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Everything posted by Fishnwire
It's not like the rest of the country (or world for that matter) is doing so hot right now. I would never defend McGuinty but pretty much everybody who's been in charge in the last year or so was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Liberals and Conservatives alike found themselves in the middle of an economic crap-storm and the best anyone seemed to be able to do was hold on for the ride. I'm more interested in seeing who's able to pick up the pieces at this point, than point fingers at who screwed up.
I found myself somewhat fascinated that people could be so passionate about something. Their efforts are obviously a little misplaced...what with so many real problems facing humanity...but I couldn't help but think that if more people were moved to devote their lives to unselfish service of a (hopefully less stupid) cause they believed in, maybe we'd start to see positive change in this world. As far as these particular hippie burnouts go, they're not doing any harm. They're endangering only themselves, and it's not like any of us would be negatively effected if they actually were able to disrupt the Japanese whaling industry. They're far from being my heros, but I don't look down on them with the kind of obvious distain a lot of people seem to harbor. You are correct about menke whales not being "endangered", they are however listed as "threatened" by the Convention on Internation Trade of Endangered Species.
NF Boat help *please help* dont know what to do
Fishnwire replied to bigredfisher's topic in General Discussion
How bad is the leak? It sounds like it sank pretty fast. Is there a big slash in it? Silicon's not going to fix that, but I'm sure you would have figured that out on your own. Why is it leaking at the plug? I'm confused. Is it just bad rivets? Have you identified which ones? How many? -
I've seen all of Lucky Louie. It was awesome...I was hoping for more. I had totally fogot about that show. Good one, bullybass...you must like obscure shows too.
From reading this thread it would seem an argument could be made that both the Conservative Federal government and the Liberal Provincial government are equally to blame. Are you suggesting we vote NDP across the board from now on?
OK...I watched the first three Whale Wars...you're right about them coming across as "brainless hippies". I can't help but agree that those Japanese whaling boats aren't doing a lot of "research" though. I think they're definitely exploiting a legal loop-hole...but I guess that means they're not doing anything illegal. Why would anyone want to eat whale blubber anyway? Different strokes I guess. Arrested Development was brilliant. I have them all on DVD and it seems I catch something new every time I watch that show. I hear they're making a movie. It'll probably suck. What is "Southland"? I watched the first season of Californication, it was good but I lost interest early on in the second season. I'm not sure why. Same thing with Dexter. I'm downloading Generation Kill right now...It's coming in real slow though, I think its going to take a couple of days or more. I hope it's worth it.
Calling yourself a socialist and implymenting socialist policies are two different things. National Socialist Worker's Party sounded better than World-Domination-Bent Holocust-Creating Rascists. One cannot look to the Nazis under Hitler as an example of socialism is my point. It's an example of the total absence of socialist policy. All I'm saying is that if you agree that big business has too much control over government policy making, and say it's a result of an "ultra-socialism"...you're contadicting yourself. I'm not a socialist myself or anything like that. I just figure one should know his enemy. You might feel we live in an "ultra-socialist" country because of things like Medicare, public education, and social programs...you could blame those things on socialism, but you simply can't blame big business' strangle-hold on policy on anything remotely resembling socialism.
Sounds like you contacted sometime abrasive down there. I've never seen line fray from twist. If you are worried still worried about line twist, always buy the best ball bearing swivels you can. No swivel eliminates line twist but the better quality ones are worth the money. For bass, I tie one directly to my 8 lb Fireline and then tie a piece of Seaguar 12 lb flouro about two foot long on the other side of the swivel. I tie whatever I want directly to the flouro leader and away I go. That'll keep the twist down but I have noticed if I tie a snap-swivel on the end of the leader and clip my lure to that it keeps even more twist out for longer periods. Sometimes the extra weight and the slipping action of the snap kills the action on crank baits though, so watch that. There was a suggestion in In-Fisherman this month about "bulging" a Mepps spinner just below the surface as a top-water bait for bass. I'm gonna try that next time I'm out.
