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Posts posted by Ramble

  1. Managed to get away from school on teh weekend for a 2 day hunt. Sunday at 730am i shot this doe walking right down the road to me. I took her at 25 yards with a slug from a 12 guage. She went about 15 feet. About a half hour later i saw a small 6 point but he never presented a shot.





    Saturday another guy dusted a spike with descent body size, and about 2 hours after my doe sunday, another fellow took a doe at about 10 feet. She almost ran him over at his watch with a hound right on her tail. The rest of the group is hunting until saturday this week and there is already 3 hanging. SHould a be a good week for them.


    It was a pretty nice weekend to be out.





  2. i've guided a quite a few people who used them. The older line had issues but the new model is good stuff. They do cut wind and water pretty good. If you're gonna get heavy use outa them might wanna look at some other stuff...just for a little more comfort. THAT SAID.,,,,they do work pretty good. i was surprised.



  3. If you're lookin to kill bugs in a bag put some nail polish remover on a paper towel and seal the bag up. THe ethel acetate in the nail polish remover will kill them over night, and you wont have to deal with the majestic smell of raid.



  4. Oh it's good alright. You dont need to do anything fancy with the tissue just make sure it dries ok. Only need to "cure it" if you're gonna be using the hide. I have a racoon i use for dubbing and bulking up bodies. They arn't the most fun to skin cause of there so fatty. BUT once stretched an dried, you can tie a truck load of flies before you need to skin another one. Usually i just take the skin, or piece of deer hide, and nail it around the edges skin side up to a piece of ply wood and let it sit in a shady place with lots of ventalation. The drier the better. That's is after a good scraping of course. (FYI-If you can sneak it into the house between the furnace and a wall where no one looks is a good place lol) If bugs are an issue in the summer, I through a little salt on it. But that doesnt usually matter much. If it's scraped good the bugs usually leave it alone.



  5. I'm horribly biased towards Kesagami, and the guides are GREAT if i do say so myself (I am one)... lol


    It's a Pike and Walleye outfit. Currently the webiste site is gawd aweful. But it is getting revamped as we speak. Prices on it are correct.


    As far as lodges go price is the #1 limiting factor. It all depends on what you're looking for in a trip, accomidations and how long you are willing to stay. From what i have seen, i'd say 5 days to a week is your best bet for length. I have seen a lot of guest get shafted with 3 day trips due to bad weather in the north part of the province.


    If you wanna chat more about it let me know.


    I'm sure some of the other guys here will pipe in shortly.



  6. Nice set up he has their for the walleye fry. I always like to see what they do in these small operations. Brookies are always beautiful fish. My ex-g/f's uncle had a trout a pound and raised and sold the fingerlings. We went their a couple times and i had a great time with the fly rod. Those stocked ponds are a great way to break kids into fishing with their wandering minds. I bet those brookies were tasty as well.


    Looks like a great family weekend if you ask me. Congrats.



  7. Redhorse...i love'm 1st thing I chase in the spring. I have a report on here from a LONG while back. They can get to a pretty good size.


    Yours is a silver i'd agree, while my is not....guess im gonna have to live with the pretty red colour lol





  8. What a weekend! The weather was beautiful, food was fantastic, and the fishing ended on a strong note.




    Well, let’s get going shall we…




    Friday mom showed up, I piled all my crap into the van and we headed for home. The colour was GREAT. Once home I sorted out my stuff (tossed it in my room and shut the door) Then I grabbed the fly rod and took off for the Moira which is just down the road. I fished the old dam across from the Yardmen Arena. Usually a good spot where I can catch dink smallies on the fly until I’ve had enough or it gets too dark. However, I could NOT raise 1 fish. Since they put the new hydro dam in just down stream, the increased water levels put the places I usually fish under an extra 3-4 feet of water. I tried a few spots the fish should be and NOTHING. I did see massive beaver though…and I do mean massive. It was like an aquatic Rottwieler with buck teeth and a wood fetish.




    The beast watched me from afar and I started wondering if a beaver that size craves human flesh. Not wanting to discover the answer too badly, I moved upstream from the dam. I was fishing a section of the river that wasn’t effected by the new dam, and found the smallies I was after sans man-eating beaver. The biggest smallie that night might have gone 6 inches. Then I headed home at dark satisfied.




    Saturday dad and I were on a time line. We left about 11:30 and had to be home BY 3, or we risk the wrath of my mother. (and that would be worse then finding out the answer to my beaver question is yes)




    We went for a drive up the highway and ended up at Moira lake. The colour was BEAUTFUL and I left the *%&$# camera in the van. Typical.




