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Everything posted by icefisherman

  1. Well in less than 24 hours from when I bought my new smoker here is the result of my first smoking test Love the taste of it....gave some to my neighbors waiting on them to let me know how they liked it tomorrow morning... It sure was easier than I thought/// Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  2. Hey Doug, I am sure you can make much better photos than mine, but considering those were made by my Blackberry it should suffice Too lazy to bring with me the Hi Rez digital camera, and too bulky...not to mention I always think when I get special camera with me I ruin my chances of catching fish Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  3. Well I just stopped at Bass Pro on my way home today after a great last ice fishing day on Simcoe and bought myself a brand new smoker....Naturally I am impatient to try it with some white fish fillets.... never had a smoker in my life and never done any smoking...friends are giving me some basic advice but I am wondering is there is anything more to know especially on the different types of brine....did a quick Google search on the subject and found all kinds of (often contradictory) recipes...so what better than to ask some of you who I am sure have plenty ot personal experience with smoking. Thanks.
  4. I know, I know...I've said I closed the season last Wednesday but few good buddies of mine twisted my arms to do the real season close on the last day of the season....so we went bright and early trying to see if we could get skunked at the last day of the season ha ha ha (very bad thing;-) Had to change location once and we found them....lots of window shoppers....not many buyers but we did manage each a limit and lots of lost along the water column.... Williams did all the damage today...despite my efforts couldn't make them go for the Meegs.... 85fow 17 degrees out there today, had to use my A/C to cool off the car when we got back to it.... Most of the fish were naturals today - great to see again.... We've had tons of fun and loughs....not many people on the ice today so we could really laugh and scream as much as we wanted Finished by about Noon or so....not a problem walking in or out....plenty of ice though the top is crystallized but lots of good ice underneath.... So did one last trip saved the skunk ....again....and got a limit...what more can one ask for Here are few ice shots to keep in out memory until next ice season: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  5. So while I was closing ice season you were opening the soft water one. Way to go Mike. Great reports and love the pictures.... I can smell the season coming in....time to start getting the boat ready. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  6. Well, today was possibly my last ice trip of the season and one of the hardest yet...Rob me and my son Jordan started early from Sibbalds PP but took us 30 min to find place to cross the ugly crack...marked lots of fish early but tough bite....got one lost another at the hole and couple more bellow, Rob got one....and then it died,.....bunch of very good fishermen went home empty handed today....very very tough....huge difference with last Sunday...oh well it is fishing Good thing was I avoided been skunked all ice season and all summer season last year.... Overall very good ice season for me with lots of white fish been caught....and not a single laker....hope to find them from the boat in May.... Hope for better this summer season..........let the Boating begin Jordan got wet foot from stepping in the hole, good thing the truck was there so I've dried him up....at the end he was still happy camper and asking when are we going again ha ha ha, in fact he didn't want to leave today Thanks Rob for the good company again and the last minute trip... Might try on Monday for season close but not sure at this point.... Shore access was OK at the park and at the Salvation Army ....even Willow Beach looked OK when we passed by.... Here is the shot from the day: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  7. Well, We've started early trying to find some lakers...no luck in that department again...so Brian/Slowpoke made the executive decision of going after the white fish instead of wasting more time...lots of driving on the ice and we found them after checking few different areas.... Meegs and Willimas spoons both produced in 75 fow.... Done with both limits by 11am...missed and let go bunch more....played a bit with the perch (just dinks today) and Brian had to go back to work....great day out there...started with survival suits on finished in short sleeves Hope the shore line holds for one more trip before season close but it is a bit iffy at this point...pray for couple cold nights... Cannot be happier when I take someone fishing with me and he has such a great day out there... Few shots from the day... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  8. So the time has come Bruce? Good for you....good luck with the moving part and the new place. Looking forward to reading about your first impressions once you settle in. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  9. Well I couldn't find anyone to come with me last night (mainly because of the late announcement) so I went alone this morning bright and early...was fishing by 7am...marked fish right away but they were mostly window shoppers...still managed to get my limit but had to work for it....Chuck found me about 9am so we fished together for the rest of the day. Lost 5 other fish at different locations in the water column ....Beautiful day, no wind at all and warm...snow was melting under my feet. Still no lakers on the ice...one of the lost fish might have been laker as it hit 30 feet up from the bottom while my Meegs lure was going down....but lost it....oh well... Here is the shot of the day....started cleaning one of the fish and remembered I haven't taken any pictures yet so had to put it back together for the shot ha ha ha Really fat and long (25" and 26") fish: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  10. Hey Bruce, simply THANK YOU my friend! Jordan has been talking about the day to his mom all evening How did we nail this beauty of a day I have no idea...especially after the exact opposite day we've had last year. Over 450 smelts...just finished cleaning them...with one break for dinner when we eat about 50 of them. To the rest of the forum...guys...Bruce is one heck of a nice guy....he gave up his hut for the day so Jordan (and I) can have the experience of Jordan's life time....easier to see/catch them by far....Bruce was sitting outside laughing with each caught or missed smelt Jordan was commenting on....in the last 1/2 of the day Jordan was in his best catching 4 to my 2 smelts per minute Had no idea when the time passed....Anyhow...as I said before Bruce....name the time and date ....leave the rest to me....Simcoe./...Lake Ontario or Lake Erie...on the ice or in my boat...I can promise you lots of fun for sure... Now to relax my back as it is hurting a lot....bending over the hole for 6 hours than cleaning smelt for 2 more...I am done....need few days rest for sure....what a day.... Here are few shots from home to compliment the great photos Bruce took today on the ice: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  11. Black/Chartreuse Meeg is what I use with chartreuse small tube on it. Fish it right off the bottom. Cheer, Ice Fisherman
  12. Very cold and windy day....good thing my car was with me to block the wind.... Had great time with couple good friends of mine... Drove over 25km all over the lake in search of those elusive lakers...nada....it looks like this maybe my first ever ice season without Simcoe laker...not sure where they are but didn't see a single one caught by the many many fisherman I've stopped and talk to.... Oh well....got the routine limit of white fish...lost several on thw way up...marked a lot but many of them window shoppers... Then went and got 33 perch.... Now who is going to do all the cleaning Meegs did all the damage today...in 80-ish fow... Perch were suicidal...my MarCUM was lit like a Christmas three all the time non stop...anything I gave them they wanted it Really tired...but here is a shot from the day (too damn cod to do it on the ice).... Both whities were stocked this time. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  13. Lot of people do it the way you described "generous sweep".... that works too some times...but results in often times foul hooking the fish or snagging it. The way I was talking describing almost always you hook the fish in the mouth...you still do one longer movement every once and a while to attract the fish but the rest of the time gentle is the way to go. Again...it all depends on the particular day and mood of the fish...what work one day may need to be changed for the next day...don't be afraid to experiement. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  14. hahahaha pretty close ;-) It was a hog for sure, we may go just for perch with my son as there seem to be decent size ones and plenty of them too Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  15. Right off the bottom for both. very gentle movement. Yes for the tube - white or chartreuse... Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  16. Started bright and early... Went to 88fow with a friend of mine and with my son. Got 3 whitefish by 10:30am and went to the perch ground for about an hour and a half so my son can catch few perch.......mission accomplished The tech data: Williams half/half and Meegs both got me fish as did the W3 perch color rapala for perch. Lots of people on the ice today.....nobody works anymore I guess But have not seen one fish been caught by others....and I drove around....yep...drove my Accord all over....much better experience than walking and very convenient for my son to warm up every time he gets cold....not to mention good barrier for the bad North wind today too 2 of the three whities were naturals. Here is a shot of my happy Boy at the end of the trip: He is already asking me for the next one ha ha ha Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  17. Hahahaha you handle it like a Pro Steve I think you should get serious about chasing them and the whities on a regular basis ............I can tell you'll love it Bud! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  18. OK, one more report to file from today. The usual suspects were on hand for another great Simcoe day.Started 7am and were fishing by 7:45am....got my limit of whities by 9:30am but the lakers were tough. Meegs did all the damage today.... had a minnow line for a change as well......but nada there.....was hoping for some huge laker but maybe next time....checked all the way down to 110 fow but not much luck there. Finally managed to fish together with Crappieperchhunter for the Simcoe big guys/girls....thanks for the great company Steve,we'll do it again....I think you are hook for good now ha ha ha Tough day today as we didn't mark many fish so the goal was to catch most of what we've marked.It worked.... Here is a shot of the day: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  19. Thanks Roy and no need for apology at all. In fact you made a good point so I just replaced the receptacle and here is how it looks now: I believe this is the one you were talking about? Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  20. Hey Guys, here is a new picture of the latest (and final) changes I did this morning to correct the gravity drop situation. I liked it flash to the wall but it could have presented a problem with accumulating trash in to the base of my garage pipe so I've changed it. Just in case someone else does the same project here is the correct way to connect branch line Thanks again to everyone's input. Really appreciate it. No problem Baldy, didn't mean anything personal....thanks for your points as they were good ones. I am just one of those guys who try to do as much as possible myself....saves me lots of money and sure teaches me things I've never thought I could do. Your point about the insurance is valid one but hey....there comes a point when you cannot insure yourself against everything...you simply do the best you can and take your chances for the rest (this is my life philosophy anyways). Most people don't bother with all those permits and there are very good reasons for that. Bob, don't have on board charger yet but am planning on getting one soon. Will keep your advice in mind. Anyhow, this board rocks.......sorry to repeat myself again hahaha I've got great advice here many times. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  21. Not sure and haven't seen anywhere rating on how many HP is the motor. I pulled dedicated separate cable directly from the electrical panel to near the vacuum and protected it with rigid PVC 1/2" conduit. Terminated in plastic box into power outlet. The box and conduit all surface mounted onto the drywall with screws into the joist under the drywall. No extension cords or temporary wiring of any kind. No exposed 110V wiring anywhere. All 110V wire(12/2), conduit and box as per the code requirements. My understanding is a home owner in Ontario can do as much/as little work as he desires on his own house without hiring licensed electrician and everything is working fine. Spoke to two licensed electricians describing what I've done and both said all was done by the rules. I don't think a licensed electrician would have done anything different/better than what I've done myself. Here is a picture of the completed work: Large white pipe is the vacuum, small gray pipe is the electrical conduit. Small gray cable is the low voltage for the vacuum. It runs on the outside of the white vacuum pipe. You can clearly see the main pipe coming out of the basement and the additional piping I've installed that terminates near my garage door so I can vacuum my cars/boat etc. outside. I need to make a small correction where the garage door branch joins the main line....that joint should be horizontal (not vertical as it is now) to avoid the gravity drop in the garage door line. Not a big deal though - 10 min rerouting and new joint. Was going to do it horizontally but decided against it as it will be sticking away from the wall....now that I think about it, functionality should trump aesthetics in this case. Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  22. I would like to thank ALL who have advised me on this (on the board and in PM's). I just came in the house after ALL day in the garage/basement....and everything works yehoooooooooo.....I guess I am half now electrician ha ha ha... First I've tested the vacuum using the existing 15 Amp circuit and even with both garage door going up/down and circular saw going on it didn't trip the breaker....so I was going to leave it like that...but then I gave one more try to finding an easy path from the basement to the garage...and surprise surprise I found a small hole ....went bought 12/2 cable and pulled it for no time....did bunch of gluing for the white vacuum pipe for an extra outlet near the garage doors (for vacuuming my cars) put the 12/2 cable inside plastic conduit, install new 20 Amp breaker in the panel....tight it all up nice and tidy...and....as of 8pm I have functioning vacuum throughout the whole house....huraaaaaaaaahhh It gives me great pleasure when I manage to do things I didn't think are possible for me to do ;-) Thanks again guys! Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  23. Thanks Ted, what if I use the existing 14 gauge wire as a fish line and pull new 12 gauge wire between the panel in the basement and the only outlet in the garage? They share the same concrete wall and straight distance between both is not more than 10 feet....but who knows if the wire bends and curves inside the wall and what might be in between?!!? If I manage to replace the wire I can then change to 20 Amps breaker and problem solved. Also any particular requirements for running the wire on the drywall surface? Cheers, Ice Fisherman
  24. Just bought my first ever central vacuum today and am planning to install it myself in the next few days. I've already done all the piping rough in , low voltage electrical cable pulls, wall inlets, etc. Just need to mount the unit in my garage and power it. Now....my entire garage is on 15Amp breaker. The central vacuum owners manual asks for "20 Amp dedicated circuit". Since I've already finished my basement (this is where my electrical panel is) it'll be tough/expensive to pull a new/dedicated wire from the panel to the garage and use it for the vacuum. I've checked and on the unit itself it says 12.8Amp. I know everyone likes to over-insure things, hence the requirement for 20Amps dedicated circuit. What if I simply pull cable from one of the existing power outlets in my garage and power it that way? And since my garage is also with finished drywall can I run that 110V wire on the surface of the drywall in some sort of conduit/plastic molding? The only other plugged electrical devices in my garage are two garage door openers (2.7Amps each), one light and one double wall power outlet. Can I also change the garage breaker from 15 to 20 Amp? Considering the vacuum is only 12.8 Amp and chances of me running bunch of other high Amp tools in the garage while the vacuum is working is slim to none will this idea work? Thanks.
  25. OK, One more days on Simcoe chasing the whities.... Started 7:30am....not the best bite out there but managed my limit by about 10:30am...same program/lure/depth. You know the story from my last few reports not to bother you with copy-cat reports Nice day with bunch of friends again....managed not to fall from the bucket this time ha ha ha. Everyone in the group got their limit though we had to move once. Anyhow....here is today's shot: Cheers, Ice Fisherman
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