I could not disagree more. Our government is controlled by and interested primarily in the best interests of big business and the owing class. I think most of us would accept that as fact. Nothing could be further from the very definition of "socialism." You're a smart guy Roy, I'm sure you know the difference between Socialism and Fascism. I was surprised to see you make that comment. Heck, compared to the lap-dogs for the ultra-wealthy we have right now, I'd welcome a splash of "ultra-socialist" in the mix. How much worse could they do? Someone who cares more about working people than taking contributions from big oil and the insurance companies would be a welcome change, as far as I'm concerned. Unfortunately, regardless of polital stripes or best intentions, elections are generally won by who spends the most money at election time. To get that kind of money, you simply have to accept contributions from the wealthy. Of course you'll require their "generosity" come re-election time, so you make darn sure you keep them happy in the meantime. Working people can't hope to get anything other than screwed.
I have to admit I didn't bother watching the whole video...a couple moments in and I learned all I needed to. The only word to descripe those guys is "losers." They probably always will be.
The only advice I have is for you to definitely do this. I'm totally jealous. I guess if I had any warnings it would be make sure your vehicle (and your partner) is reliable enough to get you home at the end of it all. Have fun.
Is shooting the ducks the stupidest thing they ever did...or was it posting a video of themselves doing it? Either way, they'll get what they have comin'.
I downloaded the whole first season of "The Wire"...I kept hearing it described as "the best show on TV." I couldn't get through the first episode. It did nothing for me. "Eastbound and Down"...amazingly funny, seen them all, looking forward to more. "Kenny and Spenny" were funny at first, but I'm starting to think its all just scripted. Has ANYONE out there seen an animated show called "Frisky Dingo", on AdultSwim? I'm obsessed with it but have never met/spoken with another human being who has ever heard of it. I'd put a link to some clips from YouTube, but they're not really family friendly. BTW...30 Rock is the most brilliant network TV sitcom ever. Better than Seinfeld and Cheers put together. (IMO) These are the shows mentioned here I've never tried but will be attempting to track down today: - Departures - Firefly - The Guild - Brotherhood - Generation Kill - Primeval - Whale Wars Thanks for all the suggestions. Maybe I'll have some reviews to follow.
I'm confused. You want the government to take active steps to get working people to quit their jobs so they can stay home on welfare? How's that better for anyone? Requiring day-care for the few years between when a new parent returns to work and when the child is old enough for kindergarten is hardly "having the system raise them." It's a necessity for most working people. Forget about single parents...do you think one parent staying home is a financial possibility for most Canadians? Most parents would love nothing better than to stay home and spend every possible minute with their young children, but simply do not have that option. You ask "why have children if you're just going to hand them over to a daycare place?" Are you kidding? You think everybody who uses daycare is being a fundamentally poor parent? Just because you wouldn't benefit from some form of state-assisted child-care, it doesn't mean that thousands of others wouldn't, or that those options shouldn't be explored. The difference between day-care and lawn-care is that enough people are affected by day-care to make it an election issue. That's why we're talking about it. Because so many voters care. Because children are affected. I don't want the government "doing everything for us" either, but that's not what this is about. It's about them attempting to address a problem facing a lot of Canadains...that's what the government is (supposed to be) there for. No? Like I said before, we're not talking about free beer to people who don't have jobs...it's a safe place for working people's kids to stay for a few hours each day while their parents are being productive, tax-paying members of society. I still can't believe anyone would deny them that. Dara I could be way off base here, but it sounds a little bit like you were able to get by without the need for assisted child-care, and maybe you feel that as such, everyone should be equally non-reliant. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same advantages, or faces the same challenges as everyone else. That's what sometimes makes a policy which is necessary to members of one group unpopular with members of another...but nonetheless, still in the best interest of the whole. I have a feeling neither one of us is going to change the other's mind on this issue. So we may have to just agree to disagree. It's been enjoyable talking with you though, and look forward to further exchanges of ideas with you anytime. Cheers and tight lines!
There's a few there a haven't heard of. I'll check 'em out. Thanks, guys!