    I think this was the 1st time I’ve ever fished that lake, and put forth a meager effort. I was just glad to be out. Dad and I were chatting as we tried to entice the fish to bite. When 2 rolled around we headed home with a Skunk we had EARNED. We had the turkey, I endured my sisters ratchet-jawed, boy friend and then I headed down to my buddies place for his birthday party.




    Sunday morning I was out of bed on the second try at about 9:30. Other then a headache I was feeling pretty good considering the evening before. I had some turkey for breakfast and about 10 we loaded up and headed for the County. We took the long way, and eventually ended up at Black Creek. Water levels were LOW. I forgot how the river drops in the late summer, and I bet it was down 3 feet. We headed up stream to find the river choked with algae for the most part. It didn’t look good.








    We were out to see the river more then hammer the fish so we kept going. We’d find pockets of deep water in most of the river bends and I’d probe the depths with a small white spinner bait while dad swore at his algae gathering husky jerk.






    I had one pathetic strike, and we saw all kinds of bait. There was common and golden shiners, creek chub and a whole kaleidoscope of other cyprinids. We turned around and headed towards the big lake.












    On the way to the lake we past this little dude, and with some quick hands we had the 1st catch of the day.








    Gotta love the colours.






    The river mouth to Lake Ontario was more productive. We were now seeing fish follow to the boat and running from the boat. After a bit of fooling around out their. Dad says to me “What are we doing out here in the wind anyway?” I replied “ I really have no idea, wanna get some food and head to east like?” “Sounds good.” So we paddled back and loaded up the van. Had a pop, small bag of chips and some curd from the cheese factory and headed for our usually stomping grounds on east lake.




    We had the canoe in the water about 3pm and headed for…you guessed it the cattails. I tried senkos for the1st time and dad was using a white popper. We had a few small largies to the boat before long. We were both happy to be on open clear water with some cooperative fish around. I never felt, or saw the 1st descent fish of the day pick up the senko, but after the hook set he was scrappy as ever.








    The senko was working well for me. But I was learning quick why my buddy Mark, told me I should by them 3 packs at a time.








    I was well ahead of dad before long, but he was still finding fish with the top water gear.








    Pretty much every point had a fish or 2 waiting.








    We were also working the outside edges on the bulrush beds. Areas like this we found were the most productive.








    Before long I ran through the pack of senkos and switched over to the big-o. The water was down from when I was last their with Sweet Pea, and we had to run them slow to keep them off the bottom. The fish were all over them. It took a little persuading but dad switched up to one as well.












    We would go in and out of fish. Some places were stacked and others were sparse. I had a good stretch of 3 fish in 3 casts. Dad was doing his best to keep up as the sun sunk lower, and graced us with a golden glow.








    The average sized fish.






    We keep fishing the lake side of the cattails, and started working our way back to the launch. We hit a bit of a slow period, and decided to try some coon tail clumps and we were back into the fish.




    The sun sunk lower and we were into some pretty shallow water over a thick mat of vegetation. We were still using our big-o’s and kept the casts short and slow, with a good pause when they hit the water. They'd go about 5 feet before running into teh weed mat on bottom. The 1st fish to the boat was a spunky blue gill. Dad and the fish had a brief “tussle” in the back of the boat, I think it stuck him about six times as it flopped around like an epileptic at a Pink Floyd concert.








    Eventually he got the better of his "trophy" and was glad of it.






    Off a bed of dead pickerel reeds, I hooked up with the best fish of the day. But when she came to the boat I could see she only barely hooked. Sure enough she thrashed and was gone. I thought we were going to get pooched in the good fish department, when dad made a good cast to a point on a clump of the pickerel reeds. He barely moved the bait when a surge of water went racing to his bait from about 3 feet away. WHAM! She slammed his lure, and he set the hook. With only about 12 inches of water she had only one way to go …UP! She danced all the way to the boat.




    Dad was all smiles as he regained his usual place with the best fish of the day.






    Here is another shot.






    With that fish we decided to head back to the dock and get the canoe on the van while we still had a little light.




    All in all we had a great day. We had 40-50 largies to the boat between us and while they may not have been the biggest fish ever they were a damn good time, and exactly what I was looking for. We also landed 2 snot rocks, which weren’t really photo worthy.


    It was a great weekend of canoeing and fishing. Can't wait for redding break next week lol.




    Tight Lines.




  9. As its already been said, line can make a differance. 10 pound mono is my old go to. When i'm using braid i use a Floro leader, as mentioned above, just make sure you tie a good knot. Leaders and snaps can also make a big differance some days, and for some species. Trial and error is the only way to really figure this kinda thing out for your home water.


    tight Lines



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