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Posts posted by NAC

  1. I made some time at noon today to make my way to the Kitchener City Hall for the kick-off to the 40th K-W Oktoberfest and of course the tapping of the keg, not that I could get close enough to see it all. It was my first time going to the opening ceramony after 20 years of festhallen, so this was something new to me. The sausage and beers were already flyin by noon on the temps creeping over 20C leading into a great looking long weekend!


    so enjoy and "Ein Prosit" to all!!!


    oh, and check out my fish I caught yesterday on the Maitland...





    There's Walter Ostenak in the middle loading up on the accordian and belting out the chicken dance to kick it off.











    These two pics are of the same fish.



    first fish of the day



    last fish.






    It was a nice relaxing three hours floating down the Maitland. The water was high, fast and clearing.

    I saw a pool with two old boots swimming around and I saw a couple decent steelies in other deeper pools, with me only having bass gear! :huh:


    Looks like a some great fall fishing on rivers with extended fall season's!

  2. Think they have a good shot this year?


    With the cushiest schedule in the league this year, they should be able to do something. They are playing a real nice game these days, but I'm not in the belief that they'll beat a Tennessee, Baltimore or San Diego(defence). The Raiders gave them all they could handle and look where they're sitting now.

  3. do both or do what you really want to do first.


    Haliburton, SS Marie, many BC locations have colleges in the areas you would guide. Make money guiding while getting your education.

    Could be a little more sketchy trying that out East.


    wish I'd have thought of that when I was about to start my post secondary ed! :rolleyes:

  4. I have a niece that will be a freshmen this year at Guelph. Going there to become a Veterinarian ? ? ? I don't think she got accepted in any Vet schools here.



    Well she'll do her self no harm going to a world leading bio-tech, agricultural, pharmaceutical universities such as U of G.

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