot be used until this get replaced. Had real hard time on Wednesday trying to get my cannon ball up in the boat after that part gave up on me while using it. If someone can help me out please send a PM. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  8. Just came back from a morning trip to Bronte. Seems like every time I go out I miss the good bite by couple days. It was great over the weekend and slow today. Got two Chinooks but had to work really hard for them. Both under 10 Lbs. Tried the cut meat for 4 hours - not a touch.... Same goes for the flies. The only (relative) luck I had was on Spoons on the riggers - 20-30 down in 120 fow. Purple and watermelon. Did run all over from 80 to 230 fow....back and forth...and back again.....just those two. Was a nice day and got out before getting really hot. No pictures today - forgot the cell phone home. Hope next time I get the timing right ;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  9. Wayne, I'll gladly trade you ALL I know about Lake O., Lake Erie and Lake Simcoe for the extremely useful info you are giving me about Temagami. I just want to learn more and more about fishing in different waters. And here is a real offer - any time you come down here to the Big Smoke and feel like fishing in the big water let me know few days ahead and we'll do it in my boat. Weekday or weekend - no problems. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  10. Hey Wayne, I am not sure if you got my PM about Temagami but maybe you can give me some more info on it although I am not on team 7 ? Everyone here says you are our in house Temagami expert ;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  11. I forgot to mention those pictures were taken by my new cell phone (dropped the old one in the water at the boat launch on Simcoe last weekend). So fighting a fish with one hand and taking pictures with the other with a cell phone ha ha...that was quite a show to see ;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  12. Decided to take advantage of the beautiful day today and headed to Bronte. No wind at all. Water like glass. Few hours of fishing produced 5 fish and lost 2. Only couple other boats out there. Fish were between 7 and 15Lbs. Spoons only. Tried dipsy, tried flies - no luck. And of the spoons the watermelon produced the most. Took a while to find them but then the show was on ;-) Best bite was around 150 fow down 60'. Here are few pictures for your viewing pleasure: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  13. Well Brian, What can I say...nice pictures and not so nice luck but I couldn't do much better either. It was one of those days....wasted about an hour in that same traffic problem but 4 hours earlier then you. Oh well,...let's hope the next trip in better. Good thing I went to Niagara for the rest of the day. Was nice time for everyone. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  14. Ha ha ha Joey, I should have taken picture of that too but just finished the grass as well ;-) This allows me time to the Kings on Lake O. tomorrow ;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  15. Started at 7am...got the first three within the first 45 min and missed 4....well my wife missed some of them ;-) Then it took us a while to get the forth one but by 10am we were back at Sibbalds PP so and it was play time for our son. Pretty much the whole park was empty and to ourselves only. Nice day, almost no wind...few flies but not too bad...whities were waiting for us...lost track on how many we've lost on the way up... The only bad point of the day was me dropping my company cell phone in the lake while trying to load my boat onto the trailer. Oh well...on the way home stopped by the office and got a new one but I've lost the pictures I took with the phone. As a compensation here are some better ones taken with my digital camcorder at home. On to Lake O. tomorrow for the big fight with the big boys and girls again ha ha. Cheers and fishing, fishing and MORE fishing ;-) Here are the pictures: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  16. phat bassturd, here is what I've gathered so far as web info: http://www.temagamivacation.com/maps.asp http://www.ottertooth.com/discus/discus.cgi http://www.ottertooth.com/Temagami/Maps/na...astaw-index.htm http://www.smoothwater.com/store.htm http://www.sunriseadventures.com/books/temagami.php http://www.temagamifishing.com/ Hope some of that helps you. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  17. yellowboat, Does this mean leaving my SUV and boat trailer at the launch parking lot is also free? What about walleye...I read it should be good fishing for it as well? It'll be nice to compare notes since we are both going the same way about the same time. I am in the process of ordering some maps from the Temagami chamber of commerce. Nice lady there was helping me on the phone. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  18. I did PM Wayne, and this explains why I haven't heard from him ;-) While waiting for him to come back of Temagami I'll search this and other forums. Thanks. Ice Fisherman
