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Posts posted by NAC

  1. I've never fished it yet, but want to put in a 16' kayak next weekend.

    I'd like to target bass for sure any other species would be a bonus.


    Just some basic direction of where to head to on the lake is all. I'll be in Port Perry for the weekend , 2 blocks off the lake at the in-laws.



  2. Nice report Teamster!


    Dang, Stoty sure set the bar high for a 21 1/2 inch bass.


    Nice looking fishies.


    21-1/2" is impressive for sure!


    We'll be fishing near the mouth soon and then I'll start measuring. They get real big moving in/out lake to river and there's nice largies there too. I never remember the OFC sign. :rolleyes:

  3. Sweet console, is that the 140 - doesn't seem as long as I had thought if it is. Nice fish too :)


    It's a Pungo 120.

    Stick with SOT's or you'll wish after that you had... just my opinion. Wink(guy in pics) is going for a sit-on top now. Biggest thing is to look at them all before you decide.

  4. Where were you going to put in? I'm on 3-11 shift tonight or I would join you.



    We ended up putting in at Freeport and fished between there and the weir. We caught a few dozen fish under 14" but not too much with any size. When the sun went off the water the fish became quite acrobatic!! It was a real nice night for a paddle, too bad rowing club thought so as well.

    The water was fairly dirty and gold spinners were the real trick to getting them last night. Caught a few on Senkos and bungee worms as well.

    I think the stretch you fellas ran would have been better.


    We're gonna do a run from Victoria St to Paris in the near future if you're interested? or something to that affect.

    With the price of gas, I'll be doing a whole lot more local fishing in the near future!

  5. Walleyeguy, my cousin from Alberta, was in Toronto on business and wanted to do some Ontario fishing. I decided we should fish the Grand river right here at home in Kitchener. We made the call to the local canoe and kayak outfitter and rented 3 kayaks for the trip from Breslau to Freeport.





    I was wondering if you could tell me if there is a take-out near the College/Blair road?

    We didn't get out last night but are going to try tonight.



  6. Are you getting a little aluminum to scoot around in, or just the house boat?



    Would it be too much paddling to fish there in a kayak?

    any suggestions as to where to put in near Gan? I'm more into pike and walleye, but not opposed to bass.

    I'll be to the outlaws in Lansdowne next weekend and am looking for excuses to disappear for extended periods of time.


    thanks in advance!

  7. great stuff!


    Warning!! once you start catching fish from the yak, it can become quite addictive!


    about the transducer;

    they will shoot thru the hull no problem and you won't have to worry about it getting hung up on anything.

    there's lots of rigging ideas on Yakfisher.net and CanadianKayakAnglers.com - they are both Canadian sites and one is for Ontario.


    Keep those reports coming!

  8. can they skate?

    might be some competition for the Ontario NHL teams!


    I love the idea but dislike the price more.

    The International Bowl has been successful in TO recently, but at a fraction of the cost.

    I personally think it'll do well at a few games but unless the ticket price is under $80cdn, it'll never fly for any extended period of time.


    GO CHIEFS!!!!

  9. I heard of them coming out of Quinte more often than anywhere... and fairly large too!


    there was a study done not that long ago but I can't remember where I read it?? anyone else?

    seems to me they were more common years ago.

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