Dara, I think you missed my point a little bit. I realize that children need to be educated and don't begrudge seeing my tax dollars go toward that end. I thought I made that clear. My point was that although one's natural reaction might be to feel that the cost of educating other's children might seem like an unfair burden to bear, if you think about it for a minute, any clear-thinking person can see that it's the best (and only) option. I was suggesting that it could be argued child care is a simular scenario. It's all fine and good for you to say " single parents aside"...but what exactly do you mean by that? Single parents make up a significant portion of the population, they have problems they'd like to see addressed and they're voting citiziens...it would sure make things easier for the whole system if we could simply cast them aside, but that's not the kind of thing Canadians do. We're better than that. I'm not suggesting we give low-income people free beer, I'm saying maybe they should have someplace safe and affordable for their young children to stay while they're at work. You would really deny them that? Even if you only care about your wallet, you can see it's cheaper to pay for day-care so someone can work than to pay them to stay home not working, not paying taxes and possibly getting other forms of government assistance.
Isn't some form of government subsidized child care a necessity for the thousands of single parents out there who earn close to minimum wage? How else could they get by...quit their jobs and go on welfare? I really don't mean to ruffle any feathers, but I'm curious what other options you think we should explore. Hey, as a childless person, I sometimes recent the fact that my tax dollars "subsidize" an eduacation system for other people's kids. Why should I pay for your kids to learn their ABC's?...well the reason is because it's for the good of the country. It's cheaper to teach them how to read and write today and have them become productive members of society than to pay for them to be unemployed for their whole lives tomorrow. It's arguable that affordable/accessable child care is also a societal cost that we all must bear. Maybe I'm wrong...I'm sure someone will tell me so!
Thank you for that CanadianBoy...I forgot about Rescue Me...I have seen every episode. Amazing show.
I watched Heros from the beginning...I lost interest in it in the second season. All that time traveling/alternate universe stuff just threw me. Speaking of "lost"...Lost completely sucks me in. Good show. Angelina Lily is smokin'!
I actually don't mind having to pay taxes...roads, schools and hospitals cost money...but if the government wants about half of my income, I'd like to see two things happen: 1) Don't waste my money on stupid stuff. I worked hard for that money and if you're gonna take it away from me, do something constructive with it. 2) Tax wealthy individuals and profitable corporations at the same rate as I am taxed...give them the same amount of tax breaks and subsidies (which equals none) as I get. This notion that the super-rich should be exempt from the burden of taxation because they "create jobs" or "drive the economy" is the biggest load of Bull and yet one of the most widely held beliefs. You boss doesn't keep you employed out of the goodness of his heart, he does so because he makes a profit off your labour. He can't ammass wealth without people to work for him. If tomorrow he could figure out a way of letting you go, without affecting productivety, he would do it without hesitation. The owning class is not owed a debt of gratitude by us working stiffs...it's the other way around. Rant over. (For now.)
So I'm on strike and promised my wife I wouldn't spend everyday at camp. I'm bored out of my mind and looking for something cheap (free) to do with my time right here at home. I've been downloading TV shows that I've never seen before, sometimes a whole season at a time. Some of them pretty good and I've been wondering what else I'm missing. I'm talking about non-network shows like MadMen, Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, Deadwood, True Blood, Nurse Jackie, Weeds...if you never heard of those shows you're missing out on some of the best TV ever made. Every episode is like a little movie...like how the Sopranos when it was on...really well made and total engrossing. Anyway, can anyone recommend any shows that might not be on my radar? I'll watch anything good, comedy, drammas, action, whatever...as long as it's well made. No British shows please...I can't understand what they're saying. Thanks, folks.
I do like scent-infused soft plastic...but have tried various spray-on or squeeze-bottle scents over the years, and never found that they're worth the time, hassle or expense. I have never tried the wax kind, but I have to wonder...considering wax is not water-soluable, how is the scent being dispersed?
You're exactly right Jocko. They want to pay the most educated and productive miners in the world what they pay third world shovelers. It's not going to happen. The ore will stay in the ground until they figure out what it costs for a working person to provide for his family in this country. The fact that our government let this foreign company get it's claws into the resourses that belong to Canada's sons and daughters disgusts me, and makes me wonder why young people are dying defending a desert in the middle of hell, while we just give away what has value to invaders who never fired a shot.
Never heard that one before. Brilliant. I'm gonna steal it for sure!