  19. As part of my 18 days August camping/fishing trip I'd like to do the first part (5-6 days) in Temagami. I've heard all kind of good stuff about it but don't know enough to plan my stay there. Have been trying to get some info over the web from different forums and would like to ask you as well. I am sure many of you have been there camping and fishing. Looks like a HUGE place. Where do I start? Where do I launch? I'll have my 16' Fiberglas boat with 60HP motor. It'll be two adults and 2 kids (2 and 3 years of age). I understand it is all free camping as it is crown land. No camping permits no fees. Nice concept ;-) Any suggestions on where to go on that big lake? Should I worry about underwater rocks etc? Any camping sites, fishing, waterways maps? What can I fish for? Lures? Bait? I'd like to drive the boat as deep inside the lake to a nice remote location with less traffic and good fishing, hopefully with sandy shallow beach for the kids to play in the water. Anyway...you get the idea...would appreciate all input and advice and personal experience people here have. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  20. Yes I just saw McRae P.P. has few open spots but they are too far from Jacksons Point/fishing action. It'll be quite a drive by car or by boat to get there daily. Hope to find something closer. Thanks. Ice Fisherman
  21. Congratulations on the new fishfinder Brian. Hope to see it live in action soon ;-) What did it cost you by the way? And how much for the Navionics? You must have been good boy recently and Santa is coming early for you this year;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  22. I know I am a bit late but am hoping someone could suggest something useful. I want to take my wife and 2 year old son for couple days camping over this coming long weekend. I'd like to fish Lake Simcoe and instead of traveling 2-3 times back and forth round trips it'll be nice to set up the tent and stay there, launch the boat, fish, relax etc. This way I could save on the gas cost. Called Sibbald Park...full...called few cabins/motels...everyone wants $100+/night. Is there not a crown land in the area I could just go and set up my tent for free? Doesn't have to be right on the lake...it's fine in the close proximity. Might be to naive but who knows...it's worth asking. Appreciate any and all ideas. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  23. Mike, as surprising as it was for me...I could not find anyone willing to come and share the cost of the trip even though catching limit of whities was almost guaranteed. Could not understand it ...I remember few years ago I was happy to take ANY opportunity to go and fish in someone's boat and was often renting myself (paying close to $100 back then for a boat per day). And no one guaranteed me any fish ;-) If we were to split a trip it wouldn’t cost more then half what boat rental cost. But hey...what do I know ;-)...just how to catch whities ha ha....amazingly most of the boats today were with 2+ fisher persons inside...some with 4-5?!? So it is more fun (and better on the budget) to go with someone but in the absence of volunteers I am going alone as staying home is not an option ;-) And yes hard to take pictures with the cell phone alone ;-) misfish I launched at 7am and pass by the pack by about 7:15 on the way to my spot. We've missed each other by 45 min. Then I trolled all over the area between the pack and the islands but you maybe didn’t see me. Yep Bud, you should have came...you would have got not just one whitie but your limit as well...within an hour at the most. Let's see what happens but I might go during the week and then again next weekend. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  24. Well...I decided to postpone Saturday trip for Sunday and it was a good move. Started 7am...almost no wind...short trip to my secret spot ;-) and whities seemed to be have been waiting for me over the last two months ;-) Done the limit quickly and tried trolling for lakers...oh well...could not believe my ice but I was getting whities even while trolling for lakers scrapping the bottom. Beauty day...tons of boats full of people out there fishing on the top of each other...decided to pass them all together...not big fun of such group exercises. Got home by 2pm ... Weapon of choice today....Meegs...but got some on Williams rapala and like I said even trolling with spoons. Looks like a nice Simcoe boat season on the horizon. Here is a picture from today: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  25. ha ha misfish, I decided to go on Sunday because of the wind today....but guess what...it says right now it's only 11K wind...I should know the weather man NEVER knows what's going on. Forecast for tomorrow is 10K wind...will not be surprised if it is 20K ha ha ;-) Cheers, Ice Fisherman
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